I have never made a New Year's resolution in my life. To make up for this I've made loads for next year.
Get a job. This is probably the most important one as it will kinda help with the others. Luckily there's loads about in the area I want to work in (Sales), so its just a case of getting my arse in gear.
Drink less. I tired of feeling ill on a Saturday afternoon.
Take more pills. Sounds ludicrous I know, but I'd take a comedown over a hangover any day. Comedowns are manageable as long as Ihave lots of weed and a PS2, hangovers make me want to die I think I'll manage this one.
Smoke less cigarettes. They really are bad for you, and cost a shitload. However I am no quitter, and times of extreme stress/drunkeness/rinsedness will no doubt still be seen with a Marly Light dangling from my mouth.
Get a new car. I want a Clio V6 Need a job first tho
[*]Take more pills. Sounds ludicrous I know, but I'd take a comedown over a hangover any day. Comedowns are manageable as long as Ihave lots of weed and a PS2, hangovers make me want to die I think I'll manage this one.
Not a bad idea. Although I always find that pills are kind of like a bank account. Every time you do one, you take a certain amount from 'the account'. After a while you find yourself getting very 'overdrawn' indeed. A nice mongy comedown definately wins over an agonising hangover though.
Mind you, the comedown from a dodgy pill is a trial and a half......
a) Shag around a little more
b) find a bird and attempt a relationship whilst shagging of course
c) drink less
d) get back to Thailand
e) finish off the skirting boards in my house
f) clear my credit cards
g) stop wanking as much
h) not get stressed with work
i) spend more quality time with my mum
j) go on a week long tour of Vienna
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