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Originally posted by Teador
A good Alb group has 7 classes that can deal damage, that should be enough, right?
-Cleric (NO Damage)
-Friar (Melee, good Damage)
-Air Theurgist (good Damage, BUT it is a caster)
-Matter Cabalist (good Damage, BUT it is a caster)
-Mind Sorcerer (Decent Damage, BUT it is a caster)
-Mercenary (Melee, good Damage)
-Paladin (Melee, decent Damage)
-Minstrel (Melee, good Damage)
Originally posted by Teador
and a Fire wizard can hit for 750+
Originally posted by eben
Erm no that's "bullshit", as you like to say. My 50 fire wiz never hits yellows for that kind of damage, even with crits. She hits yellows for between 200 and 450 typically. I can supply plenty of screenies to back this up if necessary.
Originally posted by Genius-Ino
Imho, teador has played wiz for ages and was quite good at it. Maybe you're a full gimp spec, or you just take resistant mobs ^^
And besides that 750 was prolly a crit shot imo as he said it CAN etc ...
my 2 cents
and about analysing a video game : lol =/
Originally posted by Teador
Bullshit. Every shaman is specced to at least 32 Augmentation, and if the shaman didn't then he's a complete idiot. And Aug Healers are around a lot, Aug/Mend healers rock, Pac healers rock too, just the hypocrits on Prydwen here only want to play buffblades. The classes are there, they just aren't played, on Prydwen. Go take a look on excal and you'll see plenty of them.
Originally posted by eben
Erm no that's "bullshit", as you like to say. My 50 fire wiz never hits yellows for that kind of damage, even with crits. She hits yellows for between 200 and 450 typically. I can supply plenty of screenies to back this up if necessary.
I only know one body sorc (Xorta) and have never had the pleasure of RvRing with her, so don't talk about that either. I'd love to be able to debuff my own nukes.
Originally posted by Coren
Guess you mean this group then?
First of all: matter cabbie doesn't belong there.
2nd: when we're talking about 'damage dealers' we mean classes that deal lots of damage (LW/hybrid heroes, LW champs, chanters for example), not classes that are able to do damage, but don't do noticable amounts (like casters without debuff/someone to debuff for them, 1h shield tanks, minstrels, mind sorcs etc).
The only class from the 6 base classes in an alb group able to do big amounts of damage are the theurgist (air specced and not facing hibs too often ), possibly the paladin (when specced 2h, but lets not go there, since it would only mean getting a slambot in the remaining 2 spots) and the friar (only when he gives up his role as backup healer and melees all the time).
To get some real dmg output in the remaining 2 spots you could use a body sorc/wiz (2 spots for something hibs get in 1), mercs, pole/hybrid armsmen, 50 flex reavers.
Which gives alb groups 3.5 (friar only 0.5 if he's also backup healer ) real dmg dealers when optimal.
Originally posted by scarffs
At least admit the thruth.
Originally posted by Teador
anyway: if you have more damage dealers you can interrupt all of their casters, thought of that?
Originally posted by Coren
If being able to interrupt casters means you're a 'damage dealer' then Hib groups suddenly seem to have quite a lot aswell.
Originally posted by Teador
good hib group has only 2-3 tanks, that's not enough to interrupt both healers and casters.
Originally posted by Teador
And why do people think that Hibs or Albs will have their RAs ready for every fight?
Originally posted by vermillon
Because good groups wait/rest until they got at least some RAs ready for the next fight. Ofc there are ocations you can't avoid fights with no RAs ready.
Originally posted by AzuratMinimus
Compare this to hib or alb that has a class with 1.5 specc points that has the resist buffs. For hib the warden basicly has to specc for 6 sec pbt to not be gimped and it´s not that uncommon to find a friar with loads of enhancement specc. This means that hibs and albs basicly get at least 16% if not 24% resist buffs for free. It´s not like friars or wardens are uncommon classes.
Originally posted by Teador
I was talking about DEBUFFED damage?
A chanter can hit for 570 with MoM 2 when he debuffs (CAP)
If a sorc debuffs for a fire wizard then he will hit for amount like 750+
read the post instead of trying to disagree
i played a fire wizard, i know the debuffed damage, i know the average damage.
Originally posted by old.Aure
Whats wrong with Shamans, dont they get a castable en regen that doesnt drop when they die? Bards I'm sure would like that.
Originally posted by old.Isos
hibs do play well, they got alot of organisation since they start exping with pbaoe, they know what target to kill first and know how to kill effectivly with pbaoe, mid is also learning this latley but I hardly see any alb groups using it.