Raids, a look forward



Originally posted by Cloak_
Lets just post on aMotD about raids AND on BW ;/

good idea - should stop doublebooked raids.

To do a raid while you know others are about to do it too is just lame.



what if both raids already planned laryssa?


talivar dont start again, kama told us two times that she will cancel hers, and we said ok lets do ours, if she would speak to me in a mature way and say that she would come anyways, i would have found another solution, but no one told us about it and it went on, kama does as she pleases no matter the circumstances, as you know by now.


Originally posted by ravenslore
what if both raids already planned laryssa?

As posted by Cloak - announce them a few days before u do them.

Perhaps it was just plain bad luck that you and VGN did your raids at them same time.

I read most of the threads now and instead of flaming you should start to work out a plan to avoid such incidents.


Would save you post counts and would only improve Hibernia's inner peace level.


im asking for future reference tyka not about whats happened i would like ppls mature answers on what should be done if 2 raids planned for same time:) no flames pls just sensible possible sollutions


there is no solution when kama is in the picture, me + alot of others in vgn spoke to her, she said she wont come, she came anyways, so as long as kama will do raids, no1 else can come in her way i guess.

I tried but failed cause of she not willing to co-operate, changing her mind twice.


lmfao I want to live Tyka's world, where I only have to hear what I want to hear, and I can change what people say to fit my own personal likeings.
Tyka, admit it, it's getting sad now! I never once told you in PM's that I was not coming to Galla, you and I both know that. I really find it funny that you continue this, have you nothing better to do? How very very sad.
Like I have said 15 million times, I will cooperate with anyone, but I won't be pushed around. I agreed to change my raid, announced it on /as and on BW, then some of vng people got rude with me, I won't tolerate that. I then decided no, I won't cancel my raid after all. Then after you logged on and we talked, you got the idea in your head I wasn't coming to Galla, even tho I not once told you that. I thought we could be adults about it Tyka and work it out so it wouldn't happen again. Damn I was wrong. The simple fact that you think it is ME who should move my hunt, rather than to disrupt VNG hunts is laughable, what makes your hunt any more or any less important that mine? Because VNG planned it sooner in the day than I did. Too bad, not a good enough reason.
This all could have been settled very easily and very quickly, and it WAS, but someone's ego got in the way when they started getting rude, you know who you are. I don't back down from people who threaten and insult me, and I sure as hell was NOT about to start last night.
I'll continue doing my hunts, and continue to announce them once a day in /as. If you plan a raid on top of mine, too bad, we're still going in and we're still going to have our fun. Galla belongs to no one and never was there a rule handed down by GOA stating that only one hunt is allowed in galla at a time.
Tyka, you can continue this little debate, and you can cpntinue to tell people what a lieing selfish loser bitch I am, I don't mind, it only serves to show me, and I assume others, what a child you truely are.



I hear that you are upset about some conflict. Same goes with Kama tho not as much.

None of you, or very few have cought the intention with this thread!

Find a solution so it can be avoided in the future.

We do not want to hear what happend, and who did this and that... forget it..

Find a solution so u dont keep spamming the forums with this nonsense, because that is what it is!

Now DONT start again, or you only prove the fact that you are imbeciles.


ahahaha, im the liar?

you're the one who just made your raid to get back at the ppl who insulted you (i sitll dont know who they are), and you are the one who changed your mind twice. When we spoke we agreed that you would NOT come, and i invited you to join our raid, later on i saw you guys entering galla and i msg you and ask are you coming here, and get no reply, guess what, you said one thing and did another thing. And thats not the first time, second time of the day, and you even told people that you changed your mind already about your raid, and then pulled it back 1 hour earlier, and you still think that people will think _I_ am the liar? ROFL how sad can you be, ignorance is a bliss.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
what makes your hunt any more or any less important that mine? Because VNG planned it sooner in the day than I did. Too bad, not a good enough reason.

Not a good reason? then what the hell is a good reason, and who the hell are you to tell people whats a good reason or not, god sometimes i wonder how old you really are, grow up you big baby :lol:


STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant we just organise a massive raid to kill the last boss :clap:


Originally posted by Cloak_
STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant we just organise a massive raid to kill the last boss :clap:

Why? the final boss is bugged, everything else down there except aroon is doable with 3fgs, anything more than that is just a waste of time, and i dont feel that the risk vs reward is fair then.


You know the saddest thing about all this?

These constant flames just make others formulate an opinion about you, one that is very probably unjustified, but will be carried ingame.

A possible solution to a problem that is older than the hills, has been put forward, and is being lost amongst the constant warfare.

I remember one thing though from the past (just after DF was launched) when another guild was hated/flamed/spat on, because they did successful raids, and it pissed all its members off royally to the point where they argued like this and defended themselves.

Guess thats the price you pay for success, but its all just swings and roundabouts at the end of the day.


Originally posted by cjkaceBM
Erm Cloak mate,

Its spelt Legendary. ;) ;) ;)

Yea but im like diff and stuff <cough>

Tyka : just coz id rather do smth as a realm rather than all this arguing


yeah cloak i agree, if you ask me for help or so, ill be there, maybe its your time to do raids, i even go on ffa raids myself to chill sometimes and learn how other leaders deal with different things, this game is not all about getting items or so, but when when we do our raids we do it our way and i expect ppl to respect that and dont interfere..

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