Rugby Religion working for us?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So apparently ISIL/ISIS/IS fighters are complaining of nepotism because the higher-level of commanders are letting their relatives jump the queue for martyrdom early death.

Of course I'm not allowed to argue that without the existence of the violent religious teachings of, specifically, Islam and the evolutionarily strengthened predisposition to performing the action of belief that these poor deluded animals are partaking in, the very intellectual foundations of the action of suicide bomb attacks on infidels, with the belief that you're going to be paid in virgins in the afterlife, would cease to exist.

(But if I did argue that, then it'd be a pretty compelling case that religion and belief are a heady mix of idiot-inspired interspecies murder)

But no. What I'm amused at today is this: The high-up commanders are sacrificing their families first rather than keeping their loved ones, and those closest to them, out of harms way. :)

In a funny way - these people who are higher up the chain may be there because partly they're better at organising etc. - and therefore you'd expect their close family to be better too. Perhaps evolution - in the terms of their genetic and social traits - will deselect these higher-level fanatics from existence? A sort of self-selected reverse-evolution of the nutbars through religious belief.

Of course, I'd love it if the royal family or our politicians weakened their bloodlines by sending their own kids to the slaughter. If that happened I'd find a place that was far away (though I wouldn't choose a bank, probably a pub) - and walk all the way there whilst laughing.

In the meantime, I'm quite happy that there's potential that the people preferring to send their own kids to the slaughter may one day wake up and smell the coffee - and realise that they've killed their own children for nothing but the worship of a non-existent sky-fairy - and understand that the pain that they'll experience will most likely send them all kinds of drooling, rocking back-and-forth, painfully-tortured mad.



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I don't share your particular "feelings" for it, but it's a feasible theory that in time the practise will die out by way of self elimination.




Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I highly doubt that they're a standard nuclear family with 3 kids.

I'm sure they have multiple kids and when they're born they label them 'Heir' 'Martyr' 'Matyr' - If anything to be honest, it's good for them because the martyrs give the heirs more legitimacy when they rise to power - Omg, you're the guy with 20 martyr'd brothers, tell us what to do


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I've always wondered at the fact that many of the modern leaders, religious or otherwise, seem so happy to sacrifice others while never actually getting in the blow-up line themselves.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I've always wondered at the fact that many of the modern leaders, religious or otherwise, seem so happy to sacrifice others while never actually getting in the blow-up line themselves.
It's because they don't have to.

It's another medieval trait from ISIS which means they have to sacrifice their children to show their strength.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I highly doubt that they're a standard nuclear family with 3 kids.

I'm sure they have multiple kids and when they're born they label them 'Heir' 'Martyr' 'Matyr' - If anything to be honest, it's good for them because the martyrs give the heirs more legitimacy when they rise to power - Omg, you're the guy with 20 martyr'd brothers, tell us what to do

This. Unfortunately, this is a modern version of "third child goes into the priesthood"; they may giving family members the "honour" of blowing their nuts off for the glory of Allah, but I'm sure they're keeping plenty of spares around to carry on the family business.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I too hope they all blow themselves up. In some sort if elaborate comedy way. Like dads army but with bomb vests.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I too hope they all blow themselves up. In some sort if elaborate comedy way. Like dads army but with bomb vests.
If they'd only stop doing it near poor folks and would instead do it near our high level politicians and lobbyists I could get right behind them :)

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