Re: Buffbots ...



Originally posted by lofff
getting high lvl "spec-line" buffed makes THE DIFFERENCE, getting "base-line" ones aint that rare and just "helps". ppl uses buffbots to boost their chars at rvr and they wont stop with more whinning... i dont really mind.

nova, we need a 24/7 "RL-bot" who plays a bard for us =/ so we can own all those wankers buffed or not.

I need an RL-bot to do my job for me so I can play more :)

- Pathfinder -

Lame or not, post 1.51 Albion will be filled with clerics who've been seriously shafted ;) I know I, and most smiters, aren't really interested in healing and following groups around to provide buffs; that's what the rejuv. people do. Hence alot of smiters will end up as buff bots for our alts.


Originally posted by lofff
ps: lets make a midget only guild on pvp servers (if we still alive when it comes) with luris dorfs and kobies :clap:

My current guild are a Dwarf Hunter only guild atm ( with my pet Troll Bubsky that wanned to stay after I made it :D ) thou I am accepting Castweapon specced Warriors, Hunters with 50 stealth and 50 BC and Spiritmasters.
On the PvP server I think I'll incluse Cabalists and Luri champs that specs in Large weapons....


hehe Atrox... think ill roll a kobie warrior to match yar hunter ;) (j/k)


Originally posted by old.Finster

why are 50%+ of all shamans bots? because they are a lethal bore to play. balance those classes with some interesting rvr effects/ crowdcontrol/ base nuking ability or similar for druid. it s frankly not acceptable that some classes are this unattractive to play.

Finster, <Nolby Pride>
occasionally buffed

Partially agree. It's not boring being a shammy. I've noticed recently that hib/albs are going straight for me...I guess I must be doing something to piss them off :D Yesterday I took quite a few invaders out with my cave magic :clap:

Got past 20000 RP yesterday too...not bad for a support class, especially as I spend a lot of time with my 7 (yes, seven) alts.

Shammies are getting some loving in future patches. My shopping list on the RAs is nice too: serenity, wild arcana (crits on poison!) and of course, arguably Midgard's finest RA...Ichor of the deep...AoE root plus damage will HURT.

So don't give up on having fun with shammies.

PM me anyone who needs further shammy advice.

BTW Finster...good job I played shammie at the Alb Mile Gate yesterday, huh? :D


buhuuuu i dont have a buff boot so then someone else cant have it ether....

Nerf the buffs... nerf nerf nerf....

gee guys when will this end?


Ebeneezer... damn well you were there. but i know why so few other shammies or healers are there... because you have to love being support class to play one and you re faced with a load of sklads/ thanes (and the occasional sb o_O) who believe they own you.

and to be honest: currently shamans are grossly underpowered. they do not have access to the obscene crowdcontrol potential of a healer but do not get reasonable offense to balance it. hope aoe root and aoe pb shout disease will even scores a bit.

Finster, <Nolby Pride>


and the difference between a buff bot and a full enhance spec cleric ( or what ever) in grp is what? A full enhance specced ain't gonna do shit but follow you I say who gives a rats ass about buff bots


did you think before you posted? :)

the idea of a buffbot is that it waits in telekeep so that X L33t Stealther X can get gr8 buffs without losing RP to a group. you cannot find a real life player to do this :rolleyes:

hence the term 'bot'


Have to admit that using buff bots DOES seem unfair, and gives a very great advantage, however I for one am willing to admit, and alot of you here would probably agree even if you wouldn't admit it, that if I could afford to pay for 2 accounts (support/main), 2 computers and 2 high speed internet connections then I would probably do exactly the same myself. The temptation would be way to great to resist, specially as its not really cheating.

Before you get all righteous on people, just take a few moments to ask if you'd do it yourself if money wasn't an issue?



Buff bot or no buff bot I still put any of them on their asses fooking synthetic basts!

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