Reply from Goa about my lvl 50



This is the first letter i got from them

We have recieved several reports of scamming on the server Excalibur. After investigating these incidents we have found several characters from your account to be involved and the main culprit in the scams. The 19th this month you created several characters, pretended to be a high level crafter and tricked people into giving you money which you kept and logged.

This is a serious violation of the code of conduct, which you agreed to when you logged into the game, and due to the particularly malicious manner and intent of the scams, your account has been permanently terminated.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

This is the reply

You are responsible for your own account. We do not take actions against you personally, we take actions against the account which violated the code of conduct. The reason for this is that we have no way of even remotely verifying who is sitting behind the computer at the time of the incident. I believe you when you say it was not you personally, but unfortunately this does not change anything. The account will not be reopened.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support


OUCH....thats not right if you been hacked surely they can reopen ody for you even if you had no equipment or cash


This is my reply
I am devistated that you are going to close my account. I am going to seek Legal aid over this because you have denied all my rights. It is totaly unfair in the way you have handled this. As i am a paying customer i will want all my money back for which i have spent inot the account yet again it kills me to see you not open my account. you say it was me and asi i told you i work in a net cafe. Even though it was not me i would like to state out that if it had have been me it would have been a first ofence yet you ban my account. It is easy for you to just close my account but can you not for one second just say to yourself that it was not me. As i have told you i work in a net cafe and i am aware that someone has keylogged my account. Now i have searched through all the cameras and i have come accross the culpret. He has been permently banned from my place of work. I wish you could just think what im going through losing my account, how would you feel if i was to take your account ? and you put a year into it and you knew that someone hacked/keylogged it. Well so be it I want full pay back for the game shrouded isles and for the 11 months i have payed for.

Yours sincerly


Is the moral "Don't play in Net Cafes?" or "As if it matters - it's a bleedin game - not real money etc etc"

From a Roleplaying sense - what if your char is a blagger/robber - who's to stop you scamming money, bit harsh I think.

And after all chaps - it IS a game.


No matter from where you play or how much firewalls etc you have. You account can still be hacked.

Get that! If anyone is after you or a bored 1337 cracker hax0rz kiddy gets on your maschine then youre f****ed and you cant do anything against it.

Sure GOA cant know who was playing at that time but a perma ban is not the way to solve this(but the easiest i must admit)


man that sucks big time

but again another reason why u should only play the game at a secure location

seems weird taht goa would ban your acct on the first strike mind u. If thats the case then there would be a lot more peeps banned


goa acting like asses... hope they change their minds


Damn i wonderd why i couldnt log on..

.. i mean.. err.. .


thats really bad play of GOA
if they banned people at first offence i guess alot here would be banned..and when they say it was a violation against the CoC then their wrong imo
isnt the GOA COC the same as the mythic one?
well if it is then that culprit did the same actions as the well known NERNER from mid/some us server and he didnt get banned for stealing/scamming ...

i hope u are able to do something :)

X crossing my fingers for ya:rolleyes:


imo , goa should sort themselves out, banning somebodies account, for getting scammed, tad harsh - and the the money and time spent on it for some french tard to close it down . not on imo , we shud start a petition and send it to goa (maybe a death threat / bomb warning on the GOA building :p)


If you have hard evidence try to convince them to review it and see if they will change their minds.


ouch man :( thats really harsh and shitty, i know how much time it takes to lvl a char to 50, and they wont give you it back:(

i agree with previous posters, goa need to sort themseleves out big time stylee.

Good luck with the petition, im sure many in-game friends and BW posters alike will back you up here.


:( Thats pretty bloody cheap of GOA tbh.
Thought they could only veiw the last 3 deleted chars of an account on their database anyway?
Hope things get sorted.
And anyway, atleast you got a fookin reply from them, I've been waiting 25days for a reply from Rightnow...
I mean, I know theyve changed their staff. But c'mon 25 feckin days!


if i lost all my chars etc ~150days played on all etc id really be mad if goa didnt do anything about it (wich they probably wouldnt), id even considering takeing the revange on them irl, ~150days is alot of time, and even if it was less, its still insane how they cant see how much value/fun and other things they destroy with banning ppl/or not helping ppl when they get hacked.. :(


Oh ffs, we're understaffed in lvl 50 Nightshades as it is GOA!!! Always knew Albion was your favourite realm :D

Seriously though put my name down on the petition if you like, would also be interesting to hear from someone who believes they might of been scammed by you and see how they feel about it. You've said your willing to pay damages to anyone and everyone you can and to me this shows a willingness to make amends for your actions and from the way having your account banned has obviously upset you shows true repentance and I seriously doubt you'd try anything so stupid again, especially as GOA have proven that they can catch you and stop you so easily if you do break probation.

Now please don't take offense at the way I appear to be taking the stance that you are guilty. TBH I believe you about the whole keylogger thing and that you were not the Player Behind the Keyboard at the time of these scams. I have however written out the above as a way of showing that even if it was you, so what? How difficult would it really be to give you back your account with a written warning stating that any repeat incidents WILL get you banned for life...Seems fairer to me tbh as i think GOA are being abit harsh in their judgement on this one.

So come on GOA, I think even if this guy did do the scamming himself he's learned his lesson and won't do it again....Unless he's a fool of course :D


Off point but Lo Mar u and Doozer still keeping the Axiom name alive lol


You accept to abide by their will everytime you log into the game. They are in their full right to do whatever they deem necessary.

You always have the right to complain, though I would advice you to get someone to run through your grammar next time as properly written language gets taken more seriously.

Best of luck with it though. Hope you manage to prove it was unjustified.


Givf sticky imo, and goa please sort it out


sorry but imo GOa are being pretty reasonable.

Or else anyone who scams just says "I got hacked"

However. The very least thing they should do is check out the IP address that was connected at the time of the scams.

If it was a completly different IP address (outside of this Internet Cafe domain) then maybe they should relay this information onto you so you can take the legal route of finding out who had that IP address at the time in question (far from easy but ISP's have to give this information if legally required.).

However if the IP address that was connected at the time of the scam is in the Internet cafe domain then you werent hacked, you just werent carefull and either scamed yourself or let someone else scam from your account by being careless with access to you account.

Either way, I can appreciate that this would be far to much work for games company to go through. The bottom line is they researve the right to CLOSE any account as they see FIT. You agree'd to this when you play the game.

Legally you dont have a leg to stand on. They could ban every single player if they wanted to for no reason.

You could still perhaps save your account but you need to re-angle your attack strategy.

If you are trully innocent go down the IP address road.

Tank Init

why would someone hack into your account then help u to make lots of money?
sounds a bit iffy to me



thats what I was thinking. If they were cuntish enough to pull the nermer scam on people, they would defo be cuntish enough to /delete you and fence all your items off to other people. And hacking is still risky would be much easier to get a new account and use that to pull the nermer scam.

Plus GOA would know exactly what happend to the money that was scammed. If that money stayed on your account, then the "hacker" would have to be very dumb.

point is its all too confusing. So if in doubt account gets banned. its harsh if you are innocent but serves as a reminder not to give out account details and to be careful about playing in Inet cafe's


Very Valid point.
but did you ever think to yourself that it could have been a milicious attack against me? well imho i think i twas i didnt even notice anything on my acc.. anyway thanks for your support Censi always greatful for the negitive post...


sorry but imo GOa are being pretty reasonable.

Erm ok Censi, explain your definition of the word reasonable please as i think it kind of differs from my own.

Reasonable in my book does not = just closing down someones account and then turning around and saying "I believe you when you say it was not you personally, but unfortunately this does not change anything. The account will not be reopened." when he tried to explain what happened.

As for
Or else anyone who scams just says "I got hacked"

Well fair enough, i can see your point, however surely everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt? Ask yourself wtf you'd be like Censi if your account got hacked then terminated and then when you tried to appeal all you get is a "Tough Titty" response? Hey great news peeps! All i need to do to get rid of somone is hack their account, scam some nOObs, then sit back and watch them get banned from the game...Woo Hoo!


so if i make a 12month subscription they can just close my account for no reason/vague reasons and keep all the money?

no chance in hell i will ever make a 12month subs now. and not in internet cafe either.

and yeah, why would it be illegal to scam people...isnt that kinda roleplaying? daoc community still works good enuf to sort with arses, just see recent toymashine stuff.


People cant 'hack your passwords' easily or it would be happening all over. Its wrong to say that any joe could do it, ive been writting games for over 20 years and i know how to do it, but I doubt there are many others who play this game would know where to start. Phear a world where pissed off teenagers could actualy fulfill their hacking dreams beyond writing some crappy VB script.

As for your letter, well I would try a bit of role playing, imagine you worked for GOA and recieved that letter, would it aid your case? Perhaps you should get a friend to help you as I dont feel a tone like that is actually going to help you. They are 100% within their legal rights, you clicked ACCEPT to all that quite a few times and your only hope is appeaing to their charitable side, not threatening with poorly written legal threats and demands for cash.


People cant 'hack your passwords' easily or it would be happening all over.

yes they can. Most of the crappy old scholl prebound trojans are good enough to do the job and you can go to web sites that just explain step by step exactly how to do it and even give you the files. Would take your average PC gamer about 30 mins to work out how to do it and send a trojan to someone.

Getting hacked is common. And its amazing how many peeps dont use virus checkors or FW software.

Im not having a go at you lurilove. I dont know if your innocent or not m8. GOA have a lot more evidence at there finger tips than me. However, if this was a malicious attack against you then the most malicious thing they could do is /delete and then make 8 new lvl 1's for your pleasure.

A malcious person would not hack you, then scam peeps on you your account. Leave you all the acquired wealth, then hope you will get perma banned. Much easier to just /delete etc... and much more effective...

GOA arnt banning you for there own personal enjoyment. They are banning you to protect other players and the general integrity oof the game.

anyways, use it as a fresh start. Buy a cheapo account with a lvl 50 and start again.


If it was another unauthorised person using your account , why did they make new characters on your account? Why not just use your main to scam ppl (after all ppl are more likely to trust a lvl 50 whose spent time on the char , than a new grey con lvl 5).
Sounds to me that whoever was doing it was trying to preserve your main from any backlash and that doesnt sound like a hacker.


Originally posted by censi
yes they can. Most of the crappy old scholl prebound trojans are good enough to do the job and you can go to web sites that just explain step by step exactly how to do it and even give you the files. Would take your average PC gamer about 30 mins to work out how to do it and send a trojan to someone.

Getting hacked is common. And its amazing how many peeps dont use virus checkors or FW software.

Running a trojan that someone sent you isnt the same as being hacked. I concede its easy enough to have your keys logged or somesuch if you run random programs people send you or your machines access rights are setup so that others can. Its a matter of how seriously you take your PC security I guess.

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