respec bug



im bored at work so thought id make a fun/silly suggestion....

I know many people that have "abused" the respec bug... Personally I dont mind this, but did not play with it as I didnt want to get my "wrists slapped" by GOA.

Now that a very large proportion of the player base has played about with the respec bug, GOA would be silly to punish them, they would really pissoff a load of people and could loose many good players. therefore my suggestion is..... give us good boys that didnt "abuse" the bug a little prezzie ;) Nothing massive or uber, just something for being good little COC followers :p

what ya think?

Madonion Slicer

Can't see GOA bothering to punish anyone for a mistake in the own code, i also cant see them checking the entire database for those who did not respec and giving them something.

If you took advantage of GOA's mistakes and undid a terrible respec then well done, if you did not because you feared the comeback (that will not happen) i hope you first respec is what you wanted.

Personally i think respec being open for a few days was a good idea saved GOA going through a whole load of Rightnow's complaining about how they screwed their respec.


Since Prydwen never is up in Gorre, and there is no charactercopy to test - its the only way to check what is going on in real life. I play hunter. When i figured, that there is a chance to test out Longshoot and Volley - without penalties (loosing respec and sticking to it) - sure i did it. (why penalties... becouse i have read player comments about it, that its not good)

Well. I try'd. And figured that Volley is one of the biggest jokes in game, comparing to Thane's RA, or Skald's one, or u name it, its even worse.

Why? Well in short i try'd using it every 15 minutes as taimer on it, during entire saturday, starting from point that i'm stupid and unskilled, but in the eveneng i gave up. The only successful - if u can call it like that was - when 20 albs where _sitting_ at amgO in big group, then i released 5 arrows, did hit armsman for 170 dmg, and 1 caster for about the same damage. Other arrows where missing or bladeturned.
For 24 rpts - thats... lets say big joke.

Without respec bug i might had tryd it in 'live system' and then i would probobly cancel the accout, since i had f...ed up. or actually Mythic programmers did :p

So if u read that those RA-s for archer are crap. - dont belive - they are much worse.


oh.. dont start justifying your use of the respec bug.... as I said, I dont have any problems for people using it :)
Heck, if I wasnt an armsman with a very simple spec, I would have probably played with it too.

Some great information was gleaned from it too... as Uku has shown :)

im just saying that its a little unfair on those of us that didnt want to abuse a bug. I have been in this from beta and have seen accounts banned/suspended for bug abuse.

anyway, to make myself clear.... I dont mind if u used the respec bug! I have NOOOO problems with it... just those that didnt wana, surely we deserve a little badge to say we were good boys and resisted temptation :)

if they let it go, maybe when the next bug is found everyone abuses that so no-one gets punished again? then thats a little unfair... they will be sending the wrong messages to people if they let this go without ANY action whatsoever. And again before I get flames, I dont mean punish the peeps that did :)

Madonion Slicer

Standing on a Keep wall using screen jump or bridge or wall hacking so you cant be targetted these are bugs, GOA/Mythic screwing up the Respec limit that is just down to not checking or testing the event, how can they justify punishing anyone.

Only possible way they can be sure to get all those that did re respec is to roll the database back to patch day, and that is not going to happen.

Just let it go mate your not going to get a badge or anyother treat and no one is going to get any punishment, GOA/Mythic fault they have to take responsiblity for it fix it and move on.

I know the Rightnow team are breathing a sigh of relief as there respec whines would no be almost non exsist, because if you still have a messed up character after almost a week of unlimited respec's you truely are as stupid as they come.


Actually , I haven't used it at all.
I'm happy enough with my Original spec.



aye, guess ure right... not essentially a "bug" more of an admin cockup :)

I refer to my original post and now classify this as a silly suggestion :)

Madonion Slicer

Cambrensis, 41st level Cleric, Excalibur, Albion

so i take it he is not a smite cleric then :D

If you happy then you happy, no worse or no better than someone who respec 10x til they where happy.


Last May on the Mythic servers, they accidentally introduced a bug that temporarily allowed players to buy rare Legion drops directly from the imp merchants in Darkness Falls. By the time they realized what had happened, naturally, a number of players had filled their vaults with phat lewt. Mythic combed through the logs to find out who had been cheating, rolled back their characters to delete the items (and any exp/coin/seals/RPs they had earned in that time) and in the worst cases, handed out account suspensions.

I don't have a lot of respect for people who knowingly exploit bugs to boost their characters, but I really dislike people who try to justify it with "if they made a mistake that created a bug, then it's their fault - not mine for rushing to exploit it". They are the kind of people who will tell you, "if you forgot to lock your door, that's your fault - not mine for going inside your house and stealing your television" - people you don't turn your back on, ever.

Ideally, everyone who rushed to try out multiple specs over the weekend when they heard about the bug would have their character rolled back to last Friday or so (and if you lost all kinds of experience, money, items and realm points, too bad for you) and GOA should treat this like any other incidence of getting caught cheating - warning for first offenders, and bans for the usual suspects. But concretely, it probably concerns many hundreds of cheaters, and it just isn't going to be realistic to deal with them all, so I guess they get away with it. But a note to everyone who knowingly used this exploit: you have no moral right to complain about anyone else cheating against you in this game, ever again. Someone shooting you from inside a tree or wall where you can't hit them back? Fair play, they're just playing the game the way Mythic made it. Someone owned you because they have a bunch of duped uber itamz? Hey, it's not their fault - it's GOA's for running a buggy game. By your own rules, they're not doing anything wrong. Suck it up.

As for me, I had not used my respec in the first place, so I didn't try to use it over and over, because I'm still saving it "for later". :p


I think GOA should leave this 'feature' in the game. It doesn't do any harm to anyone, and enables one to respec according to what they plan to do.

In fact they should allow different specs to be saved, to make it easier to switch between them :cool:

Madonion Slicer

Come on filling you Vault with 25+ uber drops and respecing you chatacter, they are slighty different.

If GOA did role characters back for respecing and in the end you have to decide on respec not like you actually gain anything from really, it would be a very sad action from GOA.

Punish the really bug abusers out there the ones that wall/bridge/keep hack and the ones using 3rd party programs to cheat please dont waste you time on a respec bug that can cause no harm except allow people to test a spec then keep it or change for another in the end they can only have one final choice then they must stick to it for the rest of that characters life.

Sort out the real abusers, i hardly think unlimited respecs for a few days is going to cause issue.


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Cambrensis, 41st level Cleric, Excalibur, Albion

Correct, That the the char I had in mind.
I may respec the Armsman at some stage, as they have a moire complex skill system, what with all the various weapon skills you can take and stuff.

so i take it he is not a smite cleric then :D
Correct. :)

If you happy then you happy, no worse or no better than someone who respec 10x til they where happy.

Never claimed to be better off or worse off, just noting that in my case I never bothered with the respec for my main.

Madonion Slicer

And please stop stating that you have not used respec at all it does not add another feather to your cap of uberness, as i said before you no better than someone how took 10 or 20 respec's it is a game if you are happy with the way the character is going then that is all that matters.

Why does ever topic on this forum come down to an "i am better than you" drivvel.

in summary catch and punish the real everyday abuser, this respec bug is a mistake GOA made and can cause no real harm.........move on.

Madonion Slicer

Dansk not having ago mate just seems all the topics on here seem to be one party telling another party that they are better because they did or did not do something.

With the all the changes made to characters i think that a respec had to be availible with, i made use of it and i am more than happy with the changes.

Armsmen was S+S, is now Hybrid Polearm with S+S
Wizard was Fire is now Earth not as powerful but very useful tools
Cabbie was body, now Matter simpley i want evil aoe dot

To be honest when i heard that respec was bugged i was going to respec the Wizard to fire again, but i decided to stick with it.

To me it makes sense to have a few days of unlimited respecs as it allows people to make and undo mistakes, hell we only human.

Madonion Slicer

Alrindel very rare i get on the soap box, infact i think this is the first time i have on these boards, but bug abusers is a big issue and would not want anyone to class this under the same hat.

What is it the Police do let the little fish go to catch the bigger ones, something like that anyway.

i'll step down now and take a breather.




Whoa WHOA!
Calm down there boy..
At no point did I say I was BETTER than anyone for NOT using RESPEC.
I simply said I didn't use it, a reasonable and inoffensive enough comment.

Seems to me you're getting a little defensive and reading too much into my post for some reason.
I feel that if anyone's being too reactionary here, it's YOU.

Don't you think you've gone a little overboard with your responses there?...Relax .

Cap'n Sissyfoo

He is just jealous because we are all 'l33ter' than he is. :p


Bug abusers....pfft...burn 'em! Stake 'em! Decapitate 'em!! Make 'em pay for their abuse and then stick a long cucumber up...


Madonion Slicer

That' true sissy :( i am not elite or ever will be, but then luckly this is a game and not really important.

Danks i am posting to fast look up a few post i explain, i am not having ago at anyone i just think there are more important issues.


Ideally, everyone who rushed to try out multiple specs over the weekend when they heard about the bug would have their character rolled back to last Friday or so (and if you lost all kinds of experience, money, items and realm points, too bad for you) and GOA should treat this like any other incidence of getting caught cheating

Great! I spent entire day with absolutly worhtless realmability, to try to figure it out. My best day in RvR ever was 30K rpts.
PLZ! rollback my character and refund the ungained realmpoints.

Oh, and for example if now someone finds out, that Wardens can actually syncronize PBT-s, with 6s PBT, from 8 Wardens will grant almost physical immunity, that that is not as they meant - and will considered exploiting. - All hibierniand will rolled to realm-rank 0 :D.
Becouse also - note. On friday thay say'd that:
Respecialization bug

Currently there is a bug with the full respecialization option. We are aware of this and it will be fixed next week.

thats it.

Well all have theyr options and if u feel that that was cheeting, well good for u. I dont realy care, since in my case i dont feel it.

Oh, and btw: Darkness Falls must be closed NOW! since ppl get dimond seals from there, that can be coverted to money, that is unbalancing game economics, and will be changed in next patches.


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
in summary catch and punish the real everyday abuser

.. report on RightNow and they will, I assure you...


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Danks i am posting to fast look up a few post i explain, i am not having ago at anyone i just think there are more important issues.

I think the sentence you're looking for is "Sorry, I over-reacted"...


A new game.dll is downloaded when starting the game now, so I guess our 'experimentation' is over.

Madonion Slicer

I think the sentence you're looking for is "Sorry, I over-reacted"...

Sorry, I over-reacted, can i go to my room now :rolleyes:


Some people say it still works ... the Game.DLL must be for something else then.


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Sorry, I over-reacted, can i go to my room now :rolleyes:

Sure, of course you can. :)

What's so hard about that, is it so unreasonable, based upon your reaction to me for me to expect that?

Madonion Slicer

Did i disagree?

as for this statement

"And please stop stating that you have not used respec at all it does not add another feather to your cap of uberness, as i said before you no better than someone how took 10 or 20 respec's it is a game if you are happy with the way the character is going then that is all that matters."

this was not aimed directly at you, as a moderator i take you read a lot of post on here so i can assume you must of seen the amout of so called Leet(or whatever it is) saying how they dont need respec as they researched before rolling and so on, because i know i have read enough of them.

I am very much in defense of the little guys, the ones that think they are best thing since sliced bread bore me.

so yes i am sorry if you took offence to my posts, or tho i would say you do take offence easliy as i did not direct a harse comment to by name in any post, but what i did intend was a more broad scope not a direct personal comment.

Getting to the point of the thread if you didn't need a respec then that is cool you have done well with your choices, if you chose to use 5+ respec as long as you are happy with the final result then excellent respec has done it's job.

GOA/Mythic tut tut give you QC boys a slap wrist and move on to 1.53.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
Some people say it still works ... the Game.DLL must be for something else then.

GOA's site says the client patch today is to fix problems with 'Arrow Names' whatever they are!

Respec bug gets fixed tomorrow apparently.


Best thing they can do is to clear the Respec counter one last time and give everyone the 'once, and only once'-Respec.
A final chance to get rid of 'test'-speccs, 'specced-while-drunk' etc.

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