Re: Buffbots ...



I'd like to bring up a subject which has pissed me off for a while and that is buffbots. I think they are very lame and change the face of the game and its balance.

Two notable abusers of this are Alpha and Nolbypride. Now Nolbypride probably has like 1300 HP, abnormally high STR and of course capped dex/qui. This turns him into something which he was not intended to be. Stealthers should have high damage, they should be able to be invisible, and they should be able to rack up solo rp faster than any other class. What they SHOULDN'T be able to do is take similar damage that a solo tank could whilst making stupidly high damage and still get away.

What really grates with me is that it's perfectly legal to do, and can be argued to be "a valid tactic", simply because someone can afford to pay two subs(plus in Gromit's case, aquire the character first).

In my mind the stealther who is always fully buffed and gets a tonne of RP is worse than the unbuffed of lower RR. Leave the buffs please, it's lame.


I know what you meann but ....

if u had 2 accts wouldn't u do it ?

Gromits buffs suck btw, well base ones are the standard ones for a lvl50 but his spec ones are usless as is his enhance.

Madonion Slicer

Sorry to clear things up by BuffBot you mean a character thats buffs then just stays save and in range for Buffs to remain?

I must admit that last night, one of our guild was crafting in cornwall station, and gave me an intel buff my intel went from 152 to 192 this made xp a hell of a lot easier and as long as i was in range of her it stayed.

I dont know if this is a bad thing, i had a big advantage over my targets orange con Moor Boogeys went down easy.


BuffBot = a character that can buff which is ported to RvR with the sole purpose of buffing another char.

This is usually done by one person with two accounts who leaves the BuffBot parked somewhere at the PK (Grommit is normally outside behind the PK I think) while they play their other char which has been buffed 2 the nutz.


Mythic/GOA won't change their stance towards buffbots. Simply because another account equals more money for them.

I don't have a problem with them. If you put the time in lvling the buffbot why shouldn't you be able to use him?


I don't really think it should be part of this game, like so much else. But alas it seems alot of the succesful stealthers use it so should I choose to become one one day I might consider it. I mean my Cleric is becoming useless for RvR fairly soon anyway :)

There has been a buffbot nerf in that resistance buffs are now timered spells instead of conc, pretty much useful for non-soloers and setback for the buffbots. Of course Cleric buffbots don't get the most useful resistances but hey a fully specced enhance buffbot giving 24% to 3 resists is never bad.


When you receive buffs from a high enhancement-skilled character, it really makes a difference ... and you must like it when cast on you or at least be impressed.

A person with 2 accounts can indeed lvl up his character faster but bare in mind that he must still lvl it. Besides that, its a logical choice I guess because having a buffbot shortens downtime and because of the reason that most healer types often go for the damage line (Mid healers excluded here ... respect to you guys ;) ) in order to solo a bit which leaves OR heal OR buffs at low lvl (another logical choice imo). If you look at it, high buffing is that same as receiving e.g. max earthen burst.

- Pathfinder -

Heh, my cleric will end up as a buffbot if I continue to play post 1.51 anyway :) That's an interesting twist for the pro "nerf smite" people; now you get alot of buffed up stealth classes instead of smiters. Wonder which is preferable :)

Note, my cleric is a classic smiter (48/23/9), so his buffs suck; even if I fully buff someone I can't provide more than 70 str, for example; however it does make a difference, and once we can respec... :)


My account will probably be sold/deleted long before we ever get 1.51 but if not I'll be playing my Minst that will be lvl50 by then or could well be onto my 3rd/4th alt.

No point me respecing to enh or rej, healing bores me rigid and I'm not going to be paying 2 subs just to play an Uber buffed 2 the nutz stealther.


Havnt got a buff bot myself but sometimes when you join a grp with a person who has one they will spare a few buffs around.
The otherday for example i got buffed by shaman, fairly low lvl but it gave me 72str/con (i think), 40con, acuity, in end my hps were 1009 and im a 47rm, not even a dworf normal hps for me RvR is around 750, also had around 228pie i think.
Only another hit or 2 but that can make quite a difference, one thing it will save you from is those poison ticks that stealthers like to leave on you when they run :D


We have a lvl 40 guild buffbot and believe me the difference is like night and day :)


Of course people need their buffbots - you dont think they would dream of playing with skill and tactics do you?

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa, faced with their certain death if they had to fight fairly theyd rather avoid it.

Remember this is a game for soloing :rolleyes:


Well, Draylor, a buff-bot could be seen as tactics... One that some might not like, but still tactics... (e.g. when a small army faces a large army, give the small army better weapons)


Not really Wedge, the way they are tending to be used is by the RP obsessed stealthing soloers whose main aim is to annoy others.

Still - makes it all the more fun to see them dead ;)


If people are so desperate for rp´s or anything... let em use buffbots. Personally i think it´s pathetic, but if CoC says nothing about it, it´s their own choice. I think i read some part of one person using two accounts for personal benefit or sumthing but i guess it only means for spying purposes.


buffbots? hm, dunno, i rarely get buffs anyway, mostly from IRL friends.


have a counter suggestion. make decent buffs more widely available by giving some loving to shamans/ druids/ clerics and their enhancement lines.

why are 50%+ of all shamans bots? because they are a lethal bore to play. balance those classes with some interesting rvr effects/ crowdcontrol/ base nuking ability or similar for druid. it s frankly not acceptable that some classes are this unattractive to play.

buffbot presence= directly proportional to enhancement line dullness.

Finster, <Nolby Pride>
occasionally buffed


Well, I grately appreciate buffs from any cleric... Even my lowbie cleric...

And the tactic the 'stealthers' use (mind you, not only stealthers use them), are: More Strength + More Dex == More Carnage...

So you might not like those tactics, still they are tactics :rolleyes:

Well, I have added myself to the people with 'buff-bots'... Hate the word... She's always ready to buff people from the guild... And it helps in both RvR and PvE...

Often a cleric can probably give me the same or better buffs, but at least I dont lose them when the cleric dies...

Is it unfair? Who knows...

Does it give me more fun when playing my Armsman? Hell ya...


There are alot more
I-need-to-be-buffed-otherwise-i-cant-play-my-char players.

it's pathetic...
only thing I sometimes ask is a bub ;>


What I heard somewhere is that if you take a look at US main RvR servers telekeeps in emain you will see buffbot after buffbot lined up in there. Seen maybe 3 at apk sometimes so not that yet in here.

Anyway, is the amount of money u need to pay for another account so much if you think how many benefits you are getting? For example to use highlvl dmgbuffer/pbt'r to help lvl your new chars upto lvl ~35 or so. Got one of my alt chars to lvl 26 in 1d 14h played. And yes, I think that was fast. (Melee char could maybe do it a lot quicker)


i dont see the problem, if they have spent there own time and own cash to enhance there rvr then so be it, why do people whine so much on this forum, just kill this thread guys and join the moaning about albion

:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

old.chim aira

damn, then i'm specced as a buffbot with my 28+8 in enhance, and i'm active, what the hell, who cares as long as i have fun playing aka dying


I could afford to have a buffbot account. I'm not going to. It just isn't worth paying twice as much per month in order for my minstrel to gain 200hp and evade more.
Those that do it, well, fine, fair enough. Go ahead.


need aid to stop the alb hive zerg u know t-t


you only have to look at your quote to know you have no life :D


you only have to look at the list of characters he has to know he has no life.... (buying another account on top of that just adds further insult and geekdom)

After taking one character to 50, I am damn sure of one thing.. I aint gonna do it again, this game doesnt have enough depth to warrent putting that much time into it... DAOC really isnt a game of skill, its more a battle of numbers. Quantity not quality....

Its just an extreme form of powergaming...

Nolby obviously has no life.


getting high lvl "spec-line" buffed makes THE DIFFERENCE, getting "base-line" ones aint that rare and just "helps". ppl uses buffbots to boost their chars at rvr and they wont stop with more whinning... i dont really mind.

nova, we need a 24/7 "RL-bot" who plays a bard for us =/ so we can own all those wankers buffed or not.


[EXCA] lofff SeHullu > The caster in scale < - lv50 Champion
Celt Grove Protector - <inactive>

Loff you need to realize that your inactive!!!! so stop hitting my with that inactive club of yours...


rofl Atrox :rolleyes:

like 10 days since my last trip to emain and my /played went from 41 to 43 days on tha last 6 weeks >.< Thats kinda inactive m8 ;)

ps: lets make a midget only guild on pvp servers (if we still alive when it comes) with luris dorfs and kobies :clap:

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