Racist, Homophobic and offensive language on this server

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I agree slightly with the dued before the dude above lol

This world ahs became far too much of aplce where people are told to speak their feelings as long as these feelings dont upset anyone???!?!?!?

That too me doesnt make sense

I like eating beef, if i were to proclaim this from the roofs I might have animalr rights activists and vegetarians after me with pitch forks.

I feel slightly isolated and alienated in my country due to their being a larger majority of ethnic cultures in my area, this could be seen as racists when in fact it is mearly a statement i am making which is true. However, if i were to proclaim this I could end arrested on a racist charge.

Everyone is entitled to say and do wahtever they want as long as they dont physically hurt someone in my books. If someone is really annoying you with their coments you have things such as filters and also /ignore

too many people get caught up in being politically correct and annoyed at so may things that they forget the world is still goin on without them and they just live their life and be happy



Originally posted by old.chipper

go play counter-strike for an hour cplcarrot daoc is quite tame compared to that

ah chipper and his 1 man battle against counter-strike :)


hrm, that's freaking me out - oblivion has soulcatcher's avatar :p


Originally posted by drummer
I'm 13 and i'm no n00b (anymore) :D

Not ALL kids are stupid n00bs ! :)



Right on Drummer!!! :clap:

L O N G L I V E T H E N 0 0 B S


Thinking gays are perverted freaks of nature is my right and it does not mean I am scared of them ala "homophobic" a word no doubt invented by a San Francisco sausage-jockey...

Racism is again someones right to hold those views I dont agree with it myself but that doesn't mean that view should be censored.

This is the 21st century not a 90's California haven for new-age Politically Correct ethics.

Hmmm...so many things, I just don't know where to start.
As it may be your right to voice your opinion etc...it's also my right to not have to hear it....so when I have /filters on etc and some idiot spells it ghey or c u n t , where do MY rights come into play?

Your right to speak your opinion doesn't not gareentee you the right to step on other peoples rights, I'm sorry, but it's just not the way it is supossed to work.

of course when I say you I mean people in general.


Re: Re: Racist, Homophobic and offensive language on this server

Originally posted by K0nah

... Thinking gays are perverted freaks of nature is my right and it does not mean I am scared of them ala "homophobic" a word no doubt invented by a San Francisco sausage-jockey...
no comment

Originally posted by K0nah

... Racism is again someones right to hold those views I dont agree with it myself but that doesn't mean that view should be censored. ...
no comment

Originally posted by K0nah

... This is the 21st century not a 90's California haven for new-age Politically Correct ethics.
What exactly do you think you know about the 21st century? You've never been there. You and your mind are obviously stuck in the deepest middle ages (in a very early stage of those).
I can only hope that you'll never find you're way out, because in the 21st century there's really no room for people like you anymore.


<best opera impression>

go Rashim
go Rashim
go Rashim

lol :) so im not mad then? or a politically correct baffoon?

on second thoughts, dont answer that :)


21st Century

Was i asleep or something when the world decided Rashim was the cultural expert on the 21st century?

If players know that people on this game are going to swear, curse or be racist or whatever over public channels then THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE THEIR KIDS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
By having them 'sat on you knee' or watching, you are making an active decision to expose them to whatever may appear on screen. You shouldn't expect people to change according to what you want when you want it.

Yes spelling words differently is stupid, but it's easily dismissed. daddy whats ghey mean? Oh that person is silly and can't type he just means hey but got too excited in his typing. :p


Re: Re: Re: Racist, Homophobic and offensive language on this server

Originally posted by old.Rashim
What exactly do you think you know about the 21st century? You've never been there. You and your mind are obviously stuck in the deepest middle ages (in a very early stage of those).
I can only hope that you'll never find you're way out, because in the 21st century there's really no room for people like you anymore.

And u sir have eaten far too much PC pie.

Call a spade a spade and dont worry about hurting ppls feelings. Why should I suppress my views to save your fragile sensibilities?

Being gay is not someones fault they're born that way. But does that mean I'm supposed to accept the sight of 2 men kissing or holding hands on a public street? I think not. I'm sure alot of gays hope for the day when this kind of thing is acceptable and are working towards it by inventing words such as "homophobic" for ppl who find it, quite rightly, repulsive.


Originally posted by cplcarrot
Thats your personal view and you are entitled to it,

, I cant help but feel disappointed that u care little for other peoples feelings for the sake of not taking the time to deliberatly voice this views which are deeply hurtful to at least 10% of the worlds population

Significantly less than 10% if you use a sensible source, but what the heck


Re: Re: Re: Re: Racist, Homophobic and offensive language on this server

Originally posted by K0nah

Being gay is not someones fault they're born that way. But does that mean I'm supposed to accept the sight of 2 men kissing or holding hands on a public street? I think not. I'm sure alot of gays hope for the day when this kind of thing is acceptable and are working towards it by inventing words such as "homophobic" for ppl who find it, quite rightly, repulsive.

Yes - you are supposed to accept the sight - because they are just doing what you are doing also.
They express their views and feelings and have every right to it - just as you claim to have every other right to your oppinons and the expression thereoff.

So by talking out in defence of your rights and your views - you open yourself up to all sorts of other views. So if you don't like gays - well tuff - you have no right to tell them not to flaunt it in your face, you can just "put them on ignore" (figuratively speaking) and leave them :)

That is excatly the same in-game.


Originally posted by old.Marabeth

Significantly less than 10% if you use a sensible source, but what the heck

And what 'sensible' source is this? According to an investigation carried out recently by several foundations - Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh and Nottingham, together with 3 of the 'Ivy League' universities in the US (although I can't remember which 3 to be honest), 1 in 8 men will readily admit to being either gay or bisexual, and 1 in 14 women will admit to being lesbian or bi.

This gives an approximate of 9.45% of the worlds population readily defining as LG or B - not to mention the many thousands of people who would have lied about their sexual orientation.

It is actually thought, by those institutions that have actually scientifically researched the subject, that around 13% of the world's population is LG or B.

So, what 'sensible' source did you get your information from?


Originally posted by Vell

So, what 'sensible' source did you get your information from?

Copas A J et al, The accuracy of reported sensitive sexual behaviour in Britain: exploring the extent of change 1990–2000
Sex Transm Inf 2002;78:26-30

And your studies are published in which journal?


Blimy, this is pretty high brow stuff for a DAoC message bord.

No point other than that.

old.The McScrooges


I believe the post was also about racism. So the percentage of those being offended now changes.

Also rightly or wrongly 'you' no longer have the 'right' to express or voice your opinions on matters of race and sexuality.

I'd prefer not to see derogatory remarks towards race or sexuality in what is supposed to be a 'game for fun' environment. Because it leads to such behaviour as being seen as acceptable.

And I'd like to think we can look after our own community before yet another politician decides to use the gaming community as his voter recognition platform.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Racist, Homophobic and offensive language on this server

Originally posted by Xandax

Yes - you are supposed to accept the sight - because they are just doing what you are doing also.
Is Konah gay?
Or you saying......?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Racist, Homophobic and offensive language on this server

Originally posted by Spyf

Is Konah gay?
Or you saying......?

Talk about taking something out of contex - but that expression have to stand for your own account.


Originally posted by old.Marabeth

Copas A J et al, The accuracy of reported sensitive sexual behaviour in Britain: exploring the extent of change 1990–2000
Sex Transm Inf 2002;78:26-30

And your studies are published in which journal?

Lol, touche


People should be free to say/type whatever they want.
Even if that is racist/homofobic/obsene.
Telling people they can say what they want as long as they dont offend you,
is just plain wrong and censorship in my eye's (yes even about hate speech).

Remember if you look at it it just boils down to a group of people telling an other group they cant express their oppinions

And if I dont like what ppl are saying a can: walk away,
ignore them or tell em to crawl back in to the sea and evovve for a few 1000 years more

Now flame away

[disclamer : I am not rasicst, homofobic ... just a punk who's been told to shut up too oftent]


Originally posted by Sibanac
People should be free to say/type whatever they want.
Even if that is racist/homofobic/obsene.
Telling people they can say what they want as long as they dont offend you,
is just plain wrong and censorship in my eye's (yes even about hate speech).

Remember if you look at it it just boils down to a group of people telling an other group they cant express their oppinions

And if I dont like what ppl are saying a can: walk away,
ignore them or tell em to crawl back in to the sea and evovve for a few 1000 years more

Now flame away

[disclamer : I am not rasicst, homofobic ... just a punk who's been told to shut up too oftent]

That is imo a dangerous attitude to have - in fact I think it is such attitudes that should evolve for some 1000 years and grow into humans.

Wich such an attitude you actually open yourself up for a group op people running up to your <inset family relation here> in real life telling her she should be raped and gutted with a dull knife.
After all - they are just expressing their views evern though it might be obseene.
(sorry for the graphical image)

Same reason 25 neo-nazis have a right to go up to <inset race/belif here> and yell out that they will be next in the gas-chamber - they are just saying whatever they want.

Or some dweeb can come up to you, pad himself on the jaket symbolizing he has a weapon, and say he will kill you. He is just saying what he wants.

Okay - so these examples are grapical and extreeme, but so is your absurd comment.


ah STFU FFS I'm ghay fecker and so are you bhwahahahha


Originally posted by
ah STFU FFS I'm ghay fecker and so are you bhwahahahha

I'm quite sure a name like that is against Barry's world Policy..
You have been reported and your User ID will probably be deleted ASAP..


BTW, Racist/Descriminating behaviour is not allowed here or in DAOC.
End of Story, If you feel the need to discuss aspects of what racism is etc..
Open a new thread in the Off topic forum.

And on that note....
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