Remove Battlegrounds ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Just a thought before u go Flaming me to hell...

I mean when u got like 80 odd people zerging in thid, thats 80 less accounts that could be in Real RvR and stuff right? , and a lot of people do play Thid still, and lets be honest, it DOESNT get u a bit of experience for Real RvR cos

A.) Theres no op RA's , ML's and classes dont have thier super spells yet that youll die or have to counter in real RvR.

B.) There's no new players anyway so everyone has Experienced RvR by now

c.) People will roll less Bonedancers (lol sorry had to get that one in)

Ignoring C tho , i "personally" think we shuld just get rid of em, no one uses 1-19bg or 25-34 anyway, Molvik isnt exactly thriving, or Leirv, maybe keep the 45-49 one theyre gonna implement i spose, i mean why would u want to waste 200000 hours getting up to 350(or is it 750 now) in thid when u can get that in one kill in the last Bg or Real RvR. As i said this is a personal oppinion, i couldnt stand the BG, too many Fotm op classes that ruin it for each realm anyway, and it might force some back into Real RvR more and liven it up a bit .

Discuss :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
The BG's are fun.
Why would you possibly want to remove a fun aspect of the game?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
BG are fun ? Well like i said its a personal oppinion, but i stated my reasons for it ABove...

I recall back in the old days when Relic raids and shit was happening or some other major important event, and tons of people didnt come defend thier land (yes i dont pay thier subs but some of us wasted countless cash etc to protect our lands so the others can benefit etc :) ) , and we did like /who thid and there was about 50 odd people in there.

A lot of people spend way too much time in there, and it also develops hatred more easily constantly stuck to the same people , doubtless many of which can farm u over and over and over with thier groups or super templated killing machines like vamps or bd etc,, i mean just look at all the FAO: threads in the bg sections. In the end its all down to personal preference as i said, but i myself really dont see the point of spending so much time in the BG's when as people say, for a lot of people the endgame is most important (not for me i like pve too) but surely the BG is the same thing as the endgame but with less rewards all round ? other than maybe getting your e-peen bigger with some title early on :p


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
if they remove bgs from the game then il quit i have so much fun in the bgs if u dont then no need to make silly thread like this then is their, all about opinion.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
i dont care about the rps in bgs(not that i rly do in real rvr either) but about fun, lol actually the only reason u play a game is to have fun


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2004
BG's are fun and they are good for more casual players, especially now you can turn RP and XP off.

Some of the best RvR is often to be found in BG's and it always makes a nice break from the inherent problems of "Real RvR".


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
People don't go thid for rps lol, they go there for fun or learning their class or like me due to time lack not being able to compete at 50rvsr cause I ain't got the time to do 10ml 5cl.


Jan 22, 2005
Why would you? Silly thing imo, some people enjoy Battlegrounds, maybe because you do not like it doesn't mean it should be removed from the game. Alot of people need it for RPs and it is a nice learning curve for new players.

Some people will argue that it's not fun for new players because of SCed/ToAed people but imo that is a good learning curve because believe me you will come up against much, much harder things in 50 RvR, casters hitting for 600 every 1.2 seconds, and so on, Battlegrounds is only a small learning curve that prepares one for RvR. Thus, I think Battlegrounds are important, and it's good fun, much more relaxed. xD


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
i used to spend a lot of time in thid and found it great fun

if i wasnt in a set grp for 50 rvr i wouldnt bother soloing at 50 coz u get rolled so much. how would another 80 ppl in rvr help rvr ? will just make it more zergy than it is already .. with irvr being fotm most rvr is in a too small a area anyway more ppl would be even worse.

im thinking about rolling a lvl 49 so that i can have fun solo in the new BG and avoid opted grps rolling me when i wanna solo tbh

long live BG's ! !


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Not even going to read this..

Why would you want to remove BGs? What about the fact that not everyone has the time for 'Real-RvR'? - God, stupid post.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Heh if u read im not saying to remove them because i dont like them :p

I listed the 2 main reasons... And they wouldnt anyway , but it just seems with peoiple allways moaning how dead RvR is becoming it might actually get a few more out there into proper RvR :)

My other thought was a lot of people play BG cos they can just /lvl 20 to Thid and so insta get out there and kill things, tho, ive allways agreed /lvl 20 shuld be removed anyway so lol.

Like i said, not saying get rid of em cos i dont like them, it was just a different perspective of looking at it so calm down :)

PS. (I suck at BG :) )


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
personnaly, i hate bg's, cant see the point in them and its counter-productive...
even though getting rid of them would drasticly slice the population...

especcially thid, with /level 20 there is now no need to even try to get anywhere... just roll a class and have some fun, /xp off is probbly the worst thing mytic have done...

the idea of having a bg, rvr for lowbies, confuces's me... the idea of the game is get grab relics for your realm... theres no relics in bg's...

mythic have lost sight of the vision and in there wake the've created a game with little to no structure


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Aiteal said:
The BG's are fun.
Why would you possibly want to remove a fun aspect of the game?

becaue its not fun anymore unless ur one of the OP classes with capped+overcapped everything. BG's were something u could stroll into whenever u had the chance without worrying TO much about what gear u had, u still had somwehat of a chance if u met someone. now, unless ur fully "ToA'd" and BB'd u dont stand even a snowballs chance in hell in there.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Overdriven said:
Not even going to read this..

Why would you want to remove BGs? What about the fact that not everyone has the time for 'Real-RvR'? - God, stupid post.

what diffrence would it make if they log on their lvl 50 and rvr for a hour or logging on their most OP toon they could find and rvr in thid for a hour?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2006
The hole in your logic is as follows:-
You think that there are 80 people in BGs & therefore if you remove the BGs there will be 80 more people in RvR afterwards.
In reality there could equally probably be 80 more closed accounts ... or more likely 4 more people in RvR, 8 more people solely PvEing, & 68 more closed accounts.
L50+ RvR sucks compared to BG RvR unless you're relatively near the top of the food-chain (IMHO).


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 3, 2004
Though i do understand where your coming from, it would be bad for the game as so many people enjoy the quick and easy fun of the BG's. Not everyone, like Overdriven said, has time to stand at a keep yelling "LFG" for an hour only to get a group then die to the first group of high rr you see. In the BG's, everyone is equal ;)

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
knighthood said:
Heh if u read im not saying to remove them because i dont like them :p

I listed the 2 main reasons...
Yes you did. :p
And the 2 reasons is just bollocks trying to get away with it :m00:


Dec 26, 2003
Ctuchik said:
becaue its not fun anymore unless ur one of the OP classes with capped+overcapped everything.

How sad - if you dont like em dont play in them but to say you cant have fun if you dont play an OP class is patently untrue.

Unless you consider winning every 1v1 v every other class in the game to be your requirement for fun???

I mostly play my mend spec cleric and its a blast yet theres nothing I can win a 1v1 against :)

If BG's went I wouldnt switch to 50 rvr because its dull - I'd just cancel my subs like a lot of other folks would.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2005
I have to say that I do not like the idea behind this post

I am in TOTAL agreement with Aeris - nice one mate :)

I have been playing DAOC since weekend of SI release and I still do not have a char with its rr5 ability - I have a handful of 50s and many many bg chars - Leirvik mostly.

I have tried bigboy RvR many time and as Aeris said shouted LFG for a while got in a grp and died within a minute to a high RR grp - that was fun.

So In short I play BGs where I can easily template and finish off a character where I have an equal or better than equal chance of competing.

I just dont have the time to sort a char for real RvR.
Psycho's response saddens me - His sig has 5 level 50s all ML10 - plus others he claims - he claims all crafters to LGM - That is a SERIOUS devotion to Daoc - Please I really want to know - add up all your /played and tell me how much time is needed to be able to run with the big boys....I just dont play Daoc like that - I play for brief fun in various BGs - so to want to remove it is sickness.
So in short this is how I imagine the theory behind this post would be.....

<<poster sat at his pc playing DAOC but RealRvR is a bit quiet or only has another high Realm rank group which keeps whooping his grp>>

"I wish that real RvR had more fodder so that I could farm more yummy Rps!"
<<Poster has idea and starts rubbing his sweaty hands together with glee>>

"I know! - if we binned the BGs all those BG noobs would have to come play Real RvR with their lowbie realm rank toons - it would be Christmas a real RP feast - WHOOOOPEEEEE"

<<poster gets his crappy idea down on FH>>


I am sorry if that was not your intention Knighthood - but it certainly looks that way!

Kromax - 50 Zerk
Medmax - 50 Aug healer
Darkgoat - 50 SM
Lifetapping - 49 SM
Wayn - 44RM
Grimlock - 44 WL
Shamimax - 44 Shaman
Waggler - 24 Thane
and a couple more BG toons to fill my one account


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
knighthood said:
Just a thought before u go Flaming me to hell...

I mean when u got like 80 odd people zerging in thid, thats 80 less accounts that could be in Real RvR and stuff right? , and a lot of people do play Thid still, and lets be honest, it DOESNT get u a bit of experience for Real RvR cos

A.) Theres no op RA's , ML's and classes dont have thier super spells yet that youll die or have to counter in real RvR.

B.) There's no new players anyway so everyone has Experienced RvR by now

Discuss :)

you ever thought of the fact people actually goto the bg's because:

A.) Theres no op RA's , ML's and classes dont have thier super spells yet that youll die or have to counter in real RvR.

B.) There's no new players anyway so everyone has Experienced RvR by now

so there aren't allot of newbies in bg1 wich makes it fun?:D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Kromax said:
So in short this is how I imagine the theory behind this post would be.....

<<poster sat at his pc playing DAOC but RealRvR is a bit quiet or only has another high Realm rank group which keeps whooping his grp>>

"I wish that real RvR had more fodder so that I could farm more yummy Rps!"
<<Poster has idea and starts rubbing his sweaty hands together with glee>>

"I know! - if we binned the BGs all those BG noobs would have to come play Real RvR with their lowbie realm rank toons - it would be Christmas a real RP feast - WHOOOOPEEEEE"

<<poster gets his crappy idea down on FH>>

Lol u dont know how wrong that is from the truth actually, for a start in 4 years playing i never got higher than RR3 L6, admitedly due to the fact i kept rerolling but i sucked RvR, i couldnt give a toss about RP , i was shit at getting them and i couldnt solo cos i didnt own a bot :p

No the reason i posted it , was just an idea behind maybe getting more people into the mainstream RvR, an IDEA, like they'd ever fucking get rid of the BG anyway, and sorry i do agree with the post about the BG not being fun unless your an op class or toa'd to the bollox with rogs and a buffbott with maxed out buffs, i dont want to play a vamp or a bonedancer or crush merc etc to compete, i want to play classes i like, but them classes get owned by Fotm , which most people roll.

Yeah ok in hindsight it was maybe a bit of a silly thing to post, but i wanted others opinions on the matter, not everyone wanks over the BG's yknow. Oh and saying theyd all get pwned os thier low RR, maybe thyre low RR cos they sit in the bg all day lol.

Leirvik and (if its here yet) the new 45-49 bg is the only one in my eyes worth playing, yeah , my opinion, not the majority, but like i said, it would never happen anyway.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
BGs offer the most balanced RvR in the game, no MLs, no OPd RAs, no artis, just good old fashioned killing.

This game isnt about being 50, its also about getting there, practicing how to play, perfecting your play styles and having fun along the way.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Kromax said:
So in short this is how I imagine the theory behind this post would be.....

<<poster sat at his pc playing DAOC but RealRvR is a bit quiet or only has another high Realm rank group which keeps whooping his grp>>

"I wish that real RvR had more fodder so that I could farm more yummy Rps!"
<<Poster has idea and starts rubbing his sweaty hands together with glee>>

"I know! - if we binned the BGs all those BG noobs would have to come play Real RvR with their lowbie realm rank toons - it would be Christmas a real RP feast - WHOOOOPEEEEE"

<<poster gets his crappy idea down on FH>>

Lol u dont know how wrong that is from the truth actually, for a start in 4 years playing i never got higher than RR3 L6, admitedly due to the fact i kept rerolling but i sucked RvR, i couldnt give a toss about RP , i was shit at getting them and i couldnt solo cos i didnt own a bot :p

No the reason i posted it , was just an idea behind maybe getting more people into the mainstream RvR, an IDEA, like they'd ever fucking get rid of the BG anyway, and sorry i do agree with the post about the BG not being fun unless your an op class or toa'd to the bollox with rogs and a buffbott with maxed out buffs, i dont want to play a vamp or a bonedancer or crush merc etc to compete, i want to play classes i like, but them classes get owned by Fotm , which most people roll.

Yeah ok in hindsight it was maybe a bit of a silly thing to post, but i wanted others opinions on the matter, not everyone wanks over the BG's yknow. Oh and saying theyd all get pwned os thier low RR, maybe thyre low RR cos they sit in the bg all day lol.

Leirvik and (if its here yet) the new 45-49 bg is the only one in my eyes worth playing, yeah , my opinion, not the majority, but like i said, it would never happen anyway.
It sounds to me like you prefer solo play, while I sympathise with you not owning a BB, you cant blame the way we feel about the BGs and Mythics design for the BB requirement. TBH I was once like you, 18 months ago I didnt have a toon over RR4, then I discovered a few friends and ventrilo and wow, what a difference it made.

From my experience and understanding, what you lack is communication with others, and a decent guild who will actively encorouge you to make the best of the game. Theres plenty of RvR out there in mainstream, you just have to look for it.

At the same time tho, BGs seems more suited to you, you can solo there easily, you dont have to be temped to the max, you dont have to be artid or MLd to compete, and there are others like you who dont have BBs etc. Why you would prefer to get rid of them doesnt make sense.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
not sure if anyone has said this yet but, 80 people in bg = about 40-50 because almost half of the original figure are buff bots...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
At the same time tho, BGs seems more suited to you, you can solo there easily, you dont have to be temped to the max, you dont have to be artid or MLd to compete, and there are others like you who dont have BBs etc. Why you would prefer to get rid of them doesnt make sense.

There are others in the frontiers who don't have BB's, and there are many in Thid who do have them. Same goes for templates, although making a capped Thid template is easy, and there aren't ML's or Arties. Some classes are more fun than others, though, as some really haven't got their decent abilities by level 24.

Personally I tend to have a like/hate relationship with Thid. I always try to get groups, and when I've found one, tended to have fun. Often, though, you just had a bunch of soloers who got repeatedly farmed by organised opposition, whilst moaning about how overpowered the enemy was. That was less fun.

Not that unlike RvR, really.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Ctuchik said:
becaue its not fun anymore unless ur one of the OP classes with capped+overcapped everything. BG's were something u could stroll into whenever u had the chance without worrying TO much about what gear u had, u still had somwehat of a chance if u met someone. now, unless ur fully "ToA'd" and BB'd u dont stand even a snowballs chance in hell in there.

wrong! atm we are 3 maybe 4 people running around not sc ed not even in crafted armour in thidranki having a lot of fun when we need a break from rvr.
apart from BD's the battlegrounds are a time when you don't have to care your gonna be steamrolled as it takes 1 min to get back there


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
knighthood said:
I mean when u got like 80 odd people zerging in thid, thats 80 less accounts that could be in Real RvR and stuff right?

well, the 80 odd peeps that zerg in thid are also entitled to ask mythic to remove nf too, aren't them?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
They cannot be removed, though they should never have been there in the first place...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
BGs > 50 RvR

I used to RvR on my skald but stopped at 7L9 last year, it's become dull tbh. So many classes have received love from Mythic now that a skald has close to 0% chance in 1v1 without using every arti/ML/RA timered ability imaginable, and if the timers are down a skald is just walking free rp's.

That said, 1v1's are so rare nowadays that it's no point going solo at all, and if I go duo with a decent tank and get use for my grp-friendly abilities (like a skald obviously is supposed to); I only get whine from the albs/hibs xrealm accounts claiming they were all "solo" at the time we fought them, even though all of them fought back together. If I see a bunch of albs or hibs, shall I then assume that they are not grouped together and therefore I shall not attack them unless I'm solo?

I think people nowadays take 50 rvr way too seriously, and that's why I prefer BGs because they are only for fun and play. Actually even Camlann pvp are more fun than rvr atm. Also I used to hate pve, but now it's not so bad anymore when I don't have any fun rvr to compare it with.

Now I'm really looking forward to Cathal Valley! :flame:

*It looks like Old Emain (and probably smells like Old Emain). :D
*There's a lvl49 RR4L9 cap and won't be BBs there (atleast not many, probably only those few who have a BB in Leirvik atm).
*There will be less set groups ganking every man and his dog (if any at all).
*No OP MLs (there's a ML5 cap I think, so nothing OP).
*Few OP timered RAs (you can't afford many on 1 char).
*Few Arti's and other OP weapons/timered abilities (I hope).
*No tower/keep camping.

What's the point of being 50 now? I'm probably never gonna do the mistake of leveling a character to 50 again. ;D

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