


Good afternoon

I was one of the Mids on the relic raid last night, and Im not here to gloat or revel in any glory nor was I one of the Mids who whinged or whined when either Alb or Hib came to pay a visit to either of our relic keeps at whatever time of the day or night those visits took place.

It may (or may not) surprise you to know that 95% of all British and American armed forces military actions since the second world war have commenced between 0300 and 0400 hrs. This does not portray the aforementioned forces as being weak, it shows them as being smart, it heightens the chances of completing the objective whilst at the same time limiting the number of casualties.

I for one do not care what time either of our adversary realms choose to come knocking at our relic keep doors, I will fight you all regardless and I will fight to reclaim any losses at whatever time of the day or night that my realm calls upon me to do so(work allowing of course).....Oh yes....some of us do work, and after a very long night of RvR I jumped in the shower spent a full day in the office and no doubt will be doing something within DAoC within the not too distant future. Contrary to popular belief...we are not a bunch of washed up dole scroungers or spotty students with nothing else better to do than play games all day long...some of us have insanely highly paid and respectable jobs and look upon DAoC as a kind of outlet for the stresses of RL...a bit like squash but without all that icky sweat stuff :p

Perhaps in the interest of fairness and to stop any future whinging and whining would all Albs and Hibs please post times, dates, numbers of people, classes and levels to be present at any future relic raid that you may have planned, then we can assemble a similar force to defend with, give us a few days notice too of course to allow for people who are in bed, or on holiday or away from the game for whatever other reason. That way we can ensure a semblance of fairness, and we of course will reciprocate...better yet perhaps we could have our own Geneva convention, as a lawyer I am perfectly prepared to help draft such a document...we could call it the Ludlow Accord or something equally twee!

A note to Glauthrong: I am not ashamed to be a Middie today, on the contrary I am quite proud of the relatively small number or us who did what we did last night/this morning. Time and circumstances dictated the events nothing more. The one thing I am ashamed of is my own judgement, I once held you in some regard, sadly to say this is no longer the case. I think the general thrust of your argument is both spurious and without foundation, you were neither there nor are you in possession of the facts surrounding yesterdays events...someone with fewer manners than I would possibly tell you to shut the fuck up, I however would never be so rude...therefore Mr (self nomenclatured) divided loyalties keep your money in your pockets....we have no need for it, nor I suspect do we have any more need for your services, I for one will never again ask nor expect anything from you again. It is you and people like you who bring shame upon Midgard I think its perhaps time for you to decide just where your loyalties do lie.

Noita Hesdottir
Spiritmaster of 43 Winters


And still, the only thing we hear is that Albs are whining at the time the raid happened. Save yourself a long post about tactical times etc, since we already know about it. Heck, we even had an early morning raid ourselves. Who are we to blame others for doing the same then? Instead, we blame people for pointing out how extremely 'lame' and 'full of cowardice' our raid was, and then doing it themselves.

I have yet to hear an Alb complain about the actual time (they're sure out there ofcourse) the raid happened or propose some sort of agreement on when to do raids. I did hear Mids do that though.

old.Gombur Glodson

I really dont see how you can compare real war to a game? The game is about fun, and I really dont se how much fun it is to take a relic with no defenders, and I really think it would be much more fun to have some large scale battles at a relic keep.
and screw the relics its the battles I want not the damn relic

Brannor McThife

GAME. Relax. Breath.

Are you going to start commanding everyone like the military you used as reference? Court martials? ;)

RvR is the essence of the game. Taking relics when the other side is sleeping? Hmmm. May as well go play single player games with a few bots.

RvR is human vs human with some arb AI tossed in. Otherwise it's just a slightly different PvE.

Sorry to lose your respect, you won't lose mine, not yet.

Isn't there greater pleasure out of knowing you beat the "enemy" in tactics, not sleep pattern?

In the end, it IS a game, a multiplayer game.

<shrugs and goes off to try not take is too seriously>


PS. Noita, the way you started that post made it sound like an Official Press sure you don't work for the CIA or something? ;)


<puts feet up on his desk>

<lights a cigarette>

<opens a beer>

We'll get em back, folks, don't ever doubt it for one second:cool:


Originally posted by old.Noita

Contrary to popular belief...we are not a bunch of washed up dole scroungers or spotty students with nothing else better to do than play games all day long...some of us have insanely highly paid and respectable jobs and look upon DAoC as a kind of outlet for the stresses of RL...a bit like squash but without all that icky sweat stuff :p

.... this has got to be one of my favourite quotes for the day :)

Damn - this is how Midgard have been spying... they've been reading my mind all along!!! Must get my Lady Lunar to cast a strong mind mez on me and send them some wrong information real soon ;)

Brannor McThife

Hmm. On that. What job is it, that has you insanely paid, well respected, and able to play computer games all hours of the week night?

YOU'RE ___________!!!!

I knew it!



[EDIT: Deleted Bill Gates...he's not respected...]
[EDIT: Deleted Bill Clinton...same...]
[EDIT: Deleted Tony Blair...doesn't like games...]
[EDIT: <runs out of names...>]


Comeone guys why do we have to see a post like this everytime there is a relic raid.Lets ask GoA to reset the relic's and noone ever do a relic raid again,then maybe people can start to enjoy the game,and we all dont have to look at a post like this everytime..I remember the good old beta days were we had alot of good RvR..Did we have any whining everytime someone did anything..NO........Did we have a ton of fun...Hell Yes...
The point is lets stop this same posts every single time there is a raid and lets start to enjoy the game...


Originally posted by _Torden_
Comeone guys why do we have to see a post like this everytime there is a relic raid.Lets ask GoA to reset the relic's and noone ever do a relic raid again,then maybe people can start to enjoy the game,and we all dont have to look at a post like this everytime..I remember the good old beta days were we had alot of good RvR..Did we have any whining everytime someone did anything..NO........Did we have a ton of fun...Hell Yes...
The point is lets stop this same posts every single time there is a raid and lets start to enjoy the game...

You know, you dont have to read it. Its all up to you if you want to read or not... So let us write what we want, and read what we want. And let us keep up with all fun relic raids


I know i dont have to read it,but its the first thing u see after a relic raid..And my post was not a flame against your write what u want and read what u want.But what i wrote was i simple statement on why we have to have a post like this everytime....Out :)

Brannor McThife


I find this very amusing. Midgardians "arguing" on the forums as well...reminds me of the /AS. :D

The good ol' days. ;)




Originally posted by Fafnir

For some reason the albs got more defenders in their relic keep when we get thru the doors...

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

I find this very amusing. Midgardians "arguing" on the forums as well...reminds me of the /AS. :D

The good ol' days. ;)



Hmmmmm.... I wonder if I can see a connection...



Gombur: I wasnt comparing a game to real life warfare and having re-read my original posting I am yet to find any hint of such a comparison I was merely stating that the tactics involved in one may be transposed into the other, its called applied knowledge. Play any RTS game without knowledge of tactics and its a harder game than with such knowledge. The same is true for games of this genre, it is ALL about tactics, whether its mezzing a crowd or killing those who are rezz sick, love it or hate it those tactics exist as do many others. And as far as taking relics with no defenders being no fun...well there must have been a real surfeit of fun yesterday when you met absolutely noone in our frontier when you came to get the relic in the first place, this by the way is absolutely no criticism of Albion more a criticism of Midgard for leaving ourselves wide open to attack....this is the real shame of the situation. And yes, I agree with you relics are tedious and expensive toys and large scale RvR is by comparison a great deal of fun. I myself would prefer more of the latter and less of the former but i guess we just have to live with what weve got and make the most of it.

Glauthrong: I never command anyone, I am in absolutely no position to command anyone, nor do I have any desire to command anyone and no lol I dont work for the CIA, FBI, ATF,DEA,MI5,6 mossad or any other organisation of that ilk although I am aware of the methodology used by some (tho not all) of the above. Nor in fact, am I any of the esteemed gentlemen you mentioned, I am in fact not a gentleman at all...not all female avatars are played by men you know, some of us are actually female in real life too :D Furthermore, I did not use the word respect, I used the word regard, there is a world of difference. I took umbrage at your original posting because it inferred that we had brought shame upon Midgard through our actions. In game I conduct myself with (I like to think) dignity and honour whether in RvR or not and to have you infer that we (me included) had acted in a way contrary to that has by default called my dignity and honour into question, from reading other posts on this forum I am sure that you of all people will be aware of how this feels. And yes RvR is about people v people it would have been nice to have some defenders there for sure, perhaps I should start a whining thread about how there were no Alb defenders awake at the same time as we were....but then again no...maybe not, its not really my style. Im certainly not going to alter my sleep pattern or in fact my time zone in order to coincide my RvR with the RvR activities of others.

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 43 Winters


hmmm. lots of talking for no reason what so ever.

1) Albs or Hibs are the not on the Mid side, so anything we do against them to futher mid (within CoC) is all good.

2) Mid have done relic raids at all hours of the day and night. mid will keep doing raids at all hours. it just happens that off hours mids get the relic back.

3) the raids would of started before but they where closing the doors. this does not mean their would not off been a raid at that time.

4) ever use point 4

5) Prime time raids (only ones i can realy join on weekday) you need 100s more ppl and get 100s more defence, this give Massive lag and normal results in massive LD's or dropping the whole zone. explain why any realm would want this.

6) Mid does not have the numbers that alb has (dont know about lvls but thats your realm issus and how you help each other) so why would we want to meet you head on ?

7) RvR is 24 hours a day 365 days a year. if you can not live with that then go play a diffrent game.

8) To the mids involved all i can say its nice that we have ppl so deicated to the realm that you will play at such hours (I need and like my sleep).

9) If mid could take the relic on prime time like read in this thread every time. that would mean going back to the time that mid totaly doimated the server. i know has a mid i would not want this and i'm sure albs and hibs dont want this.

10) Its a game..... it runs 24 hours a day and ppl play it day and night, they have a right to do what they want when they want. on all 3 realm. it does not matter what you, me or anyone thinks about it, they will keep on doing.



albs attacked mid relic and it had no defenders at all
mids attacked alb relic and it had no defenders at all

whats the difference? just different time.. o_O~~
btw u ppl whos complaining... u must be working or something? quit work and play fulltime ffs.. and stop complaining



I think a lot of people are ignoring (some conveniently) the gist of where a lot of the Albion comments are coming from.

I'd just like to say that I am not really bothered about the timing of the Mid retake. This is a game afterall and as several people have noted, a 24 hour one.

What I do find ironic is that after getting severely flamed for a 9am-11am raid (GMT) which for many of you is an hour or two later we have a much worse (using the flamers own reasoning) time raid carried out and justified by said same realm. Still, its provided for some forum entertainment ;)


Servants of the Lake


Been trying to say that in about 3 threads already Pyro, but the only responses I see are the 'blabla whine about prime time blabla' ones.

Albs are in no position to whine about that, so we won't. Point that finger at the REAL whiners. :)


i can understand why some folk dont like early morning raids, but folk also have to remember not everyone plays during Prime Time.

i myself am up most of the night and sleep furing that may not be normal but thats the way i am. Now that means that i play around 1am and 4-5 am. Now when i get high enough to do RvR im gonna do it at those times...dont give a damn if o get am not going to let other dictate how/when i play the game.

im sure there are other players who play late at night/early morning...many probably can only play at those time....and if they want to RvR..then by all means they should


hehe good idea....i need one...
cant complain atm...i get £85 every two weeks from the dole...keeps me happy...especially since i only pay £20 every two weeks in digs :p

- Pathfinder -

Tsk Pyro, BW forums aren't the palce to search for consistency :p


Once again people are missing the point ^^ Oh well, that's to be expected I guess :p :p :p :p


> What I do find ironic is that after getting severely flamed

I can well understand your amusement on the subject but I'd like to point out that in no way did those flaming you represent general consensus nor "official Midgard policy". Aint no Ministry of Truth in Midgard, tho I now see how spending few months in a truly anarchistic society can turn a libertarian into supporter of strong dictatorship ;)

Some people seem to genuinely dislike raiding at other than what they call prime-time. Some do not. Some are sore losers and yap away every time the fortunes turn against them. Same in your realm, no? Why then do you excpect consistency where there can be none?


- Pathfinder -

The Alb flames aren't directed at Midgard; they're directed at the individuals who keep showing their complete lack of consistency :p


Originally posted by Ottar
I can well understand your amusement on the subject but I'd like to point out that in no way did those flaming you represent general consensus nor "official Midgard policy".

Those flaming were some of the most active and representative Mids around. From an Alb point of view that is. Ofcourse I don't know your actual leadership structure (if there is any, that is), but I do know who plans your raids and are the leaders of the biggest guilds in Midgard.

I'm sure Midgard is full of individuals, but remember the opinions/flames from the Mids mentioned above will be seen as general consensus or "official Midgard policy" by most Albs.

That's why some of our flames are directed to Midgard, most to those individuals and Midgard's flames should be directed to those certain Mids. :p

Ofcourse there's always Albs that have to whine about the actual time aswell and somehow forget to consider the fact that we did exactly the same thing. :(


I followed the link Jupitus provided and took a quick glance at the thread there. The only mid who as much as objected to the timing of your raid was Kelmon, for which he later appologized. The thread was 4 pages long. Most mids were congratulationg you guys on your victory.

As to directing your flames at individuals, the only individual name in this thread being mentioned was that of Blood, who did not participate on our last late-night raid and can therefore accused of in no hypocricy on these grounds.

As a matter of fact, I do know several of our people who DO object to attacking undefended relics. Not that I remember every single one of us on that raid but I can’t seem to recollect any of those people taking part on our last relic takeover.

> will be seen as general consensus or "official Midgard policy" by most Albs

Which is why I’d like to emphasize that such generalizations are untrue and as such fail to be even insulting. The most active (and representative?) alb on these boards is a person named SFXman.



You should've seen the furious 'discussions' on irc afterwards. I'd rather not mention names and the things they said there, but can guarantee those weren't the nicest remarks around. :rolleyes:


Corena, level 20-24 fire wizzie, Briton shadowblade food


Look forward to killing that one since Coren did kill me a few days ago...

Thx for the firm salute afterwards. Guess you didn't expect a green con to attack you. If I had been a little more experienced in playing the SB I might even have killed you - hehe.

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