Remove Battlegrounds ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
One of the most fun things I have had in Thid was when I played my SB (very far from opted in any way you can ever think of) and trying to outwit 2 chanters by "blinking" here.. then there.. trying to make them spend there mana looking for me with there PBAE whyle I was moving around them... In the End I managed to kill one of them and almost the the other aswell.. but he got me before I got the last one in. Was nothing fotm about that, just some fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
knighthood said:
Just a thought before u go Flaming me to hell...

I mean when u got like 80 odd people zerging in thid, thats 80 less accounts that could be in Real RvR and stuff right? , and a lot of people do play Thid still, and lets be honest, it DOESNT get u a bit of experience for Real RvR cos

Discuss :)

ask your self why people prefer to play in BG's than RVR and you will have your answer with whats wrong with RVR

Thid is a more level playing ground and therefore more fun.



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
I miss Caledonia! No one had ever heard of BBs back then, every fight was good old unbuffed mode.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The truth is this, Thid is more like what RvR was originally supposed to be like until Mythic started added insane amounts of overpowered addons. I have had more fun in Thid than I have had in level 50 RvR in the last 3.5 years. For the first year of DAoC the level 50 RvR was a fucking great laugh and everyone had a chance to shine, after that it all became one big arms race to remain competative and RvR has never been the same since. Back when the game started RvR felt pure, now it just feels like an exercise is spamming overpowered RA's and artifact charges. No more for me sadly, I should have called it quits for good along time ago as I haven't enjoyed the RvR in many years.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ok i concede defeat, keep em :(

Hope the new 45-49 one dont pull even more away from RvR tho lol


hmmm ok my thoughts on thid ................ I havent been playing daoc very long and as a newbie ( yes there are some) thid was an experience the positives were that actually learnt how to play my palla it took me ages and i was pants for a very long time, but eventually got to grips with it, if i hadnt done thid and learnt how to do pvp there is no way i would now be doing rvr. The negatives.............. I must admit to nearly cancelling my account and quiting the whole thing a few times due to players in thid and no i dont mean players from enemy realms! There was a complete lack of support or understanding for some one who had never played before and was running their 1st toon, some people were positively rude and nasty.
i think some times people need to be reminded its only a game its supposed to be fun.

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