RADAR might have been used in BG1



I am posting this after having read threads on vnboards.ign.com and on barrysworld.com about RADAR, but I believe that some Albion players may have been using RADAR during the CK take in Thidranki on Excal today. The keep would have fallen anyway, Mids were outnumbered at least 3 to 1, but here is why I think at least one person was cheating:

I know that people/rams/pets can be seen through the inner door of the keep when you are standing right next to it, attacking it or attacking through it. That's not the issue... the issue is that I walked, on no less than 5 occasions, towards the right hand side of the innermost gatekeeper and got hit with an AoE while standing there. The Albs should have had no idea I was standing on the other side of the gatekeeper, considering they can't see me. In no way was I near the door at all... I walking from the middle of the keep yard to a couple paces from the righthand side of the gatekeeper. There was no one else at the door at the time, but someone on the enemy side still managed to 'know' I was within range of an AoE. When nobody on our side of the door was standing near the gatekeeper or the door, no AoE was cast. 5 times to me indicates that this wasn't a coincidence or a good guess on the part of the Albs.

Again, the keep would have fallen... we were far too outnumbered to hold it. However, cheating made it far too easy and ruined the entire experience, not just for me, but for many other people. I will say this, I won't congratulate the Albs for taking the keep if they did have to use large numbers of people + a cheat program to do it. In fact, I will call them serious newbs and losers of a different sort if they think that's the only way to beat Midgard at a keep raid.


bah, nm. didnt read everything before i posted :rolleyes:


Then again, someone with AE could've grouped with someone who has the ability to Stealth... And smart people work together... This aint CS, everyone with wits ain't cheating... And cheating in a thing like that is so pathetic no one would do it since it really, REALLY doesn't require any sort of a cheat.


how does stealth help?

do peeps in BG1 get climb walls now?


As far as I know, none of the radar progs I know are accurate enough to use GTAE (I assume that was it) as you simply can not cast any other spell to inside keep. Now moving your GT inside and hitting someone isn't really special.

Cavex ElSaviour

I have no idea if midgard can see the aoe spells when they are casted but doesn't have a hit. But on the keep raids in bg 0 i've been in i kept casting aoe mezz on door 2 the minute i have nothing to do. so might be coincidence.


Someone dies, has heard a cheat proggy exists so jumps to conclusions.

Sounds like you probably lagged through the wall, casters outside saw you so started to AOE hoping youd still be within range. FAR more likely that it being the result of some "radar".


prolly just someone psamming aoe at the gates


Erm, you have obviously never played a class with aoe before!! Rule No 1 (in my case as a cabbie) spam every fricking possible location - door/gatekeeper/archers etc etc anything at all and constantly if possible(but every so often if low on pow), cos you will get someone, usually several eventually - box standard anti pbaoe/door repair tactic

Accusing someone of cheating for using NORMAL keep take tactics is just damn stupid/lame/pathetic and totally n00bish.

Learn the freakin game :rolleyes:

Edit: you dont always 'see' an aoe spell going off btw, especially in keep takes


people like you make this game rubbish

Just because your team is crap and die dosn't mean people cheat to kill you.

Slip Slipurson

Well i can not say anything about this certian time, but i know that at least 3 times that i have been far out on the right side of MTK (facing it from MB) both albs and hibs have come straight for me, one of the times i was sorting some stuff with SC templates and forgot that i was on autorun and reacted whan i hit the water.. so i swam to the zonewall and layed there in the water and as i look at my screen a bard comes running past me and when he is FAAAAR away from even seeing my name he turns and runs right for me, ofc he could have had a NS friend scouting but then i would have seen that one since i am a SB with detect hidden :)

BUT i am not accusing only albs and hibs since there are just as amny mids that could be using radar, justv saying that tho not 100% sure i am pretty certain that iti is used in the BGs and then for sure even in the "real" RvR's

bah way to long post... tired babbling away... going back to lair to get lvls... :)


yeah you would have to use radar to do that, i mean its not like an attacking force constantly AOE spams the doors.
And putting a GT in the keep without gtassist cant be done right ?

get over yourself man, nothing that happend was wierd


well not long ago i went afk in thidranki, in midle of nowhere (in a non-frecuented place) with 24stealth ns, when i came back a mid hunter had pocked killed me. Only 1 mid hunter, and i checked log, he did uncovered me not any mob..

Its actually imposible he went and found me there otherway but using a radar, it just cracked me down, ppl started using buffbots on bgs, and then radars.. :rolleyes:


You don't know that, Loffff. BS.
I've uncovered people in wierd places before. Found an AFK SB somewhere where I went to rest up, waaay back from MTK at the zonewall.... like 10k from MTK and 30k from MMG, just happened to sit down right next to an afk shadow...


I always spam aoe on the doors when i have some spare power and i'm sure others do too so i wouldn't worry about it.


Was my understanding too that the servers don't actually transmit information about the position of stealthed chars until they are within your detect range... thus giving the slightly lagged detection that makes it fkin impossible to find assassins as a non-assassin, most of the time :mad:


The actual in game detection for a stealther within your detection area ( if you are inside his stealth bubble ) is 3s.

Every 3s the server "pulses" the area around you for stealthers and pops them into shade mode when in range to see them. I think only then information gets send to you.

I hope only then :p


Being a stealther, I was also worried by this program, so I did a bit of digging on the forums of the radar program site. From what I could find, it looks like radar cannot see stealthers until they are within visible range, when they would appear to you as a shade.
From what I could see, the game severs send no data packets about a stealther to a client until they are visible as a shade, so there is no data for the radar program to pick up on.

At least that's my interpretation of what I could see.

Have to agree though, programs like this spoil things for everyone. Being a stealther, I am often out spying on the enemy and shadowing them, reporting movements back to other albs, and often get accused of using radar because of this.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
and often get accused of using radar because of this.

Look at your avvy! Ofcourse their gonna say that when you got a X3000-SupaScope on your right eye :p


well, then i friggin hate the lucky git who found me afk there ;P


Go away stupid CS player. The fact that a few use cheats is bad for the game, when someone consistently yells cheat as soon as they get killed in a slightly unorthodox way it's worse.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Being a stealther, I was also worried by this program, so I did a bit of digging on the forums of the radar program site. From what I could find, it looks like radar cannot see stealthers until they are within visible range, when they would appear to you as a shade.
From what I could see, the game severs send no data packets about a stealther to a client until they are visible as a shade, so there is no data for the radar program to pick up on.

At least that's my interpretation of what I could see.

Have to agree though, programs like this spoil things for everyone. Being a stealther, I am often out spying on the enemy and shadowing them, reporting movements back to other albs, and often get accused of using radar because of this.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

sad thing is no matter how many times you try to explain it to ppl, they keep replying: ' Then explain how he found me !!11 FFS kkthxbye'

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I always AE the doors. Its the only time I get to do some damage on a keep raid. :/

~kicks random mythic employee~


IT was meeeeeeeeeeee!!!

I am Lendana The SiegeMistress and I had a nice catapult up - no I don't have radar I was just randomly swinging ground target around and firing - I missed 9 times out of 10 but I had a lot of ammo!

So don't be paranoid about radar sometimes I just get lucky ;)

Oh and I had a nice evil chuckle every time I splatted anyone - catapults are fun!! More people should use em imo.


Hehe, radars in the bg....that's like taking steroids in PeeWee League.


Standard practice for anyone who ever did a keep raid.

If You have ae and have the mana cast ae on gate, at regular intervals, tends to help keep archers and anyone neer gate busy :)

realy doubt this is a radar user just normal tactic in any keep raid..


Originally posted by eynar
Hehe, radars in the bg....that's like taking steroids in PeeWee League.

Silly isn't it - bit like buffbots in bg!


I am sick and tired of people having a go at me when they don't agree with something. You're really sad that you feel you have to act that way.

Ok let me explain a bit better: first of all I said MIGHT. That means I am not 100% sure that it was used. It is just way too coincidental that I kept on getting hit by a nercro AoE only when I was near the gatekeeper. I don't see how I could have lagged out the door when I am not moving towards the door, and had no lag for once. I know that there was a catapult being used against us, but those attacks seemed more random, and less like the user knew about Mid presences near or away from the door. Again, I was on the side of the gatekeeper farthest away from the door, but still within the radius of an AoE. And as I also described... there were no spams of AoEs against the door until the doors were almost down (and by that point I wasn't anywhere near the door or gatekeeper, in the yard preparing defenses). Before that, it was only really an issue of 1 necro having either the best luck, or having information he shouldn't have had (not saying he's the cheater either). Yes, you can see AoE's quite easily on the opposing side.

Just to further add that I am calling those who felt the need to cheat newbs. I don't care whose side they are on. Mids who use it are shameless newbs too. If I am wrong, then I will admit that I am wrong... that's why I posted here, because I want to find out if I am wrong. I HOPE that I am, because I don't want to play this game if there are cheaters in it using Radar.

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