Never mind, sorted it. You have to buy from the store then go to the DLC option in-game to install it. A bit weird. Sorry I missed your message last night ECA.
I'm loving Forza 4, the Kinect head tracking is a bit of distraction though and getting into a game of Top Gear soccer seems to take more time than i want to wait
Hmmm...I love GT5 but I still play with the boggo controller. I play in the front room on the big telly and I don't have a table or anything to clamp a wheel to. Can you use them properly on your lap or do you have to have something solid to clamp to to get the benefit?
Gonna check out this DLC, but I'm still antsy about putting any money/card details on PSN.
buy points cards and usem then dont EVER put CC/DC card detials into anything psn/xbl/adnroid marketplace/itunes etc at least sony admitted to being hacked, ms on the other are denying it suprised there is not a huge uproar about it.
stick to cards if you get fucked all you will lose is yer points
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