RADAR might have been used in BG1



ROTFL, You tards make me laugh.

For gods sake firstly can you not fucking read? LOL

Secondly, there ARE buffbots in BG, for gods sake Mids do it.

Secondly i was a the keep defence as well, and I saw the same things, I mean christ.

It makes me laugh when Albs bring out their one liners and try and cuss someone out when they cannot actually make a VALID argument, I'd really love to see you try, I mean I really would considering stessing your one combined brain cell might kill you all. Trust me it wouldn't be a loss.

Buffbots in RvR are a huge problem, if you think overwise then I'm pretty sure you use it yourself, exploit and cheat, or are just completely ignorant and stupid (Albs)

Secondly RADAR is a big problem, but its going to be a huge Taboo, like Speedhack in Ultima Online, (for those ex factioneers from UO, don't forget the CoM tards "I no use sp33d hax" then they zip away and get banned)

I think you Albions are quite a sorry case, you immediatly insult people for having a different opinion, you closed mind retards think you know better? PROVE IT FUCKS SAKE. You say something retarded like "Buffbots in the BG, Thats like Steroids in teh PeeWee League" Firstly there is no "the" in BG considering there is multiple BGs, it would the Bg"s"or just plain Bg"s".

Secondly, I doubt highly that you have fallen victim to the huge onslaught of Enemies like we mids have to go through day by day.

You think you are cool by being an appologist for Cheaters, it make you no better than they are. Maybe if you stood up against Exploits cheats and the ilk, maybe this game might avert going down the shitter like D2 and more recently Ultima Online has.

You must be truley stupid to not see the apparant and balatant future...

I lost all respect for Albion players, you truley are skill-less whining, ignorant, stupid, cheating, and moral defficient retards.

I hope you enjoy your bliss until the next time you get pwned by a zerker then, I'm sure you will reply when you go on the mystical quest of the nerfage.


Originally posted by parisienscot
Silly isn't it - bit like buffbots in bg!

Technically speaking it's less silly to have a lvl20 buffbot than a lvl50 one ;p


Originally posted by Buffnot

I hope you enjoy your bliss until the next time you get pwned by a zerker then, I'm sure you will reply when you go on the mystical quest of the nerfage.

Read the US patch notes - no mythical quest needed ;)

But come on you said yourself that you were standing near the gatekeeper in aoe range and you kept getting... aoe'd - what's so weird about that?

You also mentioned that you got hit by necro aoe - they have pbaoe dd and pbaoe dot that don't even require a target and it's fair tactics to put a necro pet right up at the door to spam aoe, I really can't see what the problem is.


Originally posted by Rory4
I am sick and tired of people having a go at me when they don't agree with something. You're really sad that you feel you have to act that way.

Ok let me explain a bit better: first of all I said MIGHT. That means I am not 100% sure that it was used. It is just way too coincidental that I kept on getting hit by a nercro AoE only when I was near the gatekeeper. I don't see how I could have lagged out the door when I am not moving towards the door, and had no lag for once. I know that there was a catapult being used against us, but those attacks seemed more random, and less like the user knew about Mid presences near or away from the door. Again, I was on the side of the gatekeeper farthest away from the door, but still within the radius of an AoE. And as I also described... there were no spams of AoEs against the door until the doors were almost down (and by that point I wasn't anywhere near the door or gatekeeper, in the yard preparing defenses). Before that, it was only really an issue of 1 necro having either the best luck, or having information he shouldn't have had (not saying he's the cheater either). Yes, you can see AoE's quite easily on the opposing side.

Just to further add that I am calling those who felt the need to cheat newbs. I don't care whose side they are on. Mids who use it are shameless newbs too. If I am wrong, then I will admit that I am wrong... that's why I posted here, because I want to find out if I am wrong. I HOPE that I am, because I don't want to play this game if there are cheaters in it using Radar.

First of all, you CAN'T cast any spells into a keep except a) GTAE and b) siegeweapon "spells". That's it. Necro's cant cast to center of the keep. Earth wizards can. And void elds. You can get hit near doors from regular AEs or PBAE.

You seem to have no clue how radar hacks work nor clue about how the game mechanics work. So dont go posting stuff about cheating when you got absolutely NOTHING to prove your accusations. I've yet to see a single proof of radar using because YOU CAN NOT prove it. All you can post is blaa and blaa are cheaters because they found me... like that never happens no matter where you hide.

Better just delete the whole topic.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Being a stealther, I was also worried by this program, so I did a bit of digging on the forums of the radar program site. From what I could find, it looks like radar cannot see stealthers until they are within visible range, when they would appear to you as a shade.
From what I could see, the game severs send no data packets about a stealther to a client until they are visible as a shade, so there is no data for the radar program to pick up on.

I hear you can amuse yourself with radar users by going behind them, unstealthing, and watch them suddenly loop round back to you. You then stealth and wander away again.


It's possible - if someone was aoeing the doors would the gatekeeper on the inside not get hit by the effects?

Sure you weren't on /effects self? (in which case you'd not have seen anything unless you got hit by the aoe - i.e. it'd look like you only got shot whilst near the gatekeeper)


You obviously cant read

I said I was there, I did not say I was near the gatekeeper.. LOL

and the gatekeeper is invulnerable, LOL.


Originally posted by Sarnat
First of all, you CAN'T cast any spells into a keep except a) GTAE and b) siegeweapon "spells". That's it. Necro's cant cast to center of the keep. Earth wizards can. And void elds. You can get hit near doors from regular AEs or PBAE.

You seem to have no clue how radar hacks work nor clue about how the game mechanics work. So dont go posting stuff about cheating when you got absolutely NOTHING to prove your accusations. I've yet to see a single proof of radar using because YOU CAN NOT prove it. All you can post is blaa and blaa are cheaters because they found me... like that never happens no matter where you hide.

Better just delete the whole topic.

OFGS, you are such a moron, you can, necros can, GTAES can yes, but there are so many LOS bugs it aint funny.
You are a brainless dribbling tard.

Obviously Rory doesnt know how to use it cos she hasnt used it and further I have yet to see a post on how radar works, so how can you so adimently define what it does, unless you use it yourself.


Originally posted by Buffnot
You obviously cant read

I said I was there, I did not say I was near the gatekeeper.. LOL

and the gatekeeper is invulnerable, LOL.

I was responding to this:

Originally posted by Rory4
I walked, on no less than 5 occasions, towards the right hand side of the innermost gatekeeper and got hit with an AoE while standing there.

Buffnot, incase you've not taken your head out of your arse for long enough to notice, an aoe doesn't show any effects except on the caster and on anyone that gets hit by it - i.e. you need to be affected by it to see that it's happening. If you have /effects self you'll not see lots of clouds appearing around the gatekeepers, and sure enough only when you move into range of the nuke will you see the effects/damage.

So it'll look like someone miraculously guessed when you were there rather than just spammed aoe on the gate.

And you're obviously completely clueless since nuking the gatekeeper is a very sensible thing to do (despite it being immortal - gee you know I never noticed that, wow...! thanks for pointing it out!) since it catches anyone rushing into the keep, although in this case they'd have been nuking the doors and not the gatekeeper judging by rory's post.

Quit shouting "CHEAT" because someone killed you, it's pretty lame :) check your facts first, rather than making yourself look like a moron.


Originally posted by Buffnot
I am teh uber!! noone can kill me! j00 are all suxx0rs.



Aww come on - dont pick on him. He's obviously very young and is a bit mad at the world. He'll chill out in a few years.


(Sorry about the excessive quoting in this post, but I just had to pick this joker's arguments apart.)

Originally posted by Buffnot
Secondly i was a the keep defence as well, and I saw the same things, I mean christ.
None of the presented information could conceivably count as decisive evidence, and the fact that this post was even made in the first place is laughable. Mindlessly accusing other people of being cheaters without proof is in my mind the next worst thing after actually cheating.
It makes me laugh when Albs bring out their one liners and try and cuss someone out when they cannot actually make a VALID argument
I fail to see your arguments either, just a lot of swearing. As has stated before, AoEing the gatekeeper is something every caster usually does when sieging a keep; I do it everytime in the hope of investing some damage in an enemy that I can cash in when we hit the lord room. :p
Buffbots in RvR are a huge problem, if you think overwise then I'm pretty sure you use it yourself, exploit and cheat, or are just completely ignorant and stupid (Albs)
You are very welcome to witness the menagerie of shamen lined up in MTK in Emain. Don't try to pose this as an underhanded trick that only Albs employ.
I think you Albions are quite a sorry case, you immediatly insult people for having a different opinion, you closed mind retards think you know better?
All I can see in your posts are insults, so better take a sip of your own medicine. Also, I, and many with me, regard mindless accusations of cheating (like this one) to be overstepping the line (I am only grateful you didn't try to name anyone), hence the harsh reaction.
I think you will find that the burden of proving that a cheat has been commited lies on the person who saw this alleged cheat. In this case, all the evidence seems to point to this being a perfectly normal siege.
Secondly, I doubt highly that you have fallen victim to the huge onslaught of Enemies like we mids have to go through day by day.
Well, Mr BG, I assume your highest char is level 24 and that you think yourself to be quite the king of the battlegrounds. Come back when you have tasted real RvR in the frontiers and seen the zerker zergs steamrolling through Emain, and then we can talk.
you truley are skill-less whining, ignorant, stupid, cheating, and moral defficient retards.
As opposed to angels of prose and diplomacy like yourself?
I hope you enjoy your bliss until the next time you get pwned by a zerker then, I'm sure you will reply when you go on the mystical quest of the nerfage.
The nerf is already a fact, go cry somewhere else. :D


This is the last time I am posting in this thread because people of course accuse me of something. I wrote this thread to make people aware that Radar is an unfortunate fact in RvR and shouldn't be swept under the carpet. Ok? I said might have been used because I didn't want to necessarily accuse a particular person... again I could be mistaken. Ffs stop calling me a whiner because I got killed... obviously I took the risk to see if it was the truth or not. So don't even use that as an argument to make a non-valid point. Am I whining about getting killed? No. Am I whining about the keep falling? No. What I am saying is that I found it too coincidental that I kept on getting hit by a necro AoE everytime I came to the other side of the gatekeeper. I meant for the guy to hit me with an AoE. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered there in the first place.

Yes I have heard of GTAE. However, since I am not talking about myself being <the> target, that's a moot point. I am talking about the fact that he seemed to know <when> to use his spell because it was only when I walked to the gatekeeper or was on the other side of the gatekeeper. If you can see that there's a person in the keep within pbAoE or AoE whatever, all you have to do is target the door and they will get hit. But my question is how did he know when I was standing there since he wasn't spamming AoE? Now if you can't understand this last paragraph, then don't bother replying, because you obviously want to make me look like the villain in this. Mids do things that I don't like either. Ok? And I am sure there will be just as many Middies using Radar as Albs. Ok?

FFS read before you bother to post.


I r teh AE Hammzor Spammzor (forgive me, I am only on "Teach Yourself Leet - Book 1" atm, and struggling past chapter 1 :D)


Originally posted by Rory4
But my question is how did he know when I was standing there since he wasn't spamming AoE?
Simple question: How do you know he wasn't spamming AoE? (Hint: If no one gets hit by an AoE, you don't see the effects.)


It is rather unlikely that someone would use a radar program to time AoEs on the keep doors, spamming will usually suffice.
If they were using a radar program, they shouldn't have been it's a breach of the EULA and unbalances the game. However the gain here would have been minimal.
With the presented description there is little if any evidence of radar use.

Rory4 may be angry and a little green, but let's try to be a little more civil to Rory4 and stop throwing so many names. Time will bring wisdom.

Buffnot on the other hand is rather more unpleasant, any flame in Buffnot's direction is well deserved.


imo everyone that has ever beaten me in RvR/duel is a buffbot, radar using hacking cheater....oww wait that's 99.99% of mid and hib...



btw, this is not directed at anyone, just wanted to join the flame club!


I was perfectly civil to Rory4 :) just a bit naive, but he was perfectly reasonable in his posts.

Buffnot deserved all he got ;)

It's all down to philosopy:
If an aoe lands on a keep in the woods and there's noone around to get hit... does it make a boom?

In this case - no ;)


Originally posted by Rory4
But my question is how did he know when I was standing there since he wasn't spamming AoE?

Jeff watching from a hole in the wall we like to call a "window" and notices someone entering/coming near the door.

Jeff: "Hey Pete, someones at the door again."

Pete: "Righty."

Pete casts a big scary area thing spell.

Jeff: "Got him. Good job."

Pete: "Thanks. Keep scouting ok?"

Jeff: "Sure thing."


I can remember when i went to BG1 that when i was attacking a keep i sometimes saw ppl lagging over walls and through walls. Like when someone jumped or climbed a ladder inside the keep i saw them carrying on above the walls. When someone ran forward or took a step forward and one of us lagged i saw them run through the walls and then disapear. Using this i could actually target people who we're inside the keep. Maybe this is why you got attacked.

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