Read this Thread plz, I want to see how other ppl consider this.

  • Thread starter Lireihuan.china
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And yes been several times in Barrows and always been chased away by PL people and people who go solo drop hunting. They don't care about groups and they don't care if it's taken already.

All I see here is a PLer vs PLer complaining against each other..


Originally posted by marchegiani
I was pulling single vigis in barrows along with another necro happily sharing, Mr Irontosser comes along using AOE on his SINGLE pulls and hence killing mine and the necro's pulls. We tell him to stop it and cos of this, apparantly I should be expecting an email from GOA telling me that my account has been terminated. That was 2 weeks ago. Mr Iron heart, ive met some first class numpties in this game, but you top them all. King of barrows my arse.

When I came across this asshole in barrows ( )

He adamantly denied that he was iornheart. And I have no idea the age of this person,
but out of personal experience he acts like a 12 year old punk. Trying to reason with him is out of the question. And for someone going around telling people they will be kicked from the game.. hes got a lot of nerve as I have SS of him leeching from me on more then one occasion and me asking him to stop. :mgwhore:

DeaD GuRu

and i do love you all

only problem is, you can't take no for an answer....

btw Gm's from those guilds asking me to leave.....

you think no one likes ironheart, well, some do and those ppl i do know personally can tell you a different are just to ignorant, selfabsorbed, in your fictional self

some discribe him as a retard, some as a 13 yr old... let me give you a little secret then... judging a fictional character tell me more about you then it does about myself.... remember that one.....

and luve-bunny or whatever... same to seeireena, don't forget that after an incident with two necros passing thrue "A ROOM YOU CLAIM " caught aggro, you charged to give them hell, you were claiming spot, whatever... started complaining about waiting for spawn, while all were continuously (you and those necros) beeing charged by fresh spawn that you did not even seem to care about you stupid 26 year old cunt
and as i recall after that incident there was a chat, telling that the necros were sorry for keeping you up that long, and apolegized.... you seem so stupid for a 26 irl year old that even can't accept someonce apolegy, still have to flame some characters... how cowardly of you.... even sad

now all just stop this flaming towards me personllay, because i personlly feel offended because i roleplay in an MMRPG and most of you don't seem able to handle that..... what a world... lol

and calling ppl names out here, well... i have seen a thread on BW having nothing to with the game.... i wonder where the difference lies for some of you...

sencerely yours...


lmao Arnor =)
and ironn00bioshertiossios is hilarious guy, when u really think , he makes u laugh because of his actions what aint from rocket scientist .

and yes, i dont talk with him either..

didnt even bother to read his replys because there aint any sense in those anyway


Originally posted by Mr Ironheart

and luve-bunny or whatever... same to seeireena, don't forget that after an incident with two necros passing thrue "A ROOM YOU CLAIM " caught aggro, you charged to give them hell, you were claiming spot, whatever... started complaining about waiting for spawn, while all were continuously (you and those necros) beeing charged by fresh spawn that you did not even seem to care about you stupid 26 year old cunt
and as i recall after that incident there was a chat, telling that the necros were sorry for keeping you up that long, and apolegized.... you seem so stupid for a 26 irl year old that even can't accept someonce apolegy, still have to flame some characters... how cowardly of you.... even sad

now all just stop this flaming towards me personllay, because i personlly feel offended because i roleplay in an MMRPG and most of you don't seem able to handle that..... what a world... lol


::clears throat:: First off you ignorant Spanish twat learn how to pay attention and spell peoples names you are trying to offend. Its SEEAIRA..
You did not just walk past me and get agro.. You were in the back room and came out and pulled so don't give me your self-righteous bullshit cause its so pathetic.
Second your friend apologized to me and begged me not to "tell on him" as he was only 13 years old and his poor sick father who plays this account would be pissed at him. You never once said anything to me after all your derogatory comments so that's more BS..
Third, you call me a cunt to my face you fucking moron and I will rip your balls off your body and feed them to you.
And last.. You claim to be a role player? That's just so funny I cant even laugh. Unless you were trying to portray a wise ass dickhead you failed.


Originally posted by ChillyDawg
ffs ironslag, just join TMM already!

Nah Chilly, he's still not a big enough twat to fill my shoes in TMM :clap:


/em don's a flame proof vest.

Ironheart, watch your language please. less of the C*** word.

Seeaira calm down ;)

lets just have a little less personal BBQ'ing eh?


Originally posted by Tilda
/em don's a flame proof vest.

Ironheart, watch your language please. less of the C*** word.

Seeaira calm down ;)

lets just have a little less personal BBQ'ing eh?

::calms down:: I hate the C word... :(


Originally posted by seeaira
::calms down:: I hate the C word... :(

What, cola? I thought americans loved cola! :D


Agree though. If this tool thinks he's roleplaying he's mistaken.

Perhaps I should log hien on and go investigate ye olde barrows and drop hunt... /evil :p


yes i know you hate it. :fluffle:
thats why i said what i said
mabey better if you close this thread?



OMFG :clap: :clap: :clap:

Its threads like these that make me read BW :clap: :clap:

Aint BW just tremendious sence of humor

:bazbeer: :bazbeer:

Keep going here

:lol: :ROFLMAO:


whineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+twat+other places to lvl+kthxbb


heh yeah, ironheart....i had the VERY same story with him, even the "king of barrows" :clap:

but i have no problem ignoring people like him, doesnt affect my mood really.
and yes, i really hope he's 13 years old. cause if not, hes even a more poor person!


Originally posted by old.Kerosene
Nah Chilly, he's still not a big enough twat to fill my shoes in TMM :clap:

Shut yer hole ya Hibernian pansy!

Just cos hes not as big a twat as you dont make him unfit for TMM, i mean theres plenty or BORDERLINE twats, take Felde...hes a sound old boy, not MUCH of a twat...but ennuf to rile up the odd FC member, you know the drill.

But aye....aye......need something to say really......hmmm.....fuck it.


Sad people like him deliberatly try and work people up like this as its the only way they can get any kind of attention from people. They can't get along and make friends so they act like assholes so people take notice of them, there best ignored.

And as tilda said, close the thread, there not worth it.


close thread tilda and ull be the best mod eva and the best reaver too!


I love these threads, it's where I get all my sig quotes from :D


ok I think this thread has passed its peak.

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