Robin the Brave
One of Freddy's beloved
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- Dec 23, 2003
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Kagato said:Agreed, you are. Now kindly go backstab your realm on a different server, kthxbye.

Kagato said:Agreed, you are. Now kindly go backstab your realm on a different server, kthxbye.
Kagato said:pot-kettle-black.
Bloodcore said:should've let TT do it, after a warning its perma isnt it?![]()
Kagato said:Agreed, you are. Now kindly go backstab your realm on a different server, kthxbye.
get out moreKagato said:Agreed, you are. Now kindly go backstab your realm on a different server, kthxbye.
kirennia said:yadda yadda yadda
Kagato said:To me an elitist is a minority of people who disrespect people that do not follow their beliefs or standards and tries to force people to toe their line.
Kagato said:Its no coincidence that after your failed betrayel all the 8 v 8 lot went to another server. You back stabbed the whole of your realm because your minority did not like their 8 v 8 being unbalanced, that is elitism. But at least they had the decency to leave afterwards.
Kagato said:I believe people should play how they want to play so long as it does not spoil the enjoyment of others There is nothing elitist about that, what you did breached this.
Muppet said:funny how this thread is being completely derailed from 2nd post and all the "attention" folk (this doesnt apply to all, but those that feel offended by this will know who I mean) come out to join in and add more rubbish to the albion section of FH.
Kagato said:And since when did a FH poll cover all the player base?
Since when did this only effect the AC raiders? the ENTIRE REALM benefits from that keep, that keep effects everyone in albion both as a keep and from having a relic in it.
Your actions did not just backstab the AC raiders if you want to call them that, it backstabs all the albions that play as wether they took part in the raid or not that keep benefits them as does whatever relic it holds, and believe it not, not all of those albs get involved in FH polls, heck alot of my friends refuse to even look at these forums, for which I do not blame them.
Yet you want to dictate to them wether they can have a relic or not just because you disagree with how some people took it. You want to punish a majority for the actions of a few and try to justify it with a poll only a fraction of the player base will see, let alone answer and which covers 3 realms, which is naturally going to go 2 - 1 by pure maths of those who benefit and those who don't.
And no, I never said all that answer that poll should leave, I said you who was directly involved should of had the decency to leave with the other traitors.
kirennia said:Gonna highlight some key points from my post again...please don't just read and respond, try and comprehend what'd being said this time...
A drop of over 400 people each night within the past month is far from a minority.
So you think everyone who agreed with us should leave too?
284 agreed with us, 88 didn't from that poll. I'm sorry, who's the minority again? You want over 3/4 of those who votedto leave the server? You're a bloody nut job if you don't see the irony of your statements. You say we're wishing the server dead because we stood up for what we beleived in, trying to help people yet you're telling 284+ people to leave the server.
Spoil the enjoyment of others like some have by AC raiding? It obviously does spoil the enjoyment of others as otherwise all these people wouldn't have left the server.
Nowhere did I say that a FH poll covers 'all of the playerbase'. It's still over 3/4 of those who posted who voted that we did the right thing but you still don't get that. I also know plenty of people who refuse to post here so that is a moot point.
As for the leaving the server point, you've already said in another thread, ooh look they're all leaving anyway, what a suprise! and yet now you're saying we should leave anyway. It's only a way of making yourself seem right, whatever is done.
You say the ENTIRE realm benefits from that keep though, but that doesn't mean they want it. I'm pretty sure midgard on the whole didn't want warlocks as a class because it further thinned out their playerbase between more OP (but not group viable) classes.
We didn't backstab the entire realm. This isn't a REAL war just so you know, it's a game and I don't care what people say, I have as much respect for hibs/mids as I do albs. Just because nearly all of my friends came from albion, it doesn't mean that people I don't know are instantly people I should disregard.
Kagato said:You missed the point of as much of my posts as you claim I did as yours.
And just because I wholeheartedly disagree with you, does not mean I did not comprehend your point, I simply do not think your point is valid or is biased.
And I also have the upmost respect for many many mids and hibs, heck more so then a great deal of albs.
But the people I do NOT respect in the slightest are people like you and the others who deliberatly backstab their own realm mates. I'd condemn those actions and have done before from any realm, hib mid or alb, even if those actions benefitted me.
People like that I would rather not play with at all, and certainly don't want as a so called ally, and it disgusts me even more coming from people like you i'd of thought incapable of such dispicable actions.
kirennia said:Okay, I'll just ask you this for now then (it's getting late):
Do you think we sat down and thought 'We're doing quite well at the moment, lets go and try to annoy people as much as possible!' ? Ignore the effects of our actions, ignore what you think of these actions, that's the only question I'm wondering at the moment because from your posts, that's the basic trend I'm starting to see...
Kagato said:I don't think the sole motive of every single person involved was just to piss of the realm no, but I don't doubt for a minute that some people, especially certain ones I wont name here, did do it partially because they wanted to get a kick out of the reaction it would cause.
Either way this is one issue we will simply have to agree to disagree on and this is getting grossly off topic so feel free to continue this in pm's if you want or in-game.
judas said:Kir 1 - Kagato 0.
as usual.
ps. Making the game more equal for everyone aint backstabbing.
Kagato said:Someone called judas lecturing us on backstabbing?
bah! touche.Kagato said:Someone called judas lecturing us on backstabbing?
Blow said:What guild claimed it at the end untill we lost the relic?
Kagato said:Someone called judas lecturing us on backstabbing?
swords said:
The amusement and mirth are meerly a side-effect realy. Should another guild have done the same and generated the same sorts of comments then my response would have been precisely the same. Had these moronic comments been missing then the reaction would have been entirely different.
Still, you have to be true to yourself and admit when you find some things about this very funny indeed.
Eeben said:did anybody call you? i dont think so , so how about you just fuck off..
Kagato said:Seeing as he was refering to things I had said in his post and named me then YES they called me to respond, so you sir, can kindly fuck off yourself, thankyou.
Eeben said:if you said in a post that everybody from TT are treason artists who murder small children and destroy the "spirit of the realm" on purpose because they loweret the keep so you cant get your rps on your hardmode armsman you should really get out more tbh![]()
Kagato said:I don't think the sole motive of every single person involved was just to piss of the realm no, but I don't doubt for a minute that some people, especially certain ones I wont name here, did do it partially because they wanted to get a kick out of the reaction it would cause.
Either way this is one issue we will simply have to agree to disagree on and this is getting grossly off topic so feel free to continue this in pm's if you want or in-game.