Realm Abilities for Offensive Armsmen



We who an offensive armsman, specced in polearsm.
The whole idead of this kinda arms. is to get the max damage as high as possible, even at the expence of th time it takes us to hit/re-hit. Therefore we chose polearms.

I urge you to continue this path with the realm abilities( RA).

Augmented Strength (+6 str/lvl)

Mastery of Pain (+5%/lvl chance to Crit with melee)

I know it is very tempting to get the "Mastery of Arms" that reduces the time it takes to hit, but this should be secondary.

I am in favor of purge, since I believe that the time it takes for me to /say messed. And the time it takes for the De-mess-class to see the message and react will be too long. Off course this depends on how much the group is RvRing and how they train RvR.

I am not in favor of any Full-restore-endurance RA, since we seldom ever use all our endurance before the battle result is obvious.
I am neither in favor of the Full-restore-health RA, since we can buy the crystals that do this in Camleot for our Bounty points. A bit expensive I know.

Tell me your opinion on the Offensive Armsman future RA..


I've given this some thought and mostly agree, being pretty much same build as you use.

Purge, thats top of list to get, costs 10 levels. there is a good argument for detirmination instead, but purge is my personal fave.

Mastery of pain, but remember you need to get the augument dexterity ability first before you can get this.

Only thing I disagree with is the ignore pain ability, I think that could be very useful, its an instant full life heal that doubles your survivability, and will give you a second chance should you get caught out between the 30 minute timer of purge.

Also this is one ability that can help you in PvE too, should the group be on verge of wipeout after the cleric just died, it doubles your chances to live again.

Good point on the spell gems, however those have a 2 second casting time, not instant, I brought the 400 bp heal one only to realise its level 50 and I can't use it yet, or if I can im doing something wrong as its not working.

One other point, for a cheap 1 level Ability, Tireless would make a useful cheap alternative to the full endurance regen ability, getting endurance back faster during long battles in PvE is nice for 1 level cost.


Crystals are useless so thats no option. The amount even the most expensive crystal heals is a joke. I would indeed (im an offensive armsman too) spend at least on line on the offensive element. Mastery of Pain is tempting. I would go for Purge for sure. It should be your first pick. I had a different opinion about purge at first but I have come back from that and will choose Purge as my first RA. The mastery of Arms is something to be considered. It requires lvl3 Augmented strength so there is your strength. You must realise that with lvl5 mastery of arms a 6.0 speed polearm swings as fast as a 5.0 speed. That is an increase worth investing in.

Problem is that RA are still in development and im affraid Mythic will come with new stuff so we will have to respec again and again.


I agree, Purge is going to be most first pick as well, after that its either save up the levels for Ignore Pain and its pre-req, or got for the augument stength/dex ones ready for mastery of pain.

Only thing im looking forward to more in next patch other then RA's is having Defenders Rage fixed finally so we can actually use it. High level polearm skills need fixing badly.


the 100% instaheal is kind of a must, what I understand from the VNboards and I'll definatly go for it, maybe even before purge.

besides that, I think it's one of the good things that we're behind
as mythic can flesh out the RA's a bit before we get to toy with them :)


Ignore Pain is indeed one of the best looking RA we tanks can get, however Mythic has made it the most expensive ability of the lot, on top of that they have also made it available to every other class. To get IP costs 23 points, that's RR3L3, I think everyone agrees we'll need either determination or purge, that's another 10, so that's RR4L3 before you even start on the nice additional damage abilities. To get anything like Mastery of Pain or Mastery of Arms you need 2 levels in a base stat, that's another 4 points RR4L7, another 4 points to actually get the skill to level 2, RR5L1. How many tanks have RR5? Not many!
I just wish Mythic had made ignore pain a tank specific skill instead of the crappy styles we get to pick.

Ignore pain is arguably the best RA for most tanks classes out there and costs 23 points, yet most of the other classes best RA are unique to the class and cost 8-14 points. (See Hidden, Vanish, Speed of Sound, Faith Healing etc...)

Anyway, my point is, I think most of us tanks will have to make a choice between either IP OR offensive RAs, we can't get both.



Good points, I didn't realise it cost 23 for IP, ah yes, I just double checked it now, your quite right. Gees now that is shit. There goes my RA plan.

Personally I was planning on getting Purge first, then either saving up for IP (which if it costs that much I might not do now) or spending a few levels to get the damage improvements.


sounds good, althoe i would recomend end-regen for armsman, if you use poleaxe as i do you know that after 4-5 hits, your out of it, so it wouldnt be so bad to give it a shot later on

appollo creed

Anyone have any ideas what RA's i should use ??? Im a S/S arms


I only ever use Poleaxe in RvR, where it does quite nicely, way to expensive on endurance in pve. However after the next patch it will be Defenders Rage/Revenge all the way, with Poleaxe as back-up style only I imagine.

Might get the endurance ability at level 1 though.


Originally posted by old.Appollo Creed
Anyone have any ideas what RA's i should use ??? Im a S/S arms

Propably Tireless1 (for any melee class actually) and Mastery of Blocking & Parrying - they may not do much now, but 1.52 sounds promising for sword & boarders, from the few logs I've seen.


Originally posted by old.Belthazor

Propably Tireless1 (for any melee class actually) and Mastery of Blocking & Parrying - they may not do much now, but 1.52 sounds promising for sword & boarders, from the few logs I've seen.

block/parry is still not fixed in the so called melee patch (1.52). they say their fixing it in 1.53... but who knows, its mythic after all :p


karam is the only offensive armsman on this forum ;)


ok find me a hoodie with 7% + energy resist pls! =P


hooded looks much better then unhooded ones :p no matter how good they are.


Why do people here prefer purge over determination?

From what I understand, purge stacks with normal resistance reductions to mez/stun/root timers... so If you get lvl 3 determination and have 26% resist you will have 71% (45+26)timer reduction all the time! This will render all stuns against you virtually useless and mez a minor hinderance =)

Also, I'll be dropping shield down to 7 after respec for this very reason. Stun will become far less effective. I'm currently 44 pole, 42 shield, 39 slash but after respec I'll be 50 pole, 50 thrust, 7 shield, rest parry.


i been trying them out on gorre...hes the story..

IP = Brillaint, well worth 23 points

Determination = Twice as good as purge

Aug points are pretty good...+con 6 is good..however toughness adds more HP to a lvl 50 arms than aug con.

Both Regeneration and Tireless are only good if u put it to lvl 3...lvl 1 tbh sucks ass

i think i will get Determ 2, Con 1, Toughness 1, IP and First Aid..will have one point left over get 2 more lvls and get another in con or toughness

remember just because u have the RA pts doesn't mean u need to spend them :)

btw dmwhore = falcor...recongnise current spec.


Well I have made a revision of my chosen RA's. I dropped purge and replaced it with a few levels of Determination. Wise decision in my opinion since purge will only be handy in 1-1 combat since in groups the enemies will leave the tanks for the last. with 15% reduce in time per lvl in determination at max you will have a 75% decrease making 1 minute mezz/stun last 25 seconds.

Second of all I really don't believe I will notice any significant change in critical hits with the mastery of pain RA so I switched over to a different tactic. Healthpoints. Speccing in both touchness and augmented constitution can boost up HP buffed over 2200 hp wich is very nice. As for tireless I have tested it on gorre and you need at least lvl3 to even notice any increase. Furthermore as offensive polearmer like myself you never are in combat for that long. Its select combatmode swing chase swing you killed.... select combatmode swing chase swing you killed...

Somehow I don't think your endurance can ever regenerate so fast that you will have advantages over enemies who don't spec in the RA.


Originally posted by old.Galieran
I am not in favor of any Full-restore-endurance RA, since we seldom ever use all our endurance before the battle result is obvious.
I am neither in favor of the Full-restore-health RA, since we can buy the crystals that do this in Camleot for our Bounty points. A bit expensive I know.

The pulsing stones are a bit useless. I tested them on Gorre, they just aren't worth it, IP is infinitely more useful.

The endurance pretty much restored all my endurance which was quite nice, the health one however restored 271 hits, out of my max 1500 hits. You have to be out of combat to use a charged item, so it probably heals the same amount you get hit for while using it. On top of this, the stone disappears once you use it so that's 400 BP gone, I have 4k bounty points so I can do this 10 times. IP is every 30 minutes for life :) You can only carry 3 stones at level 50, I'm not sure whether you can carry more than one of each type, but I bought one of each to test and it wouldn't let me carry any more.




ok i got 20 rps to spend....

sword and shield armsman what do i invest in?


Have any polearm (or 2hand) users tested master of parrying on Gorre so far?

This looked interesting from what Id read about the US servers, but people here seem to have other (equally interesting) ideas.

At R2L5 its not as if Ive spare points to be able to afford to make too many mistakes on the live servers ;)


Ok you convinced me, I went Detirmination in the end at level 3 and toughness level 1 for now, saving up dex agument now with a view to getting Mastery of Pain.

Anyone had much of a result with MoP ?


Tran Falcors 2nd spec is polearm, hes the only person in the realm that i know that good have that many items + polearm, 42 sheild and slash.


Tranquil,Tren i dotn understand anything of what u just said sorry =)

and i am NOT dmwhore grrrr


Your second spec = polearm ( u got bloodied halberd and use it)
You have 42 sheild (u got slam seen u use it)
Your slash
You have all the items that dmwhore has ever mentioned

just looks alot like its u :)


Originally posted by Kagato.
Anyone had much of a result with MoP ?

Took it to lvl2 on Gorre, wasn't that good really. Sure I critted somewhat more but I also took Dualists Reflexes to 2, which had a much nicer impact. Going to invest in more "stable" RAs, like Dualists Reflexes, Mastery of Arms, etc...


Well i have 50 slash 42 shield and a few points in pole, i use pole mostly for playing with green and blue hibs and mids :), use sword and shield for serious action, however i think im gonna respec...

amathyst slash lvl, equivelant pole lvl, 42 shield, rest parry as i lag to much to make diamond slash effective =), now if u could invest realmpoints to get rid of lag that would be very cool.

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