Loxleyhood said:Random Stuff
Do you actully know what they do on fox hunts, or are you just convinced that your view is right and everyone else should go to hell.
If they dogs are catching the fox, they pull them back untill the fox is so tired it can't run any more at which point they let the dogs rip it apart.
So lets replace Fox A with Lox A. We chase him though the forest but every time we nearly catch him with pull the dogs back to so can run some more and lengethen his trauma. But i'm sure its ok because your a pest right? Or is it not ok because your a human? I would have much less trouble shooting some cunting human trash than a defenceless animal.
And regarding the puppy, If I saw some kid kicking a dog about I would fucking kick 7 bells of shit out the little ****, no questons asked.
I detest people that are cruel to animals, such a rage inside of me when I see it.
As for you lox acting like humans are the only important thing, and foxes are a pest, need I remind you that it's us on thier territory not the other way around. But of course because we can speak and use our hands to build things and that gives us a god given right to kill animals for fun.
What I wouldn't give to send a pack of dogs after those rich tonkys and see how they like it. Oh and before you say I am swayed by propaganda I am doing a politics degree, so i well well versed in taking an objective view in all situations and forming my own opinion.