Real Life™ Thread



UGh... woke up at 07:00.
Did an essay about how "A future change is desirable for some but undesirable for others. Discuss", using my literatury works as Macbeth and Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha... this was at 09:00
At 12:00 I did my biology paper 1 and 2... what a fucking jip... can't stand that subject and it's higher level... ugh...
went home at around 13:30 and went to my house with my girlfriend. Went to have coffee at Robert's Coffee with... guess.
Went back to my house with... let me see now... :rolleyes:
Took her home and now am waiting for the Shining to start.


11:07 - Wake up and notice I missed my third paper of my biology test.
11:55 - Park car outside school to go do physics exam
14:18 - Find that car is gone.
~14:30 - Find car with fine on windshield, it had to be moved so snow on the sides of the roads could be gotten rid of. I didn't realise it was an even number week and was sure it was not... it was 11:55 ffs and there were loads of other cars there although according to the sign no parking between 12 and 16:00.
Later in the day I just chilled at home, went to practice the "vanhojenpäivä" dances after which I drove around from friends' requests.
Now I been at home watching the telly etc.



You know the one point in the elbow which give you a "electric" shock if something hit ya there?

Just did that...when working with a 11kilo manual weigth...
Interesting arm is still shaking like its holding something with a waaay to high voltage :D not encourage it!


1) Alarm Woke me up at 8:10am, realised I had the morning off until 10:55 so stayed in bed
2) 10:55 Decided to stay in bed :D
3) 11:30 Woke up, made a bacon butty, watched some TV until 12:30
4) A friend came round, we played around in the snow for a while then went to college at 1:10pm
5) Got to college (I was late) dozed through electronics and computing (nobody was in due to snow and my college being positioned at the top of 4 steep roads)
6) Got back from college at 4, played on discworld MUD for 20 mins until my friends came round
7) Hung around in my house until 5 then went to the nearest field to play in the snow ;)
8) 9:00, got back from flying down a golf course on wheel-less skateboards
9) Had a shower (I was smelly)
10) Watched an episode of the osbournes while eating a hotdog and cold turkey toastie (yummy)
11) Posted in this thread.


right now:

Editing profile.

Still doing biology.

Maby if i work effectivly, they go away?
sounds like a plan.


Woke up this morning
The world turned upside down,
Thing's ain't been the same
Since the forumites walked into town.

But you're one in a million
You've got that flamer shine.
Registered under a bad sign,
With a green theme in your eyes.


A friend came round, we played around in the snow for a while then went to 0college
Well maybe snow is special for you :)


Originally posted by Brinx
Woke up this morning
The world turned upside down,
Thing's ain't been the same
Since the forumites walked into town.

But you're one in a million
You've got that flamer shine.
Registered under a bad sign,
With a green theme in your eyes.

*accompanies with some blues riffs*


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Or maybe the friend is ;)
Hehe... I don't know about such "games" being played in the snow. A tid bit cold one might think =F


my day

woke up at 7:30 - had shower
Had to get lift into uni from my dad as i have burned the clutch out on my car (£200 to get it repaired)
Had Structures lecture at 10 - fell asleep
had electronice lecture at 11 - fell asleep
Had Electronics Tutorial at 12 - got confused
Now sitting in computer lab waiting for my lift home


hmm, you dirty minded people. Snow is pretty special around here, usually only comes once a year and stays for a couple of days so we make the most of it ;) Plus who can say no to a snowball fight when it's sunny and warm :)


1. Got up at around 12.00, played DAoC
2. Had lunch, played DAoC
3. Went out, came back, played DAoC

I actually thought I'd be able to give up playing it but nope :rolleyes:

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