ra3techx & other custom maps



is it a joke? does anyone have tried this map in a real clanwar ?? it is just so huge, so tricky, so boring, with self damage ON as default setting so it makes it even longer to cross.

omg. I predict loooooong games, campers will love this map :(

I tried ra3dist1, fine map, but also self damage on AND with a lot of heights. I really sometimes dont understand designers.

ragera3map1 seems the best of the three customs maps, it will be the rail-paradise but at least rounds does not take ages, and even it is big default settings (all OFF) allow some nice rj/gj combos to travel at lightspeed. We will enjoy this one imho :)

but again I am very very pessimistic about ra3techx :/


I agree, the clan arena in time machine is way too big for 5v5.
It is a lovely looking map though.
If its not too late to change the 3, Ra3SLoB2 is out very soon and from the beta release seemed to be a damn playable map. I like RageRa3, it should be good 5v5.
I think its great that leagues are gonna be playing custom maps, it will encourage ppl to play the custom maps more. There are plenty of maps imminent.
Imo all maps should be played with self damage off. Just like on the publics. Its a camper deterrent and what ppl use most/all of the time.
I noticed jolt are considering it atm.


Yeh I have to agree, ra3techx isn't a good map. Games are going to take forever due to the shear size of it. I'm not looking forward to playing that in such an important game next week when we take on X.



I talked to several people in different clans on irc, none likes it. BWRA3L admins should probably reconsider this map.
There are some classical maps not played, like ra3map2 (I never understood why people does not like it, there is fast action in, I really like it) or ra3map8. No clan would have to train again on a new map (if any already tried ra3techx) and we would avoid next week struggle. I predict a lot of matchs lasting over one hour on ra3techx :(

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