Resist or Bonus?



Hmmm was thinking about which final chest part I will use,

the thing is either I use the Epic chest with pretty crappy stats with the 100% qua and 35% bonus...

But then I found this roxxor robe with +10% thrust/body...lvl 50 item but with 25% bonus, this make ppl hit me +10% with 35% bonus weapons if im not wrong, at the chest that is, but then i got a 10% resists to thrust, dunno really am I losing alot by having a lower Bonus????

Need some feedback, 10% thrust/body vs 10% bonus dif???

Or am I totaly wrong? :p

Aule Valar

what robe is that?!? it looks rather pleasing to mine eye
what dropped it?
personally i'd go that over the epic robe for stats, but then you lose the fancy looks, which is far ore important

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