Radar EU


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
i should think anyone with even half a clue about how the net works wouldnt get caught using radar (at least on thier own account). the ones that do get caught should be temp/perm-banned+rps reset to zero *and same treatment for any other hack/abuse.

i think theres 2 or 3 groups that use it regularly but it depends who they got driving for em at the time and if theres any enemies out he/they feel the need to get an advantage over (or get even with).

course there are other "legal" ways of gaining '2nd sight' which have been used too... such as planting stealth alts in obscure places with a good view of choke points etc ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
tbh, dont think any groups have radar, atleast i havnt noticed anything


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
One year ago all the high/decent rr Mid Hib guilds would have been banned.
Shame GoA announced the tool so much.
And the first 2 week ban was a fecking joke.
Typical for a company without a spine...
Regards, Glottis


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
gravedigger said:
so you sayin every high rr or most of em usin radar?

shit than i got to worry myself is it

Did I say that? :-s

I said that there's probably some high rr people who use radar, I didn't say that the people who is high rr have to use radar ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Glottis said:
One year ago all the high/decent rr Mid Hib guilds would have been banned.
Shame GoA announced the tool so much.
And the first 2 week ban was a fecking joke.
Typical for a company without a spine...
Regards, Glottis




Loyal Freddie
Nov 19, 2004
Aeoric said:
Elvis(h) used Radar??!?!

maybe thats why I haven't seen him lately...

... certainly never had trouble finding the stealther hamburgers

lol, he does look a little Elvish to me... godbless music with rocks in.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Glottis said:
One year ago all the high/decent rr Mid Hib guilds would have been banned.
Shame GoA announced the tool so much.
And the first 2 week ban was a fecking joke.
Typical for a company without a spine...
Regards, Glottis

There really is no comment for this, i think it speaks for itself.

On a more serious note, I don't think any groups today uses Radar, what i think might be radaring is the soloers/duo's etc thats moving around killing people in really really obscure places, like under the water in the middle of the Irish Sea pre agramon(LD'd on boat, relogged, went underwater, afk'd 30 mins, came back and had been killed by xxxx sorc seeing as im not allowed to give names) I found that abit odd :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
im pretty sure some people use radar:) seen some situasions were it have been fairly obvious. And as someone else claimed...so many cheats with using other messures in game so its not so suprising. Some people in this game are so competitive and young in mind that its no big suprise:)
then im sure its both lower and higher...but i guess some of the higher rr gank groups might have a bit more to prove then a lower rr just starting...thats my opinion at least.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dont think i have ever been suspicious of any of the groups ive fought regularly, only people that look really suspicious to me is the caster duos etc that always seem to find FGvsFG fights going on and never seem to get rolled by the same FGs. Cant be by chance that they always stay away from danger and always find the leech RPs.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Amusing thing is that the GM's seem more interested in banning players they suspect of using radar than fixing the problem.

I know 2 players who have been banned for supposed radar abuse, neither had ever used it, neither returned to the game. One in particular was playing his first character ever, brand new player with his first lvl 23 ranger in thid (in his second week) banned for using something he didn't even know existed.

If anyone knows how to spot genuine radar abusers, please inform GOA, they dont have a clue.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Personally I don't think there are many radar abusers around anymore, there definatly where a few blatant cases but in each case that account isn't around anymore for what ever reason...

In my time I've reported a few people for speed hacking (with fraps to back it up) and the accounts involved seemed to have vanished. I honestly believe GoA do take reports of hacking (with evidence) very seriously, and will ban people if they can prove the abuse.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Glottis said:
One year ago all the high/decent rr Mid Hib guilds would have been banned.
Shame GoA announced the tool so much.
And the first 2 week ban was a fecking joke.
Typical for a company without a spine...
Regards, Glottis
i guess all those albs that got banned, (some that everyone knows about) were to stupid to stop using it then? :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Tallen said:
Amusing thing is that the GM's seem more interested in banning players they suspect of using radar than fixing the problem.

I know 2 players who have been banned for supposed radar abuse, neither had ever used it, neither returned to the game. One in particular was playing his first character ever, brand new player with his first lvl 23 ranger in thid (in his second week) banned for using something he didn't even know existed.

If anyone knows how to spot genuine radar abusers, please inform GOA, they dont have a clue.

that's a new spin on the "omgz I was only testing it!!!oneone" excuse ;)

usually people just say the game is shit and that they quit ;p

but saying "I'm a new player and only have a level 23 char" (apart from the level 50s on the other account..) is quite ingenious :) good sympathy getter.

Myself, I've not experienced any "wtf? how did that happen?" moments in a long time. So either radar users are being less blatant, the cheaters are being caught or enough people have been caught to make others go legit.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
I was under the impression that radar was gone, however playing a stealther again for a while, it's too obvious to ignore man. Wont mention names for reasons we all know etc etc


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
How do you prove, as player, that someone uses radar?
Been wondering about that some and personally you can't ever be sure if someone uses radar which is why (maybe as I don't have numbers) some people use radar.
Speed cheat on the other hand will get you banned the same day you use it as it's so obvious but radar..
I've been killed in places where basically nobody ever goes though does that mean the person who killed me used radar or was just wondering around some?

Quite frustrating that as a player you can't do anything about this as you will never know if it's just luck or not that you got spotted in a really weird place where nobody ever comes.
And like some people already said some people will just cheat without care and thus be cought soon though other people will cover it up and use it to their advantage but don't go on a killing spree in odd places etc.

I wonder how many people use cheats on EU (excal/pryd cluster mostly).
A while back someone posted some log files which showed how many people had used/downloaded a cheat program (radar it was I think) and then, if I can remember it correctly, 1 out of the 5 people on the EU servers used radar according to the log.
Now I don't know how correct that log was but if it was true then no doubt quite some people use it still now unless they stopped using it after mythic announced the new cheat detection thing they launched some time ago.

No doubt that I might have grouped with someone who used/uses radar but how do you know? It's not like they will tell you in group chat and most people have a different playing style so you can't tell it from that.
Though I hope most people are right about that most cheaters in EU have stopped cheating or got banned but I am sure there are still some peeps using cheats even if it's something innocent like craft cheat etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
u like stand behind a tree wait for them to go out of clip. destealth and watch them come back into clip and run straight at you.

(starquake would do it repeatedly like 5-6 times in a row before he would trig on you were baiting him)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Polite notice:

This is a discussion about radar - that's cool.
However, the moment anyone starts throwing names around it gets nuked along with those posting accusations.

Returning to the topic:

Given that radar gives a big advantage in RvR (I mean if it didn't who'd use it? why risk having your account banned for no advantage... it takes a particularly stupid type of person to cheat in an online game admittely but they're probably not _that_ stupid)... people who use radar will probably end up gaining RPs faster so I'd imagine the average RR of a radar user will be higher than a non-radar user.

Hence I'd expect anyone banned for radar would tend to be higher RR.

Note that anyone who thinks from that "anyone high RR must be using radar" is being stupid.

Radar -> faster rps which means higher RR (till they get banned anyway ;))
doesn't work the other way around.

Elvis can write songs and sing, but just because you can write songs and sing doesn't mean you're Elvis.

elvis didnt write most of his own song tho :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
there are times when you get jumped repeatedly by the same gorup that you think wtf is going on here but like others have said who knows maybe its a stealther alt sitting at particular choke points and so on. Its more important to just get on with the game and enjoying the crack on TS or vent.

What is most interesting is that in order for GOA to catch radar users surely they have to be using radar to do it? How else could you 'see' strategically to be able to watch a group U turn or whatever towards another group? I am assuming thats how they do it?

The other thing is that maybe in terms of the game code radar is part of a feature of GM tools and the code the radar users are using by passes a block on that or smgt - in other words its already there somewhere in the game like all those cheat codes you get in most games? Just some thoughts I am no games expert but usually cheats use already existing code albiet illegally.

If thats the case would it not be easier to remove the code?

Anyone know anything thing about this (because I don't claim to tbh)?

p.s. Elvis was an alien.

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