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- #31
I agree slightly with the dued before the dude above lol
This world ahs became far too much of aplce where people are told to speak their feelings as long as these feelings dont upset anyone???!?!?!?
That too me doesnt make sense
I like eating beef, if i were to proclaim this from the roofs I might have animalr rights activists and vegetarians after me with pitch forks.
I feel slightly isolated and alienated in my country due to their being a larger majority of ethnic cultures in my area, this could be seen as racists when in fact it is mearly a statement i am making which is true. However, if i were to proclaim this I could end arrested on a racist charge.
Everyone is entitled to say and do wahtever they want as long as they dont physically hurt someone in my books. If someone is really annoying you with their coments you have things such as filters and also /ignore
too many people get caught up in being politically correct and annoyed at so may things that they forget the world is still goin on without them and they just live their life and be happy

This world ahs became far too much of aplce where people are told to speak their feelings as long as these feelings dont upset anyone???!?!?!?
That too me doesnt make sense
I like eating beef, if i were to proclaim this from the roofs I might have animalr rights activists and vegetarians after me with pitch forks.
I feel slightly isolated and alienated in my country due to their being a larger majority of ethnic cultures in my area, this could be seen as racists when in fact it is mearly a statement i am making which is true. However, if i were to proclaim this I could end arrested on a racist charge.
Everyone is entitled to say and do wahtever they want as long as they dont physically hurt someone in my books. If someone is really annoying you with their coments you have things such as filters and also /ignore
too many people get caught up in being politically correct and annoyed at so may things that they forget the world is still goin on without them and they just live their life and be happy