Raggell vs Evita grp(vid)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Tareregion said:
Agree with manisch, what's gotten up your bum lately Rami? Or Straef, for that matter :p
Not enough, still working on getting it more often :<
Conjurus said:
Camping ruins? You mean you are pissed because we dont run in the "zerg-area" around villa so you can add and leech some rps?

All you do is sit here on FH and spread lies about the guild Legacy, we are adders we are zergers etc. So I dont really see how you can be surprised over Ramis respons to your stories about the big bully who stole your lunch money.
Pissed? Surely I didn't seem pissed off? If I did, sorry for confusing you, I really didn't mean to :<
And no, I don't mean it because you don't run in the 'zerg area', but because you actually were on that exact spot for the bigger part of the night, but yes, I planned on adding and leeching, which didn't really work out as planned because I got added on before I could add on others, but oh well.
How do I spread lies? I saw you at ruins, I fought you there, several times. Same goes for another group. Why would I lie? To ruin an already shit reputation? Saying I'm adding/leeching would be just as big a lie, if not bigger, surely? I haven't called you zergers of late, as you actually got over that. You have on the other hand zerged a LOT in the past, until you got decent rr and it was time to work on the reputation, or you would be a hypocrit when bitching at others, and nobody would want that to happen.
I actually saw the replies coming, tho I secretly hoped for a reply which made a slight bit of sense, rather than some random shit stuck together.
I don't really get your last comment, as I didn't actually whine/flame at whoever it was I aimed my first comment at. The only thing I did, was mention you guys camping after one of you mentioned someone else doing the same. And surely, if you're all against it, you wouldn't behave the same way yourself, or do the same things? Oh wait... you did.
Conjurus said:
And your are a friggin noname moron.
Maybe he should flee to Hibernia to get himself a name, like you did? :<
Rami said:
Sorry he can't talk he got his mouth full of Straef :(
Wouldn't you be performing favours for half your guild in that case? Watch out for them STD's :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 16, 2004
Straef said:
Not enough, still working on getting it more often :<

Pissed? Surely I didn't seem pissed off? If I did, sorry for confusing you, I really didn't mean to :<
And no, I don't mean it because you don't run in the 'zerg area', but because you actually were on that exact spot for the bigger part of the night, but yes, I planned on adding and leeching, which didn't really work out as planned because I got added on before I could add on others, but oh well.
How do I spread lies? I saw you at ruins, I fought you there, several times. Same goes for another group. Why would I lie? To ruin an already shit reputation? Saying I'm adding/leeching would be just as big a lie, if not bigger, surely? I haven't called you zergers of late, as you actually got over that. You have on the other hand zerged a LOT in the past, until you got decent rr and it was time to work on the reputation, or you would be a hypocrit when bitching at others, and nobody would want that to happen.
I actually saw the replies coming, tho I secretly hoped for a reply which made a slight bit of sense, rather than some random shit stuck together.
I don't really get your last comment, as I didn't actually whine/flame at whoever it was I aimed my first comment at. The only thing I did, was mention you guys camping after one of you mentioned someone else doing the same. And surely, if you're all against it, you wouldn't behave the same way yourself, or do the same things? Oh wait... you did.

Maybe he should flee to Hibernia to get himself a name, like you did? :<

I was talking in general, that you seem to have a grudge against us.

So what you are saying is that running Berk<->Eras via the ruins is camping?
Camping ruins is in at least my opinion standing with FoP, mines, fully shroomed etc at the same spot, which we didn’t do. This makes your comment about camping wrong and misleading, but maybe that was your intention, to use the gray zone to make us look bad.
Regarding the reputation part I couldnt care less of what you think of us, you can call us idiots, morons etc, I can take it. BUT one thing I cant stand is when people lie and create their own reality. All your comments about us adding/camping and what not have any real substance in them.
Concerning you allegation of us zerging a lot in the past I need further clarification. Our group have been active for around 6 months, you need to define your meaning of "past". Just because you see one pink player in the zerg doesnt it mean its Legacy, we do not have the copyrights for the dye pink.

Still you make such "witty" comments for which you mock us for doing.
I am just plain sick of people who dinged 50 two weeks ago and dinged rr2 when they got 20 rps for the kill thinking they know all about RvR.


Dec 22, 2003
Maybe because you insult all albs with your "witty" posts he took exception. Some of Legacy are ok, some others are morons, rotton apples in the barrel etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Conjurus said:
I was talking in general, that you seem to have a grudge against us.
I do. Your guild used to play like a bunch of *****, adding on whatever fight they could add on, and acting the complete oposite once they hit rr6-7 or whatever. Now Legacy people are the first to whine at others camping/adding and what not, after having done plenty of it themselves. That's one thing I dislike about your guild, commonly known as hypocricy.
Another thing would be the atitude of the majority of your guild, or at least the ones posting on FH. How often have you not flamed someone without reason, someone who didn't deserve it, in my eyes at least?
If some Legacy guy starts bitching at someone for adding/zerging/camping I just like to point it out to them that they've done plenty of it themselves, without being bitter or pissed off. After doing so I get retarded comments, regardless of who it was I spoke to, followed by half the guild defending him, or attacking me and anyone who agrees with me.
So yes, I do have a grudge against your guild. You bend the rules as they fit you, add when you think it's right, which is FINE, but it's silly to whine at others for doing the same. But it's not like any of you will give a shit, as Rami will most likely point out with some witty post, so keep it up.
Conjurus said:
So what you are saying is that running Berk<->Eras via the ruins is camping? Camping ruins is in at least my opinion standing with FoP, mines, fully shroomed etc at the same spot, which we didn’t do. This makes your comment about camping wrong and misleading, but maybe that was your intention, to use the gray zone to make us look bad.
I don't mislead people, not intentionally anyway. It's just that whenever I came near ruins that night, you would be there. If you would pass the ruins 4-5 times and I would be there every time, surely you would have said the same, and most likely not as mildly as I put it. From my experience you were camping there, as you were there every time I passed, but if you were running Eras>Berks, I was mistaken, tho you've got to give it to me that it was impossible to find out for me unless I would've asked you 'Did you camp there and there?' after which I'd most likely have gotten some sarcastic/witty reply.
The funny thing is tho, that you do the exact same thing to me. That night, for example, I got added on by mids while fighting Legacy, and later on I got added on by Evita's group, and various other mids. After that, however, I was the one getting bitched at for adding, while there wasn't anything I could have done, apart from moving out. If I would've moved out, however, I would have most likely gotten my group split up and killed, which wasn't a tempting alternative. The same thing goes for other times. Nine out of ten times I'm the one getting added on, rather than the other way around, yet I get blamed for it, for whatever reason. Those people bitching at me for getting added on would include your guild aswell, which is yet another reason why I don't particulary fancy Legacy.
Conjurus said:
Regarding the reputation part I couldnt care less of what you think of us, you can call us idiots, morons etc, I can take it. BUT one thing I cant stand is when people lie and create their own reality. All your comments about us adding/camping and what not have any real substance in them.
Concerning you allegation of us zerging a lot in the past I need further clarification. Our group have been active for around 6 months, you need to define your meaning of "past". Just because you see one pink player in the zerg doesnt it mean its Legacy, we do not have the copyrights for the dye pink.
Still you make such "witty" comments for which you mock us for doing.
I am just plain sick of people who dinged 50 two weeks ago and dinged rr2 when they got 20 rps for the kill thinking they know all about RvR.
The 'past' would be when your group first showed up. I'm not speaking about a solo pink player in a zerg, but a fg of pinkies adding on my fights near Boldiam at that time, and between Eras/Berks/Beno later on. I can hardly prove you adding on me, as I don't make a screenshot every single time I get added on, but it was Legacy. If you don't trust me on that, then don't, as I hardly care any more about your reputation than you seem to do.
I would be one of the older players who are still active, so whatever your last comment is meant to be, it doesn't apply to me. I rvr'ed back when you were playing Albion and most likely before that. How are you to judge people who dinged 50 lately when you've only been active here for half a year yourself? I have been active on Prydwen for the last three+ years, so please do explain.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Funny how a thread about a funny clip (hey even the alb group in the clip thought it was funny) goes to a plain 'ol flame war


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Funny how a thread about a funny clip (hey even the alb group in the clip thought it was funny) goes to a plain 'ol flame war
Hey, it's not like I started it :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
CstasY said:
Yes, another predictable reply from a Legacy member! xD

Predictable?! Then you apperantly have admitted to your self that your a cocksucking gay :<


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Bondoila said:
Predictable?! Then you apperantly have admitted to your self that your a cocksucking gay :<
Some logics you have there :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bondoila said:

I think you must be. How does me saying a Legacy members response is predictable, ie; I could see it coming, admit I am a homosexual? The response was predictable, because when the majority of Legacy cant think of anything intelligent to say, they come up with insults worthy of a 13yo, like; 'Hoho u r gay m8!' So yes, I'm still waiting to see which part of my earlier post was infact a confession, please be so kind as to point it out for me.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
CstasY said:
I think you must be. How does me saying a Legacy members response is predictable, ie; I could see it coming, admit I am a homosexual? The response was predictable, because when the majority of Legacy cant think of anything intelligent to say, they come up with insults worthy of a 13yo, like; 'Hoho u r gay m8!' So yes, I'm still waiting to see which part of my earlier post was infact a confession, please be so kind as to point it out for me.
I think this is the part where he stops replying, just like those Legacy guys when they realised they were wrong :<
Or, maybe they had to hold back to spare us!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
CstasY said:
I think you must be. How does me saying a Legacy members response is predictable, ie; I could see it coming, admit I am a homosexual? The response was predictable, because when the majority of Legacy cant think of anything intelligent to say, they come up with insults worthy of a 13yo, like; 'Hoho u r gay m8!' So yes, I'm still waiting to see which part of my earlier post was infact a confession, please be so kind as to point it out for me.

Predicting someone to call you a gay (cocksucker etc) could mean that you realized that you are gay :p

Sorry, if you got upset by this little joke. <hug> <3


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bondoila said:
Predicting someone to call you a gay (cocksucker etc) could mean that you realized that you are gay :p

Sorry, if you got upset by this little joke. <hug> <3

No, I predicted an insult of that calibur though.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Bondoila said:
Predicting someone to call you a gay (cocksucker etc) could mean that you realized that you are gay :p

Sorry, if you got upset by this little joke. <hug> <3
For someone to be predictable is for someone to say things you'd expect him to say, i.e. Legacy people getting down to swearing when they can't come up with anything decent.
Calling someone a gay, however flattering that may be, has fuck all to do with someone actually being one, as you probably won't understand.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
CstasY said:
I think you must be. How does me saying a Legacy members response is predictable, ie; I could see it coming, admit I am a homosexual? The response was predictable, because when the majority of Legacy cant think of anything intelligent to say, they come up with insults worthy of a 13yo, like; 'Hoho u r gay m8!' So yes, I'm still waiting to see which part of my earlier post was infact a confession, please be so kind as to point it out for me.

Such outing tbh xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Raggelll said:
cant we all just be friends?
stop hijacking good threads :)

I guess they just can't.
Too bad you're blocking i sub-kobbie-par Ragge, where's your IP? ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Raggelll said:
cant we all just be friends?
stop hijacking good threads :)
FH wouldn't be half as interesting or active if it weren't for the whines, so don't stop them :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Straef said:
FH wouldn't be half as interesting or active if it weren't for the whines, so don't stop them :p
You should see the Grats Roqu rr10 thread on the german boards... :D

Here's a quote:

Who really gratulates them shall die

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