Ranger spec questions again.



Well now 1.62 is upon us can i have some opinions on this spec please.

Bow 50 for all the new features.
Path 43 for last movement buff & best armour buff. Second best of everything else.
Pierce 25 for that precious stun.
Stealth 27
CD 10.

This character is gonna be solo.


heh why 43path, i wouldnt dream of taking it over 36, atleast not over 40. You deffo need higher pierce to


You defenitive dont need the af buff, as on SC armor it wont give you shit (maybe 7 points) So go for higher melee then high PF


If you going to solo i recomend you get a buffbot cause everyone else you will meet solo is buffed. Unless you going to go to kill expers in rvr dungeons or border keeps.

If I had a buffbot I would specc:
40 bow (11+rr = 51+rr)
39 pierc (11+rr = 50+rr)
36 stealth (11+rr = 47+rr)
27 pf (+rr = +rr)
25 cd (11+rr = 36+rr)

Only good thing on pf is speed (to catch up with running enemies, not escape) and maybe DA

And bow above 40 for the new styles i dont think its worth it.
45 rapid fire II only use less end, 4 shots more than rapid fire I on full end bar
50 100% damage trough non self bt/pbt, for 455 skill pts you get a 25% damage increase.

Only real reason to specc 50 (61) bow is for what ever damage that means, which i dont know how it is compared to somoone with 40 (51).

Also to all those saying "I dont need to specc high wepaon beacuse im not planning on doing any melee", to much go wrong when you using bow so most likly you will need to melee some people from 50-100% hp atleast once every run.

Specc is for a lurikeen, change pierc to blade if you making a celt, and dont even think about making a elf ;)


45 bow, 29 PF, 33 stealth, 39 pierce, 18CD

or if u have a buffbot drop PF to 23 and increase CD and maybe a point or 2 in stealth


If you're going to solo, you need a buffbot. soloing unbuffed is a pain and you hardly ever kill anything except from lucky leeching ;P
As a solo ranger i only use my bow maybe 50% of my fights (even with high stealth you will often get attacked by infils from stealth) and even then usually don't kill my target with bow unless they are noobs or casters. For a pure solo spec there's really no point going over 35 in bow, you never meet people who have someone elses bladeturn on them anyway, and this way you get better melee with only slightly lower (5-30 dmg max) bow dmg. stealth should definitely be over 45 preferably 50 as then even infils will have a hard time detecting you through camo.

My spec is:
44 pierce (for higher weaponskill and the followup to DB i sometimes use)
35 bow (for Rapid Fire)
35 stealth (i'm rr3 and planned this spec for rr5, i can hide good enough with 48 effective stealth. but my detect hidden stealth bubble will be 100 units smaller once i have 50 effective stealth)
31 CD (for style damage when using CD back styles (snare) and CD taunt when i want to have better chanses of evading (pierce taunt has HIGH defense penalty), also helps dualwield rate some. I'm aiming for 50 effective CD by rr6-8)
21 PF (for the 21 damage add and 16 speedshout, i would have lowered CD and taken PF to 27 if i didn't need CD for style damage)

PF is never worth taking over 30 imo even if you want to try to solo. 40+ is just too much points spent. 36 you only get a better damage add and no better other buffs, and still costs a lot more points.


Btw, celts are best for all weapons in melee. my celt has base 60 str and fully buffed with moa2 he has exactly 300 strength and 345 dex. since luri can't softcap strength and over 300 dex is 1/2 returns celt will always have higher WS. i have 1403 WS with 44+13pierce. Also, i wouldn't really recommend going blades, especially without purge it's a real pain. debuffs hit your weaponskill REALLY hard. and of course no diamondback. Luris are good for their size, you can hide behind small things easier. Elf is good for nothing, too tall and too gmped stats ;P
Oh, i really wouldn't recommend 45 bow for anyone, as someone above says it gives you 3 more RF shots on a full end bar. If you want to solo 35 or 40 bow will serve you best, for grouping 40 or 50 bow. Don't worry about bow weapskill, most of my damage dealing when soloing is melee anyway.


Originally posted by [CF]Evoric

CD taunt when i want to have better chanses of evading (pierce taunt has HIGH defense penalty

Defensive bonus/penalty only influences hit/miss, it does not increase evade/parry/block rates.
Still a good idea ofc to use the styles with least defensive penalties with the fixed grouping code.



Hmm i'm pretty sure i always evaded more in pve at least when i did unstyled as opposed to taunting. And detaunt helped my evade slightly. Would be interesting to see some testing preferably in rvr to see if and how much defense bon/penalty effects defense.



(just mo ofc)

(class dont really matter, but luri best snipers cuz of size)

For pure grp play rangers.
50 bow 50 poke 27 cd 9 path 4 stealth

For balanced ranger that can solo and grp.
bow 45 poke 44 stealth 33 cd 26 path 9

For pure solo ranger.
bow 35 poke 50 cd 27 path 16 stealth 33

im going for the bottom one.

Every though full penetrating arrow is gr8. As a ranger CC sticks to you like shit of on fur. And with 1 purge every 30 mins your still gonna find yourself mezzed out of a lot of battles.

Thats why pure tanks will always be superior to rangers in roaming RVR. Ironic that the classes with the least under standing of magic are the best at shrugging its effects off.


well my spec now is :
50 bow
39 pierc
21 pf
11 cd
35 stealth
with bonus that means:
61+rr bow
50+rr pierc
21+rr pf
22+rr cd
46+rr stealth

and i am very happy with this spec..

well,thats my spec


since you said solo;

at least 33 stealth
path 9-36
cd should be at least 20
pierce minimum 39
bow 45


take from someone who knows :p

there is no point going to 36+ path at all, iused to have 50 :p, the Dadd is nice yea, but mega waste of points.

ur stleath should be 34 minimum imo.
no point going 50 bow either, dmg from 40 - 50 bow, is not that much, 40 bow is best.

best spec imo is quivna's

44 peirce.
40 bow.
29 CD.
34 Stleath.
16 PF.

and if you can get buffed by a mate with a BB, the dmg out put can be nasty :p


just curiious...why do people spec CD??? i dont get it, surely you could add those points to Poke and be a bit better there? i dont have a ranger but im going to start a luri one...just wondered?


speccing CD increase the chance to swing the offhand (lefthand). Which means that instead of a 10 damage increase each swing you get a 80 damage increase every other.

It probebly not working like that, but you get the point


Originally posted by squalion
and if you can get buffed by a mate with a BB, the dmg out put can be nasty :p

And if you dont?


Taking the advice here & my own stuborn streak i have decided on

Bow 40
Pierce 39
Path 34
Stealth 36
CD 15.


I have gone for
bow 48
stealth 35
blades 39 (wouldnt mind getting a stone and going pierce)
cd 26
pf 9
with a buff bot ofc :)

no idea how good it is in solo RvR but does well in solo PvE


For pure solo ranger.
bow 35 poke 50 cd 27 path 16 stealth 33

4tehwin imo. id prob take bow to 40 unlike censi and drop some thing :p prob some cd and take poke to 44.

Elric IA

Detaunt styles increase your defense. whether it comes out as an evade, parry, block, miss etc. will depend on your class and spec but with my champ with 7 blunts and shield from left over points (7 blunt gives detaunt but no taunt). I tend to find that I hardly get hit at all and not just misses. I would agree with Evoric on this.


I think Xanadu_13 was the one who tested it on Vnboards.
He used defensive penalties/bonuses against a 3 layered defense ( evade/parry/block) and found the only thing that changed was the hit/miss ratio.
I would have to search vnboards for the thread, but i'm pretty sure it's in the fighter forum.



yes ive seen it... but cant say i agree with it..

i seem to evade ALOT more (in pve) when hitting unstyled then compared to the taunt


just curiious...why do people spec CD??? i dont get it, surely you could add those points to Poke and be a bit better there? i dont have a ranger but im going to start a luri one...just wondered?

think this is about right (or close enough).

with 0 CD you have a base chance of 45% to swing offhand weapon with main. With 50 CD you have about a 68% chance (some wierd formula I have written down somewhere).

So basically its pretty important to have high CD in terms of your melee performance. having CD close to 30 is optimal.

I am putting poke to 50 for the following reason.

I never had problems killing things as a ranger. The problem was that the only real solo class you come up against is/was assasins.

If your going to solo you need to make your ranger as anti-assasin as poissble. Im going all out melee really with 35 +17 bow for RF1 which you will only need to use versus solo mages if you are lucky enough to find one. With high poke you get evaded less. With purge AP and IP you have 3 get out of jail cards. and with 3 part dragon fang chain and dodger and mop2 you can sometimes give assasins a nasty fright.

If I used my ranger in grps I would have no doubt about going 50 bow.


Natural Spec/With Items/With Rank 8
Stealth 30 / 41 / 48
Bow 34 / 45 / 52
Pierce 34 / 45 / 52
Pathfinding 48 / 48 / 48
CD 17 / 28 / 35

is the spec if the best unbuffed ranger ive ever seen. but you could probably lower CD a bit and raise bow to 35. for rapid fire 1. :)

critshot.com good archer site for daoc.


my current spec is +16from rr & items:
bow40 =56
pierce 44 =60
cd 27=43
path21= 26 :p

celt ranger, respecced from blades to pierce, had 39blades befor and i have to say, my weapon skill and dmg output have been heavily increase.
i wouldn't recommend blades to anyone anymore, cuz of the lack of good styles and being hardly effected by str/con debuffs.

had 40path befor wich helped me a lot when solo, as i got no bot, now i'm more relieing on knowing peeps with bb or playing in grps, but i luve the change :D

bow above 40 is a waste, actualy 35bow should be enough realy, u will notice only a few points increase of ur dmg cap above 50 (with 54 bow my crit cap was 1034 with 56 its 1038 fyi) and the styles aren't worth going that high either. 35rapid fire is enough, can't complain about the end usage of it.

luris are good as snipers, but celts should be the better alrounder/melee fighter

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