RE : Siemen's A50 Logo's



Cancer, that every day enemy of all apelike walking humanbeings. Let's see what causes us puny humans to fall under the terror of the big C.

Cellular phone:

Ofcourse we all know that cellular phones have a nuclear battery so you can talk longer to your friends who use AOL, you need longer times to speak so you know what the hell A/S/L means. For this single reason, the atomic reactor in cellular phones, they have a reasonably high cancer output through the earpiece.


Rabbits are known to take swim in pools of nuclear waste. This is why they glow in the dark if it's septemper 15th. Hugging or eating rabbits can cause even more cancer then the cellular phones so you better look under your bed before sleeping to make sure there are no glowing rabbits there.

Taking a walk:

Walking in the park or in the ghetto can be hazardous to your health in many ways. Mostly you get a bullet in your head but if you manage to avoid this, there is still the Great Big Magnificent C to worry about. The Great Big Magnificent C lurks behind every bush and every second corner so you better run. Never take a walk bcause that's when the Great Big Magnificent C will strike you like that n00b from CS or any other FPS based timespender.

Reading the boards:

Even now, as you read this you are probably hammered with tiny Cancer particles that move from other users, through the keyboars wire and into the boards. If you've been reading this whole thread, chances are you or one of your loved ones has allready won a million dollars.

Generally living:

No matter what other things cause cancer to uuze its way into your body and shutting down your immune system, being alive is the very first reason why this might happen. Like in any b-grade tv-show or most of the games that are out there, the Cancer always finds its way into the ventilation shaft and moves through it to your mainframe, causing your body to implode whenever you watch Rosie O'donnel. Watching Rosie O'donneling will also cause you Cancer but if you are living and watching it then you will die instantly.

The cure:

There is only one ultimate cure for the Big Kahoona Monsterzilla Cancer. That is to not live, take your life and you will be C-free for the rest of your undead life. If it's possible, take your friends with you so they don't have to suffer from the Cancer either. This is surely appreciated by your fellow workers, family and friends and they will be sure to say while living the undead life: Thanks man! I really would have hated if i had gotten the Big Fungus C!

There you have it, hope this helps you live your life a bit more easier knowing exactly what might cause you to have the Great Big C.


Did tOT really write that in the short time from me mentioning Canc in my post?

Or does he have this stuff allready know, like in Blue's one I made earlier.


I just write 'em. *shrugs* Too much stuff in the head of Teh Seel...even the VN board posts long ago weren't planned, just type and type and type and buy a mongoose. :D

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