Read this Thread plz, I want to see how other ppl consider this.

  • Thread starter Lireihuan.china
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I was PLing in Barrows, i met Mr ironheart , his alt and buffbot.
here is some of our chat.
it's very interesting i promise.

*** Chat Log Opened: Thu Jun 05 12:14:29 2003

[12:14:43] @@You send, "hmm, what do u mean by ownthis dungeon?" to Ironheart
[12:15:07] @@Ironheart sends, "from now on you may call me ironheart " king of barrows""
[12:15:26] @@You send, "and reason is?" to Ironheart
[12:15:36] @@Ironheart sends, "well, i keep pl'ers out of here"
[12:15:54] @@Ironheart sends, "let ordenairy ppl hunt here, and a selective, ace class of ppl :)"
[[12:16:50] @@You send, "like u never PLed before here?" to Ironheart
[12:16:56] @@Ironheart sends, "i do it all the time"
[12:17:07] @@You send, "u never PL before here?" to Ironheart
[12:17:17] @@Ironheart sends, "i said: " i do it all the time"
[12:17:31] @@You send, "so u get all PL ppl out, then PL here alone?" to Ironheart
[12:17:47] @@Ironheart sends, "nope, ordenairy groups hunt here"
[12:18:09] @@You send, "but u do PL here, as u said before" to Ironheart
[12:18:20] @@You send, "why other ppl can't PL at here, but u can." to Ironheart
[12:18:23] @@Ironheart sends, "you're not english i presume"
[12:18:35] @@Ironheart sends, "because you don't seem to udnerstand my wrting"
[12:18:40] @@You send, "u didn't answer my question" to Ironheart
[12:18:47] @@You send, "u said you did it all the time" to Ironheart
[12:18:55] @@Ironheart sends, "why answer an already answered question"
[12:18:55] @@You send, "i am asking you why u can pl here, but other ppl can't" to Ironheart
[12:19:41] @@You send, "did i say anything non-english that u didn't understand what i am asking?" to Ironheart
[12:19:58] @@Ironheart sends, "no PL'ing in barrows, me neither"
[12:20:09] @@You send, "u said u did it all the time, chat log m8" to Ironheart
[12:20:11] @@Ironheart sends, "comprende"
[12:20:32] @@Ironheart sends, "get lost stupid feck , learn how to read"
[12:20:56] @@Ironheart sends, "ordenairy groups hunt here"
[12:21:00] @@You send, "wooh, u know how to respect player?" to Ironheart
[12:21:14] @@Ironheart sends, "yeah, the real players, i do, not the morons"
[12:21:38] @@You send, "why u think i am a moron?" to Ironheart
[12:21:47] @@You send, "what makes u think u r not a moron?" to Ironheart
[12:22:06] @@Ironheart sends, "you seem to lazy to buy a second acoZzWx so you borrow one"
[12:22:18] @@Ironheart sends, "you are in violations with every rule"
[12:22:26] @@You send, "what rule?" to Ironheart
[12:22:27] @@Ironheart sends, "now LOG THAT"
[12:23:16] @@Ironheart sends, "sharing accounts is FORBIDDEN, now i will repot that nutcase account"
[12:23:32] @@You send, "share accout?" to Ironheart
[12:24:00] @@You send, "what makes u think i am sharing my accout with other ppl?" to Ironheart
[12:24:06] @@Ironheart sends, "should you not be in shool? "
[12:25:30] @@Ironheart sends, "i don't think"
[12:25:46] @@You send, "i see. u don't think, that's u called ppl moron.." to Ironheart
[12:26:12] @@Ironheart sends, "i call PL'ing ppl with other ppl's accounts for other ppl's accounts moron"

i don't think it's fair that everyone must do what this guy want us to do. and then he told me he got 4 other ppl's accout banned by send chat to mythic. and also he got mad about Buffbot and radar in rvr.

next day.. i met his alt again in barrows , i was doing fine with greenfingers before he came. he is using buffbot on his alt ( a necromancer)

*** Chat Log Opened: Fri Jun 06 10:56:20 2003

[10:56:29] @@You send, "i am trying to sort this out" to Nasdrovnje
[10:56:42] @@Greenfingers sends, "is he letting you?"
[10:56:45] @@You send, "no he dosn't want to move out.." to Greenfingers
[10:56:48] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "verry simple, he's nuking upstairs, advisors only , you nuke lichas room"
[10:56:58] @@Greenfingers sends, "let me talk to him"
[10:57:05] @@You send, "but he came here earlier, he gota chose what he satisfied" to Nasdrovnje
[10:57:06] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "i'll be bussy here , trying to live long enough"
[10:57:14] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "he can get the hell out"
[10:57:37] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "he's a member of FC , so he can get lost"
[10:57:41] @@You send, "i came 2nd so i picked 2nd." to Nasdrovnje
[10:57:48] @@You send, "and u came last m8.." to Nasdrovnje
[10:59:33] @@You say, "u still pulling m8."
[10:59:47] @@You say, "we aren't ,we came and talk with you, and u keep pulling?"
[11:00:04] @@Nasdrovnje says, "if you think you will fecking make me move after half an hour of pulling you got something comming"
[11:00:10] @@Greenfingers says, "i dunnno about that but that attitude you are pulling aint that kind.. just because you are playing necro and never run oop doesnt mean you can come and take"
[11:00:30] @@Nasdrovnje says, "you can get lost"
[11:00:48] @@Nasdrovnje says, "you think you can go afk for an hour and still CLAIM you spot???"
[11:01:11] @@Nasdrovnje says, "touch luck, you are not the two only ppl hunting here"
[11:01:22] @@You say, "but u came last m8"
[11:01:26] @@Nasdrovnje says, "get lost"
[11:01:33] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "or i'll take all rooms"
[11:01:36] @@You say, "if u came here first, i would talk with you, if u don't allow me to pull, i wouldn't"
[11:01:52] @@Nasdrovnje says, "just shut up or i'll take all rooms"
[11:01:55] @@You say, "u can't m8, u could easily got banned accout for what u want to do"
[11:02:05] @@Nasdrovnje says, "SHUT UP"
[11:02:07] @@You say, "i got chat log save"
[11:02:10] @@Nasdrovnje says, "don't come to me we CoC"
[11:02:17] @@You say, "i will post on Bw and send to mythic"
[11:02:21] @@Nasdrovnje says, "i'll fecking report you for account sharing"
[11:02:33] @@Nasdrovnje says, "you fecking tw@"
[11:02:39] @@You say, "i am not warning you m8, i am just telling what i am going to do"
[11:02:46] @@Nasdrovnje says, "DO IT"
[11:02:59] @@Nasdrovnje says, "i'll tell you the result now"
[11:03:00] @@You say, "u have no right to order me to do it anyway :)"
[11:03:04] @@Nasdrovnje says, "you can not claim a spot"
[11:03:19] @@You say, "well u can't mess up with ppl too?"
[11:03:23] @@Nasdrovnje says, "you can not leave for an hour then come back an tell ppl to get lost"
[11:03:34] @@Greenfingers says, "i didnt leave"
[11:03:39] @@Greenfingers says, "i was still sitting up there"
[11:03:43] @@Nasdrovnje says, "who DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE"
[11:03:49] @@Nasdrovnje says, "so what??"
[11:03:49] @@You say, "we are players"
[11:04:13] @@Greenfingers says, "we are players who pay for the same game as you are.. play it fairly or get banned"
[11:04:28] @@Nasdrovnje says, "ok , let's play"
[11:04:46] @@Nasdrovnje says, "brb assjoles"

then he log ironheart back and buffed to nuke all mobs etc..
1 days ago he said buffbot is lame, and he could tell mythic to bann other ppl's accout and today he use buffbot and act like he is king of this game.
I think that's why he is unguildy.
I feel sad if mythic did something for him, I would consider to stop playing this game if all he said and did doesn't derserve flame.


He is in barrows for over a half year now hunting for Alchemy and Spellcraft items, I think he has the Barrows Madness :(


Originally posted by <Lireihuan>

[10:57:14] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "he can get the hell out"
[10:57:37] @@Nasdrovnje sends, "he's a member of FC , so he can get lost"

In the words of Landshark...

twat :great:


Originally posted by xplo
He is in barrows for over a half year now hunting for Alchemy and Spellcraft items, I think he has the Barrows Madness :(

No, just a complete twat.


Ive had problems with this twat when i used to pl at advisors too, total retard just /ignore imo


/slap him and tell him to go play with his toys alone in the corner while he calms down :)


If you know your logging a chat it is easy to push the conversation in a certain direction knowing that you will be using it to discredit him. So to me logs like this don't mean much. Not that I'm afraid to use one myself but it would be one of ppl talking about me and me not being present/participating.
It happens all the time btw. Guy who gets to the spot first has it, doesn't matter if its a fg or someone powerleveling alts. If he clears the spawn on his own and he was there first you have no reason to complain about it. The only thing you can do is ask if he wants to share it with you and if he doesn't, too bad.


BTW i actually want to know whose account got banned after getting him unhappy in barrows....
If anyone who suffered from that, or anyone of your friend did, tell me plz.


Ironheart Fire Wizz lvl 50, yes hes a prick.

I had some argues with him just a couple of weeks ago when i was there using Troop's account. The guy is prolly the nº1 retard of Excalibur n 1 of the worst players tho. I was pulling from lower advisors room n he suddenly came n started pullin at my side even when the upper room wasn't camped, when i told him to pls go up he started flaming GoL, claiming the spot coz he is the King of Barrows, etc..... (and another proofs of his low-teenager mentality)
So i started pulling also from malefic phantoms as it wasnt camped. After a while, a necro came so i focused again in Lichas room. Thats when Ironheart started liching from my pulls.
After another round of stupid argues (and the guy isnt english, think he is finnish, duthc, norwish or sumthing similar) i just stopped pulling for 5min n waited how he pulled a linked Wizard Lichas+advisor n died 3sec before. The funniest thing was that he died just by the time he was telling me how to pull properly n claiming his elite skills. So u can imagine how much i laughed to him.
He released n 5min after i got a pm from him that he had reported me :lol:

Got some nice laughs with the twat :great:


the guy seems like a bit of a tit . BUT imho if somebody goes AFK for a hour at a camp spot .. they have no right to tell others to stay away from camp .

ive had same sorta prob at advisors in past b4 my friar was 50 i exp'd on them everytime it was fre. one time a scout was p/l a alt there and then he and his alt left barrows. they were gone for 1hr+ during that time i was pulling. then he came back and claimed the camp was his and pulled my mobs. he said he had to go train his alt . sell loot and also transfer some items to his alt .. so i ust dismissed him and carroed on pulling "chain pulling is fun" then he hit one of my mobs next run whilst i was fighting and then when he pulled next he got adds :) and died :) and i didnt rez him :) was sooooo funny :)


[not here thanks.]
no im not lying cos it was yog who told me


he is an idiot too

poor guy :(


Nah. He is truly a selfish prick. I have posted logs in the past.

Helping Alb isn't about just attending raids, organising stuff and all that, it's also about helping the lower level chars when you can. Seems you can't even do this...

[19:34:46] @@Ironheart yells, "high level cleric needed"
[19:34:51] @@Ironheart yells, "high level cleric needed"
[19:34:52] @@You yell, "we heard ya first time"
[19:35:37] @@Sneakey says, "iron"
[19:35:39] @@Sneakey says, "eb me pls"
[19:36:03] @@Sneakey says, "eb me pls - ironheat"
[19:36:05] @@Ironheart says, "no maty, sorry"
[19:36:25] @@Sneakey says, "please"
[19:36:46] @@Sneakey says, "why not L*"
[19:36:50] @@Sneakey says, ""
[19:37:24] @@Sneakey says, "eb pls"
[19:37:37] @@You say, "It won't kill ya Ironheart "
[19:37:55] @@Ironheart yells, "one full group need cleric"
[19:38:11] @@Sneakey says, "iron why wont u eb me>"
[19:38:30] @@Ironheart says, "cause i'm sick and tired of beeing looked at as a fecking buffbott maty"
[19:38:40] @@Ironheart says, "i'm a nuke bot"
[19:38:44] @@Sneakey says, "never asked u before"
[19:38:48] @@You say, "In the time you typed that, you could have buffed him!"
[19:38:52] @@Asaiah says, "givz him eb :-D"
[19:39:00] @@Sneakey says, "u only have to press 1 button to make em happy ive got fire wiz as well u know "
[19:39:27] @@Ironheart says, "thats not the problem dude, sit with ur wizard at PK or here for a couple of minuts"

I know it's a pain, but it's only pressing one key.


rofl. he was like that when i was levelling with my brother in there, hes a class A twat. And yes, he REALLY does think he owns the Barrows, how sad can you get?


Originally posted by Arthwyr
If you know your logging a chat it is easy to push the conversation in a certain direction knowing that you will be using it to discredit him. So to me logs like this don't mean much. Not that I'm afraid to use one myself but it would be one of ppl talking about me and me not being present/participating.
It happens all the time btw. Guy who gets to the spot first has it, doesn't matter if its a fg or someone powerleveling alts. If he clears the spawn on his own and he was there first you have no reason to complain about it. The only thing you can do is ask if he wants to share it with you and if he doesn't, too bad.

In Sweden there's a debate on wheter Police should be able to provoke a crime or not. I'm actually a yes-sayer (with strict rules). A normal person DOES NOT COMMIT a crime when he gets the chance to, those who do will commit it sooner or later. However, this can be a bit tricky, as police can provoke a kid to use drugs, maybe threaten the kid to use it. Therefor strict laws need to be controlling this law.

To the point, a good man or woman does not lie and call other people insults if they are provoked by (in this case) quite reasonable questions.


Originally posted by old.Kerosene
Nah. He is truly a selfish prick. I have posted logs in the past.

Helping Alb isn't about just attending raids, organising stuff and all that, it's also about helping the lower level chars when you can. Seems you can't even do this...

[19:34:46] @@Ironheart yells, "high level cleric needed"
[19:34:51] @@Ironheart yells, "high level cleric needed"
[19:34:52] @@You yell, "we heard ya first time"
[19:35:37] @@Sneakey says, "iron"
[19:35:39] @@Sneakey says, "eb me pls"
[19:36:03] @@Sneakey says, "eb me pls - ironheat"
[19:36:05] @@Ironheart says, "no maty, sorry"
[19:36:25] @@Sneakey says, "please"
[19:36:46] @@Sneakey says, "why not L*"
[19:36:50] @@Sneakey says, ""
[19:37:24] @@Sneakey says, "eb pls"
[19:37:37] @@You say, "It won't kill ya Ironheart "
[19:37:55] @@Ironheart yells, "one full group need cleric"
[19:38:11] @@Sneakey says, "iron why wont u eb me>"
[19:38:30] @@Ironheart says, "cause i'm sick and tired of beeing looked at as a fecking buffbott maty"
[19:38:40] @@Ironheart says, "i'm a nuke bot"
[19:38:44] @@Sneakey says, "never asked u before"
[19:38:48] @@You say, "In the time you typed that, you could have buffed him!"
[19:38:52] @@Asaiah says, "givz him eb :-D"
[19:39:00] @@Sneakey says, "u only have to press 1 button to make em happy ive got fire wiz as well u know "
[19:39:27] @@Ironheart says, "thats not the problem dude, sit with ur wizard at PK or here for a couple of minuts"

I know it's a pain, but it's only pressing one key.

I don't find it lame to not give others EB. It's his choice and you can't force him to do it. Only way he will turn around and be generous is to realise the meaning of solidarity himself.

DeaD GuRu

My reply

ok , you want it, you get it

i'm shooting lichas room and i like it, to me that is RPG heaven in there, hehe, it seems that you can't handle a simple fact : there is a difference between the pm he recorded and the real msg i told him....

about the second part, GET THIS


i logged in , noticed that, i let nutcase nuke lichas room, i didn't even tempt to nuke there... why , he was doing nice and drained the room solo, no room for me , accidents could happen.....

then suddenly, after on HOUR of playing , that is : i was killing spectrals , vigis and phantoms in front of uthers room, these two TW@ come to me and tell me they want their spot back

omg that got me pissed, then i tried to get my role in, but nothing seemed to help.... i got angry, verry angry, these two soddiing fecks just came in AFTER ONE HOUR and wanted their room back???????

Then my hatred toward those fecking PL'ing twats got to me, and i let my temper flow result can be read in chat log

O BTW , DID he mention he cut out the juicy parts he typed?????



i got back into my role : i love that thing about king of barrows and xplo is absolutely right, try figuring out HOW MUCH ASTERITE I EXPORT TO A GUILD FROM THERE

and the king part, RPG style, i succeed in soloing every major mob in there, so i think i can be "the selfpronounced king" ROFl, you can't handle that, your problem , not mine

ironheart earns a living there, by a matter of speech..... and he hunts in the high level rooms, mostly he even helps the ppl entering barrows to do their epic quests, and when no one is there , he nukes his favorit spot, his arch enemy , Lichas.

YOU CAN'T handle the truth!!!!!!

no stuff it where you like, and something else: about that PL'ing thing, to get pL'ers out of barrows, well that should be done, there are lovely rooms for nice groups, once i entered a full group with iron and we started aoe nuking the rooms, that is fun and a nice try out...... can that be done???? or is that wrong also

no entering a room saying that is your spot and telling ppl that room is camped by you and mobs are yours........ will get me pissed, and i will give you the same responce next time you enter my area. Call it childish, lol, it is, but only language kids understand

ok, i do pl to, no offence, but i will be there when there are around 20 ppl in the whole dungeon and mostly when someone is upstairs nuking advisors, one is nuking lichas room , and a couple are nuking in front of uthers room.... ok why do they devide the spots, unbuffed double nukes gives you adds the next pull, or one of you, mostly ends up in death.... maybee stupid and contradictionairy to the things before, but a reason for trying to be wise

so last msg to all those fecks that seem to be angry at me for playing ironheart the way i like it to be played, get lost, /ignore me , do whatever you like, just don't enter barrows :))))

(hope that last part isn't... judgemental)

and pls write all you complaints to GOA or mythic or rightnow, i don't mind
i know what i'm doing in there.... i have reported several ppl also, i know the procedures and i know the results.... if i would get kicked for roleplaying (major part of the times in there) ok... shit happens...

i fall out of role when ppl start ordenairy conversations about irl topics, about rvr and radars and that shit, because, naturally, radars don't exist ( i think ) . When you start mentioning me the CoC and start threatening me with : you can't pull from this room, i was here first etc... i will agree, mostly, but when you start threatening me with crap that won't get you anywhere, you'll get a load of rubbish from me too. For me main chat is mostly rpg crap and sometime group , depending on the capacities of the kids that are playing CS in there their way... mostly no roleplay is to be found in there

anyway, i've had it,

i don't care what you think, you can't live with the fact i have my reasons for doing what i do , when i do, then sod it, i don't mind

sincerely yours,

maybee, lol, ex-ironheart



Look, what do i suppose to say?
ironheart got his reason to do anything he wanted to do, i post the chat and i felt sad because he only report the stuff and people makes him unhappy. And after lot of chat with him, i figure ironheart is not a perfect guy that could order other ppl to be perfect. somehow he is just self-oriented. I saw ppl complaining about him here, and ppl defending for him here.
I just want to say there is nothing completely right or wrong and sometimes truth goes to few ppl.
But if I am just not that kind of guy that wish to have endless topic about PL in barrows. All i want to tell ironheart is if u want to be the king in barrows, i don't care, unless u want to convice everyone that u r the king. If u want to convice other ppl with ur idea, show your quality so we people will respect you and listen to you. King of barrows only applied in Barrows and urself. It would be a big step if u tried to get respect from other players and not by the report way. and btw such words like Fecks, Morons, SHUT UP etc wouldn't help, it makes me feel waste of time to learn english.


Originally posted by old.Kerosene

[19:38:40] @@Ironheart says, "i'm a nuke bot"

what he said!
i think this boy wins the title of the most retard Kid in excalibur


guys cant you see hes playong a role :)

btw every player has the wright to tell what he thinks ,next time think 4 times before you call someone a twat ( or look in the mirror) :)

for now i'm going to the toilet brb


I was pulling single vigis in barrows along with another necro happily sharing, Mr Irontosser comes along using AOE on his SINGLE pulls and hence killing mine and the necro's pulls. We tell him to stop it and cos of this, apparantly I should be expecting an email from GOA telling me that my account has been terminated. That was 2 weeks ago. Mr Iron heart, ive met some first class numpties in this game, but you top them all. King of barrows my arse.


ironheart = retard

we all know it, just let him be
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