respec bug



Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Did i disagree?
Sice you felt the need to post a rolleyes and to make the reply you did, it seemed to me you had a problem admitting you overreacted to my Original statement.

As for this statement

"And please stop stating that you have not used respec at all it does not add another feather to your cap of uberness, as i said before you no better than someone how took 10 or 20 respec's it is a game if you are happy with the way the character is going then that is all that matters."

this was not aimed directly at you, as a moderator i take you read a lot of post on here so i can assume you must of seen the amout of so called Leet(or whatever it is) saying how they dont need respec as they researched before rolling and so on, because i know i have read enough of them.

It looks pretty directed at me from what I see..
You said.
"And please stop stating that you have not used respec at all it does not add another feather to your cap of uberness, "
Since I was the only person to say that I hadn't used respec in this thread, it stands to reason that I would assume you were referring to me.
And since the tone of that statement is pretty negatively worded.
I felt the need to comment on that.

After saying all that, you're telling me you didn't actually direct that statement at me, OK fine, and YES I have seen a lot of "leet" behaviour on these forums lately and YES, it generally doesn't impress me, as I feel it discourages people from raising interesting topics for fear of being flamed.
So I agree with your second statement I quoted above.

And on that note, lets drop it and chill out.:) peace.

Madonion Slicer

Consider it dropped, you alright by me Dansk sorry if i came across as personal.

As to the game.dll, i downloaded that file but i am still hearing of people respecing, so i would go with the "fixed tomorrow" part of GOA's news.


Since I was the only person to say that I hadn't used respec in this thread
Actually, I said it too. And it wasn't from a smug, "I did my homework and specced right to begin with you moron" point of view. I only meant to say that since I had already decided to save my full respec for the time being (luxury of being 50), I wasn't personally tempted to use the multiple respec bug, since presumably once Mythic fixes it, everyone who respecced once or 50 times will have no more, and I'll still have mine saved for whenever I decide to use it. :D


they should all have their characters re rolled to lev 10 blademasters on logres server


I was very tempted to try the crazy max parry, max shield or (even worse) max thrown weaps on me warrior. But I resisted and just respecced him once with a little more parry than previously.

I respecced my SM from fairly high dark, to full dark when respec came out. I did however try Supp a lot higher when I found I could. Purely out of interest of what everyone and his pet dog is going on about with this pbaoe. I thought it was crap (definately imo, it seems) and returned to my original respec.

This is the only char I've done this with and it was purely out of interest to see what pbaoe exping is like. I would also like to try out a high summoning SM just to see if the decent pet shields are worth the spec points, but I can't be bothered and I certainly don't want to fall into the cheater or bug abuser pit.


Originally posted by old.Uku
Oh, and btw: Darkness Falls must be closed NOW! since ppl get dimond seals from there, that can be coverted to money, that is unbalancing game economics, and will be changed in next patches.

Heh, nice attempt at trying to be clever - shame you failed.

DF salvage changes in 1.54 are to fix the mess Mythic made of 1.53 - 1.54 changes values back to around the same as 1.52.

Try again :)


eh? so u are say'ing, that 10 seals will still, in 1.54 convert about to 160 G? (or whatever rate atm is)

Thats great news! Really! (i hope u are right)

And me trying to be clever again... hmmm :). why?
I will try next time when i try to kill my opponent. in here. - no point really to waste any effort to it.
(in killing my oponent and succeeding will at least give me moral satisfaction- as that is why i play.)



alrindel i'm a bit curious about what would be accomplished by rolling back chars 1 day so they lose xp etc... now i've respecced my eld from void (origional spec) to mana, to light, to void again (further testing gtaoe), then back to mana, which was my origional respec, and the one i'm sticking with, the other respeccs i've used were just for checking out the other specs, now since i am lvl 37 and respecced to the various "pure" specs, i'm curious about how that's supposed to be abusing bugs ie:

i still only have 37 mana, i dont keep the 37 void and 37light from my other respecs/origional spec, i just have 37mana like if i'd used one respec and one only, so tell me, rolling my char back and resetting my respec (therefore "undoing" my dastardly actions :)) so i can go 37 mana again would accomplish what exactly?

and it's not as if this was an uneven playing field, everyone got the respec bug so if they didnt use it to have a look around the other specs then it's their problem if they miss out on the fun so to speak, and yes i understand keeping it if your lvl 50 so that you can use it to correct further screwups via mythic patches and behind the door nerfs, but nobody who respecced fifty times will have that, option, just like nobody who respecced once will have it, kinda hard to see any outcomes here that make someone's char more powerfull if they've abused the bug other than they've been able to test out the other specs, and since everyone respeccing are able to do exactly the same thing...

let's put it this way, as you lvl you can allocate spec points, if you have a scout who speccs their bow as they level all through the 50 levels, then you have another scout who decides not too bother, who's fault is it that the second scout has crappy bow damage?

everyone's able to test specs, EVERYONE, their own fault if not doing it stops them from seeing how the other specs feel, and at the end of the day, everyone using respec will have only respecced... that's all, can only keep one resec, not two, not 50,000, just one, same for everyone, and ALL those people will have kept that one, for better or worse, not just the bug abusers, EVERYONE, so what's the point in rolling back chars? people who have abused the bug have already tested the respecs, and you can't exactly roll back time itself so that they no longer know what the other specs were like can you.

that said i'm lucky :), i get another full respec when i hit 40 because all my points are in a single line :D, but that's not the point :D

and yes i do have problems with people abusing bugs to gain an unfair advantage, ie bridge bugs, wall bugs (not talking about the easy way out of CM pit either :), i mean rvr one's at keeps), 3rd party hacks etc... but i just dont see how this actually gives anyone an advantage that isnt merely a wider knowledge of the game, in which case you may as well say that so and so is cheating because he knows my class well enough to kill me because he rolled one on prydwen waaaaaa! :), and since everyone has the oppertunity to gain that wider knowledge in any number of ways if they can actaully be bothered, then tough luck to them if they dont do it, if their happy with not knowing how the other specs feel then fine, they're not interested so not knowing isnt exactly gonna twist their fragile little minds :), others may be interested in say, how a light eldritch plays rather than void or mana, so they'll use this to have a look, big deal, christ we're gonna have thought police next :rolleyes:.

let's face it, how likely do you think it'd be if the CoC had a rule saying "thou shalt not be curious nor have an interest in learning, nor of using thought" :p

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