Reply to the closed thread about LA



Originally posted by Jaem
And whats with this PA not popping bubble I've been hearing?

PA still works.

Problem is that styles from stealth plain simple get lost.
Think of it as this, you hit the style button, but only make an unstyled swing at your target.
If your PA get's lost, you do only an unstyled attack, which doesn't break the bubble.


ok the inf in that pic is using one of the slowest 1h alb slash weps around 3.5/3.6 speed, your armor is weak to slash, his is neutral to slash.

was he buffed? if so what level buffs?
did he have abs buff?
did he have haste buff?
did he purge your debuff?

what weps were u using?

pre 1.62 i was hit regularly between 180-320 by SB's now they hit me for around what my scout hits them for and im 50+13 thrust and buffed, usually though the sb hits for slightly more.


Re: Re: ...

Originally posted by old.Hellskor
with the changes to LA, SBs need every little bit of faith they can get hold off ;)

hahaha :clap: :clap:

Berz Blackburn

Originally posted by Rollie_David
ok the inf in that pic is using one of the slowest 1h alb slash weps around 3.5/3.6 speed, your armor is weak to slash, his is neutral to slash.

was he buffed? if so what level buffs?
did he have abs buff?
did he have haste buff?
did he purge your debuff?

what weps were u using?

pre 1.62 i was hit regularly between 180-320 by SB's now they hit me for around what my scout hits them for and im 50+13 thrust and buffed, usually though the sb hits for slightly more.

was he buffed or not he still hit harder than me having the best buffs possible so if he was unbuffed thats even worse ;p

the slowest 1h alb weap is 3.6? lol i m using a 4.1 speed weapon so i should do way more dmg ^^


yeah SB's plain suck nowadays, with 65axe and 54LA an inf's offhand weapon hits harder than my mainhand :clap:, mainhand dmg ~100-150 not counting crits :)

We might have a chance against bluecons, but if they're buffed I doubt it :m00:

So improve CS styles or Axe/Sword styles so that we SB's can do some dmg again? :)


And/or give us those extra 0.3 speccpoints that infils get for that obvious reason...which is..........??????
Me and a friend where camping apk earlier today and a infil comes around...we kill him but he manages to ress himself using a bot. After a while he comes back for revenge he hits my friend with a dragonfang and finishes her of while she is stunned....during this time i am hitting the infil for everything that i am worth. When he is done with my friend he turns to me and uses vanish - PA - CD and with that stun i go down too.......both me and my friend are RR5 and we have a really nice buffbot. Isn't something wrong here? The infil had 2 instawin buttons, DF and vanish...what did i have? Should i counter his vanish with shadowrun? And where is my evade-stun? I figured infils got more speccpoints cause they had to go all the way up to 50 in thrust to get an evadestun style......but now SBs need to go all the way to 39 in a useless style to get a stun, which is both shorter in time! and needs a pre-style to land first. I can see no viable reason for infils to get more speccpoints...and i doubt that any of u can either.
And shadowrun vs vanish?...for the love of god!! I wouldn't even buy shadowrun if it cost 3 realm skill points. And giving us a crappy class-RA like that for 10 RSPs?...thats just a slap in the face.

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