Rather annoyed

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Originally posted by pogo121
Now ive said sorry

Originally posted by pogo121

<middle finger> but that’s another story....


Sorry you had to go through that tilda, happens to Alchemists too.. we gotta make potions as ingredients to potions which will be ingredients to the potion that's been ordered, and plenty of times I've given the customer the price, they agreed, half an hour later the stuff is done and the customer says 'nvm, kthxbye'. Asses happen, :( and before you put yourself on a pedestal ocondo, try taking up a craft and putting up with people like yourself :p

Bleri McThrust

Getting to LGM status on any craft is a costly and time consuming experience.

Being messed about by customers is just part of that experience. Even for Weapon crafting people dont always know exactly what they want. Ive done orders only to find the customer was misinformed and changed there mind (and they dont always listen to the advice you try and give them). Ive started weapons for people that have seen a /b advert and bought that one instead.

Some tend not to understand that supplies arent on tap, they need to be fetched (from Excal or Beno). That you could allready have items to make. That you may even not always be standing at a forge, you may actually be doing something else :). That the guy selling in /b yesterday was probably selling items in stock from an MP order and if he wants that sword now I cant guarantee that price :(.

All these experiences have led me to actually craft for Guild and friends only. If someone PM's me to make something Ill answer, with a cost and apx time, but I dont answer the /b looking for WC anymore :(.

I could never hope to recoup the cost of getting to LGM from selling my wares, so have no interest in trying. Oh and btw fi anyone does PM me and I dont answer, Im probably just AFK (kids and family do get in the way sometimes :( ).


With a guild of our size 100+ active players things happen.

Now we deal here with exp. players.

What i can not understand why this is taken to the bw forum ?
Tilda you should have take this to an officer of ASq.
you know who they are , but straight to here is that the new way ?

Same thing for obcurd if you got problems of this size come to higher ranked guildies we can work it out.

that is why there is a ranking system.

Now i have 2 stories both say they do not anything wrong

but both of you should act more grown up game wise.

Go to your GL / officers and ask to deal with your problem on a higher level.
And not take it out over the forum.

Tilda if you have any cost or made stuff already we take it over np. these things can happen but i know obscurd did not do this on purpose or so , to obscurd if you want to know anything ask us we got sc / alg crafters well over 1000 so we have np with makeing stuff. sec it keeps money with in the guild.

So both of you leave it and learn from it.
or if you still want to do something about plz take it to pm's 1:1
or to your guild officers
but on the formum straight away is bit of long unnessery way.

Have fun in the game both of you.


well I did acctually try.
I PM'ed Bowen several times repeatidly.
but because im on his ignore list got no reply.
I also asked 2 guildies to message him telling him Tilda has a complaint and they both told me they were told to go away but in much less polite language.



Originally posted by Tilda
There is no reason firstly for ASq to feel bitter or call me a parasite in the process. All i want is for ASq to stop feeling so hard done by, if you feel you lost a good player, your not going to get be back by whining and shouting at me in game.
Okay, stop your self-admiration for a moment and realize that the reason that many "normal" guilds feel resentment to people who ding level 50 only to move to an RvR guild is not because they lost a "good" player. It's more that the guild in question probably has collectively devoted a lot of time giving the offending player advice, helping him or her with quests, epics, money, equipment, and even levelling, only to see him or her do a /gc quit hours after the final ding. I don't know the specifics in this case, but similar things have happened to SS.

(And no, this is no way a flame towards the RvR guilds, rather to the ego-centrical players who don't square their departures to these guilds with their host guilds.)


Originally posted by Tilda
I PM'ed Bowen several times repeatidly.
but because im on his ignore list got no reply.
Hmm, odd... :rolleyes:

/em points to his previous post


Belomar please dont stick your finger in where you dont no the facts.
I thought about saying stuff that i did and dint recieve at ASq and what i did and didnt do. but then somebody from ASq will probably post back saying its all wrong so i wont waste my keyboard.



please dont advertise yourself as a spellcrafter tilda when u obviously dont have the time to deal with honest customers



/AS Tilda: WOOOOHOO 50% overcharges, damn I'm good.

right.. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Tilda
Belomar please dont stick your finger in where you dont no the facts.
I rarely stick anything else than my trusted quill into things, and in this case, I was merely pointing out that you being "a good player" may not be the whole story. SS has lost players to RvR guilds (thankfully not many), and the reason we were upset was not that the person in question was a superior player, but rather because we felt the guild had been unfairly used and its resources squandered.


well as far as i remember i never recieved cash or even armour off ASq.
that is why i didnt want to say it because im pretty sure that someone will come in and directly contradict me.



We will not come here and say you were given a whole infil set by Green for free just 1 week before leaving and we also will not tell Ire prob gave you money helping you out at lower levels

No worries about it

Did I mention anything? Nah don't want to start flaming here


Again wil not start a flaming posting war her why he left.
We all know the story.

Just seeing we didn't give him money nor armour makes me sad so only defended the people here who actualy did spend time to level him and those who gave him the stuff\money.

This is for me the last posting I will make on this topic (Tilda and ASq) unless something wrongly is said again.
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