Rabbit Ragout


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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Don't superimpose your opinions on me or presume to know me.
I'll say what I fucking like - and you freely admit that you don't give a shit about animal cruelty so I *do* know what you think. It's not the first time we've argued about this topic.

Thankfully the people who matter (not you) have made laws on this subject that make how you feel about it largely irrelevant :)


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The guy is not and will not be charged with anything what so ever, nore will he ever be, as there was nothing illeagal in his actions.
Now if the discussion is one of did he need to do it to get the point across, thats a different story...maybe he didnt, but he sure as hell got your attention didnt he? ;)

Fyi, he was actually instructed by a proffecional and executed it as instructed..end of story really. The fact that the likes of Scouse dislike it, does not make it cruel or inhumane. However it does showcase abit of a case of Overexaggerated self importance said party/parties me thinks.

Oh and lastly little @Scouse Simply becasue others might not subscribe to your hippie-gade level perceptions of what you belive to be actual cruelty to animals, does not in anyway mean others do not care about animals
or animal cruelty you arrogant pretentiouse fuck :p and TBH FU for even insinuating that.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The guy is not and will not be charged with anything what so ever, nore will he ever be, as there was nothing illeagal in his actions.

I said he would have been in the UK.

but he sure as hell got your attention didnt he?

No. You did. I heard about the story and thought "wanker" and then forgot about it until it came up here. :)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
had he taken a chicken and chopped its head clean off, there'd be no problem. Same goes for the bunny. Had he done it right there'd be no story, and it would never have reached the media overseas


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
had he taken a chicken and chopped its head clean off, there'd be no problem. Same goes for the bunny. Had he done it right there'd be no story, and it would never have reached the media overseas

Point taken, but that was what he was instructed to do by a bloody proffesional..blunt object, hit it hard, ring it's neck....Bycicle pump a poor chioce? maybe, but honestly we dodnt really know do we, we werent there, and well, listening to the recording it did seem to do the job. Unfortunatly too often people have a tendency to superimpose their own imagery on things like this.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
As for chicken, wouldnt have worked, since his whole point was, that mordern/western society has a tendency towards implimenting a double standard when it comes to cruelty towards animals...A form of
animal apartheid/segregation if you will....that rights and emotions only apply to pets and cute fluffy things, while we ignore and accept the systematic practice of said cruelty towards industrialised animals.

I for one, Rabbit or not would tend to agree with that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I was going to be glib and change your post to "I don't care" and say fixed - and I'd have been accurate.

But no. It didn't. It suffered unnecessarily. If he was in the UK then both he and the station would have been, rightly, prosecuted for their actions.

We know you don't give a shit about animal cruelty - but you know that you've lost that argument and that your opinions on this matter are outmoded and anachronistic (or, more plainly, fucking dumb).
I dont care :).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Does a tiger care if its prey suffers? Does a lion kill in an acceptable manner? Does the shark care about how the person felt when his leg was ripped off?

There are apex predators and those beneath down tot he herbivores. Each is there in a food chain. Like our cows and sheep etc. as long as its tasty on the plate i dont care how its killed.

Loads of people go rabbiting. You telling me all those are humane deaths?

Humane is a subjective term., the most humane thing to do is not kill any thing. Be a veggie. Otherwise you always gonna have issues with your consience. There ar eplenty of ways of killing animals for food all over the world. A lot dont fit your idea of slaughter house etiquette.

First world problems.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
his whole point was, that mordern/western society has a tendency towards implimenting a double standard when it comes to cruelty towards animals...A form of
animal apartheid/segregation if you will....that rights and emotions only apply to pets and cute fluffy things, while we ignore and accept the systematic practice of said cruelty towards industrialised animals.
That's bullshit however. We do not accept the systemic practice of cruelty to industrialised animals. Evidenced by our animal rights laws when it comes to our livestock.

First world problems.
Autism problems for not understanding the reasons why humans have demanded these laws in the first place.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Surely we should and must aspire to be better than a lion, tiger, sahrk and what not...infact I'd say we're bligated to.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
That's bullshit however. We do not accept the systemic practice of cruelty to industrialised animals. Evidenced by our animal rights laws when it comes to our livestock.

Your preaty much delusional if you actually think that all is fine and dandy with livestock in the Western world tbh.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Your preaty much delusional if you actually think that all is fine and dandy with livestock in the Western world tbh.
Of course I don't. But standards are continually improving.

How does killing a rabbit on air in the supposed aid of a mistaken argument help?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
well, I'm guessing we're not the only ones having this discussion now, so in that sence, it's served a purpouse (from his perspective), and the rabbit wasnt wasted, it was eaten.
You might well hold the opinion that it's a mistaken argument, clearly he would disagree with you, and honestly with all due respect, who are you to decide whats mistaken and what isnt, as in on what merit?
At the end of the day that will rest as an opinion on your part, nothing more.

And yes I do believe that he is very likely right about one thing, and that is that alot of people these days have become too far detached from the day to day life of where meat comes from, thus they dont always accociate the meat they buy in the supermarket with the animal from wich it came, or what kind of life it has had. And that in turn does create silly and at times almost moronic double standards.

Like...bitching over one dead Rabbit ;) ..Ok, ok, time for bed

People kill fish all the bloody time!!!! OnAir! Prime time TV ffs! They even wack em' hard, twice some times, while the kids cheer at the TV... The HUMANITY!!!!!!!! :p :p
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Whatever you say champ,
Tomorrow it's all about Rabbit Ragout laced with a Foigras induced sauce..and a pickle
I might even add a couple BabyVeal cuts in there, you know, just for good mesure.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Tomorrow it's all about Rabbit Ragout laced with a Foigras induced sauce..and a pickle
I might even add a couple Veal cuts, just for good mesure.
Well done if you can get veal like it used to be produced, laws are making it hard come by because it was cruel - like foie gras, which I know you can get "old style" - but not for too much longer, because thankfully the majority of humans care about animal suffering and society is clearly moving in that direction.

Hope you've ethically sourced your rabbit. If not, most people will think you're a bit of a cunt :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
I love rabbit. Clubbing it to death on radio as a stunt is wrong though.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes - but we, as a matter of law, are obliged to minimise pain and suffering in the production of our food.

@Olgaline gives no shit about that tho. Which is why he's facepalming and agreeing, but not actually saying anything.

I quite agree, if we're killing animals then as little suffering as possible. Unlike @Raven thinks, i didn't miss the point, i simply wasn't discussing it ;)

My post has nothing to do with you versus olgaline, it's just an observation/opinion on the topic in general.

Sorry to disappoint, but i don't care :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Would you believe he'd have made a valid argument if that were the case?
I've already explaned that above very clearly fett m8. Look at my second post (and a number of others).


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Nah, I will sacrifice them slowly and painfully, I might even go old school Halal, just for you.

Halal is super merciful compared to what that radio presenter did.

PS. Isn't there a way to kill Rabbits so they don't feel anything? - stroke their spine or something?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Halal is super merciful compared to what that radio presenter did.

That sure as hell depends on what you are refering to...compared to the traditional form of halal? as slit the throut and let it bleed out?

"The animal must be slaughtered with a sharp knife by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck, causing the animal's death without cutting the spinal cord. Lastly, the blood from the veins must be drained."
which is also why alot of countries in the Eu at least, require that the animal as to be stunned prior to slaughter.

PS. Isn't there a way to kill Rabbits so they don't feel anything? - stroke their spine or something?

Maybe, or as some have said use something heavier. But honestly the Rabbit most likely died very fast, hit it twice and then brake the neck, I' guessing little fluffy never knew what hit him.
Tthe biggest problem as I see it is the mental imagery that is assosiated with the idea of using a bicycle pump, and in that sence it was a very poor choice by the radiostation, and someone should have pointed that out before they went on air.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The problem with this kind of discussion to me, is that it faces alot of the same stigmas and fanatasism currently associeted with the debate in reguards to f.exp. religion.
We cannot and we wont make any real progress, or be allowed to have anything resembling a resonable discussion. As long as fanatics are repeatedly allowed to hijack the discussions
while proclaiming moral supremacy on the issue.

To that end they will happily superimpose or force opinions onto others and as a means to achive this, they employ tactics such as proclaiming others to be of lesser
moral standing to themselvs..infidels, evil, haters, obstructionists etc..and so on, and of course do their utmost to try and bully, ridicule or intimidate anyone with an oposing opinion. it's preaty
much your standard template for any Fanatic out there.

Back on topic, It's important to realize that just because something makes you uncomfortable, doesn't nessersarily mean it's wrong, evil or harmfull. It might be, but you cannot hold it as proof of wrong-doing.
A lesson it would seem many in modern society could stand to benefit from.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Forgot to add over-exaggeration to the fanatics arsenal


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yep - a single blow with a heavy instrument to their skull.

By someone who knows what they're doing. Otherwise it's all the same how you kill an animal as you'll f*ck it up anyway.

There are professionals, let them handle the killing.

(You here ofcourse being the general you, not you you :p)

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