Quikbar's in daoc...



id like to see 10 slots deffinatly, my and my mate often rant about the lack of space. atm i stick to just 2 main stlyes (start and follow up) and have my main chants for twisting alng with self buff spell and sprint on one bar.... but i could do with more space for styles/realm abilities. it not so bad at the moment. i mainly stick to mouse look and use keys for doing styles/spells and switching bars


Originally posted by old.dittytwo

erm not too sure but it is in the manual on camalot heralod



You cannot make complex macro's in DAOC, and the game was set up to NOT enable you to use them.

Anyone able to use complex macro's can set them up for going afk while in a dungeon while still XP'ing if they are good enough at making the macro's.

DOAC only supports simple /macro <text> /<command>

Any programs that allow you to hardware macro are against the EULA btw, including software that simulates multiple button presses (i.e. Change quickbar, press a button, then change to another, press a button).


Of course, Mythic need to define where the line between allowed and disallowed software is. Do they see using software such as Logitech Mouseware or MS Intellipoint as against the EULA? Or is it the deliberate configuration of third party software to bind multiple key presses to a mouse button?

I think that if you are in doubt whether you can use your mouse software with DAOC or not you should e-mail RightNow.

But I do know that the Nostromo Gamepad software being used to pull off quick complex quickbar combo's is against teh EULA.

If you have any arguments with this, check out what Mark Jacobs has said recently:

"Macroing and Add-Ons

We know that there are people who are using macros in violation of our EULA. We also know that there are people who have written, are attempting to write add-on programs that would give the player running them an advantage."

Mark Jacobs, 2nd August, 2002.
From "State of the Game - What comes next?"

The advantage being that people are using software to pull off quickbar presses quicker than you can manually, and with less chance of error.


im pretty sure i've seen mythic / sanya encurage the use of gamepads


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
im pretty sure i've seen mythic / sanya encurage the use of gamepads

Seems Mythic have no clue/yet to decide on this score.. in the meantime..
Does anybody know a good mouse/left hand controller? Or some nicedriver software that runs with any mouse/trackball?


some game pads have profiles which can program any set of key presses into i.e ms side winder - u can make the full moves with 1 key hence being a 3rd party :)


1 quickbar for general day to day use:
1- MCL
2- stun
3- small heal
4- pbaoe
5- biggest heal
6- insta mez
7- baseline smite
8 - instant heal

2nd for everything else, aoe smite, group instant, sprint etc

and 3rd for buffs

simple :D


Originally posted by pudzy
some game pads have profiles which can program any set of key presses into i.e ms side winder - u can make the full moves with 1 key hence being a 3rd party :)

Sidewinder, eh? hmm....

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