

The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I hate queuing so much, I'll go home hungry rather than wait for 5 people in a chippy.
And how come every time I go in a bank, there's one teller dealing with someone who needs them all day and another customer investigating his whole financial history, carrying a bag of 500 quids worth of 10 pence pieces, depositing 1000 pounds in to 5 different bank accounts and when it's all done and the queue is out the door ,nonchalantly asks if he can sign them all up for some deal which takes another 15 minutes, then finally walks away from the till only to spin around and say 'Could you look into that mortgage offer I saw on the TV last night please?'.
Even the teller wants to ring his neck, these people are a breed apart, we should send them to the front, they would annoy the enemy so much they would shoot themselves.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
My pet hates.

1. People who, when served in a shop, stand there for 2 minutes putting their change away. Move away and then do it so I can get served.

2. People at cash machines who take 5 minutes. What the fuck. It takes me 30 seconds to put my card in and input my pin number you thick fucks


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
My pet hates.

2. People at cash machines who take 5 minutes. What the fuck. It takes me 30 seconds to put my card in and input my pin number you thick fucks

There was this woman at the cash machine the other day and she took ages so i went inside the bank and waited in a queue of 4 people to get some cash out , when i walked out of the bank she was just coming off the cash machine, how someone can spend about 5-10 minutes at the cash point is beyond me.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
My pet hates.

1. People who, when served in a shop, stand there for 2 minutes putting their change away. Move away and then do it so I can get served.

I've have this problem to working in my tesco store, sometimes if there's a larger queue I've had to use the till next to mine to serve someone because people won't move on.

The worst was one woman who had 1 bag of shopping max but didnt want fruit in bags with vegetables, or frozen peas with her bread or something; and also didnt want her small milk in the same bag incase it leaked. I just had to move over because there was about 6 people behind whilst she sorted herself out.

Oh and I've got no problem if its cleaning things like bleach and fresh food like apples, but she took ages for about 5 items lol.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Oh another one i hate is when you have a bottle of wine or just 2-3 items at the supermarket and the person infront has a full trolley and they dont let you get served before them , most of the time you couldve been served and halfway home before they even get the stuff onto the belt.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Old people who go out shopping between 12 and 1, I am on my lunch break and in a rush, get the fuck out of my way!

People who go to the supermarket and not know what they want so they just stand in the aisle, get the fuck out of my way!

and the above :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
1. (old) people at the till, searching their pockets because they want to pay the exact ammount instead of paying with a tenner. Worst thing is, when they finally find out that they don´t have enough change to pay the full price and eventually pay with the tenner anyways.

2. people in the supermarket queue, who suddenly find out that they forgot something, leave the trolley alone and rush back into the supermarket.

3. people at the till, trying to pay with their credit card that doesn´t work... but they insist that the card is perfectly ok and try again and again and again...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You're in a queue and everyone is tutting at how long the person getting served is taking, then as soon as it's their turn they fuck about, changing their minds, looking for stuff in their bags, dithering , shouting at the kids, because it's now 'their' time and they immediately become that tw@t they were complaining about.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
My pet hates.

2. People at cash machines who take 5 minutes. What the fuck. It takes me 30 seconds to put my card in and input my pin number you thick fucks

God I couldn't agree with you more here. I HATE when you get some ditz who will stand in the line staring into space while she waits. She gets there then she has to

Too many women:
1.Open her handbag
2.Take her purse out.
3. Open her purse and take her card out.
4. Think for about 10 seconds before she can remember her passscode
5. Spend about 30 seconds deciding how much money she wants to take out (HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGHHHH you've just spent 5 minutes in the line you couldn;t have decided then?!?!?!?!)
6. Check her balance
7. Put the money in her purse.
8. Put the card in.
9. Put the purse in her bag
10. Zip up the handbag.
11. Finally, thank sweet Jesus finally move away from the machine.

And men are just as bad some of the time!

1. Put card in machine that I've been holding while in line.
2. Always either 60 dollars or 100.
3. Put money and card in wallet as I walk away.

I get too annoyed about his :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
With the cash point thing, you can't understand why some women take their time, and in their own defence, good reasoning, they may feel that if they walk away with "60 or 100 dollars" someone may run by and steal it, I know that my Mum puts her money in her purse at the cash point, so people can't see how much she takes out, I mean, if there was a thief standing behind her, and saw her pull out like £100, she'd be a perfect target :|


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Currently working on a project in school to minimize queues in supermarkets. In short you check in your own items and pay by swiping your phone by a NFC reciever. Will tell more when done

Oh and on topic: All old people in general..


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Currently working on a project in school to minimize queues in supermarkets. In short you check in your own items and pay by swiping your phone by a NFC reciever. Will tell more when done

Oh and on topic: All old people in general..

as i said since day 1

Shoot the old peeps.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Currently working on a project in school to minimize queues in supermarkets. In short you check in your own items and pay by swiping your phone by a NFC reciever. Will tell more when done

Oh and on topic: All old people in general..

They do that in some places in the UK anyway. There are also self service tills in supermarkets that you can use cash/cards on.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Yeah, but cash/cards still take time. With our system basically all you need to do is weigh your basket swipe your phone twice and you're out of the store. Simple


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Queues generally don't bother me at shops anymore. The one thing that gets me is arsehole drivers (tailgaters, ppl driving 20mph in a 40 zone, rubberneckers, ppl who don't move when an ambulance is behind them with their blue lights on, learner drivers (yes I know we were all learners once, but I can't stand being behind one - especially if I'm in a hurry), ppl who either don't indicate or indicate right at the last minute, ppl who constantly switch lanes, etc, etc)


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Scan all the items with phone first. Upon reaching the checkout till you swipe once to tell the machine how much you are going to buy, weigh your basket in order for the machine to check you didn't take a lot of shit and last swipe a second time to pay.

I won't go in depth with how and all the security stuff, but it will work :)


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
fucking self fucking service machines GRRR!!! when they work they are brilliant time saving devices...but usually after scanning every frigging item that grating annoying voice yells out 'please wait for assistance' the other day at asbos...I mean asda, the self service did this every time I scanned something, it was driving me nuts!! It'd of been quicker and less hassle to just get a person to do it all.

it just gives me supreme rage, I hate shopping, whether it's for clothing, food whatever I just hate it!! get in, get stuff, get out, eat donut and recover; that's my shopping strategy.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Currently working on a project in school to minimize queues in supermarkets. In short you check in your own items and pay by swiping your phone by a NFC reciever. Will tell more when done

Oh and on topic: All old people in general..
NFC and other non-contact payments systems have a relatively low limit of about £20 per transaction.
I can also tell you that many shops will NOT be getting NFC systems in because the burden of liability switches back to the retailer. Chip 'n' pin takes the liability for fraudulent transactions away from the retailer and places the burden on the bank. NFC will just put that burden straight back on the shop, and many shop chains aren't prepared to accept that. They'd rather take the payment through CnP, even for low value transactions.
I'm a retail EPOS engineer with 7 years experience. :)

I'm glad no-one has said anything about faulty tills in shops causing them to wait in queues. It's a high pressure task to get a till system running when you've got the store staff, customers, area management and head office all wanting that till working NOW.

My queueing peeve is in petrol stations where people insist on waiting for a pump when there are free spaces. Fuel hoses are designed to be long enough to reach both sides of a car. The number of times I've driven past the queue to go straight into a free space and start filling up is ridiculous. I'm also amazed when those same people who are queueing up honk their horns to express their displeasure. I don't see it as queue jumping because they could do exactly the same thing and I wouldn't hold it against them.

Then there is the queues of traffic on the roads at holiday times of the year.
As I've said before, I drive a lot of miles with my work and you see the change in drivers at different times of the day and at holiday times. Between 9am and 5pm, the roads tend to be moving, generally courteous and mostly professional people in artics, vans and company cars. There isn't much tailgating and drivers tend to move out of the way in plenty of time.
During rush hours, you find different breeds of drivers on the roads. You get the executive twonks who insist on driving their german cars at stupid speeds right up to the tail of the car in front of them, flashing lights and honking horns. You get the commuter who drives their car for about 60-90 minutes a day to work and back sitting in the overtaking lane on the dual-carriageway even when the inside lane is clear. You get the old dear who drives at 30mph on every road, holding everyone up even when it is NSL.
Holidays are the worst. This weekend I have seen all of the above as well as caravans being towed at 70mph, people tailgating only for the car in front to slam on their brakes, drivers who won't move over when the inside lane is clear and other driving nastiness. These guys cause queues as well as accidents.
In fact the best drivers tend to be Eddie Stobart artic drivers. Give them courtesy and they give you courtesy in return.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
What I hate is when someone says can I have that joint cut in to 3 when it's got 4 strings on it.


Seriously though, takes a few seconds to sort out then they are happy.

Or when they say no, I would not like a free sausage roll to try, then help themselves and drop the lid of the container making a massive crack in it. "Oh sorry" FUCK OFF AND EAT YOUR FUCKING SAUSAGE ROLL YOU ****.

Or when they pick up a partridge(yeah a fucking partridge) and it's frozen, then they manage to drop it through the serve over and smash a ceramic bowl. "Whoops" Don't worry, it's not the only one we have. BUT IT MAKES THINGS DIFFICULT WHEN I NEED TO USE ALL OF THEM YOU FUCKING BASTARD WANKCUNT FUCK.

Happy Easter everyone :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
OOH hatelists, I love hating things :D

currently my most favorite hates are:

1) commuters, noob, seasoned, any kind.
2) noob commuters who CANT SEEM TO GRASP that suddenly stopping in front of an opened train door, narrow escalator or other choke point that many people wish to move through in order to dig something Vitally Important out of the depths of one's bag is FUCKING ANNOYING to the seventy million people -myself included- who can see through the windows that the free seats are being taken by canny commuters who weren't trapped behind retrad central by the fickle hands of fate.
3) old commuters, who suddenly and inexplicably stop to have a discussion about where they should go and/or Simply Must Get something Vitally Important out of their often overly large bags EVEN THOUGH THE ONLY POSSIBLE WAY IS FORWARDS THROUGH THE GATES YOU SENILE FUCKWITS FFS IVE MISSED MY BUS NOW nnnnnghhh
4) people who stand at a cash machine and gradually work their way through more than one bank card, often three or even more, just to check the balance and not withdraw anything.
5) people who take any kind of child with them into the city or shopping (double points if the child is in a buggy. QUAD points if it's a double buggy. UNLIMITED points if the child/s is/are ill) and then push the creature and/or buggy between me and something I was just about to take out of a rack.

I swear to god parents implement point 5 just to get some fun out of life after being saddled with a kid. well buddy, don't take it out on me :eek:

erm that's about it atm.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Quality Rant :D



FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
How the fuck does a partridge break a ceramic bowl when it drops 3 feet...A FUCKING PARTRIDGE....


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
joint cut in to 3 when it's got 4 strings on it.

I would not like a free sausage roll to try

yeah a fucking partridge)

What in the name of fuck do you do?


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
My worst hate is when you let someone through and they dont say thank you. On the road, you pull in and the asshole just drives past without putting their hand up or nodding

In a busy Tesco when the isle is rammed both sides with trolly's, you wait for somone to come through and they dont even look at you.

Now when this happens i have started saying 'Thank you' in a sarcastic manner and look at them, so they know how fucking arrogant they fucking are........fuckers!!!!!!!


Apr 20, 2011
I think a lot of these lists are indicative of the world we live in. These things used to annoy me, but not any more. I've learnt, from experience and maturity, not to get too worked up about things anymore. If you are in a queue, or someone is taking too long at a cash machine, just wait, there is no rush. Look around you, appreciate the world around you and appreciate your existance within it. You will learn some day that the slower time passes the better, because all of us will lose it someday.

In the end of the day, complaining will not change them, and being annoyed by it sure won't either. People will not change, and what is annoying to you may not be annoying to someone else. You never know the circumstances that other people are in. If someone is struggling with putting their change in their purse (like a previous poster mentioned), it may be due to a neurological condition of some sort. Never judge people. Never believe that others are not as important as yourself and that you know them, because remember that you are just one person, with one opinion. The world is as it is. Yes, there are things that upset us, but it is a price to pay for the priviledge of just being.

Being at one with everything and not having a care in the world is an amazing, ethereal and fulfilling experience. Getting rid of these unecessary hates is a way to start achieving that. Good luck people =).


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
I think a lot of these lists are indicative of the world we live in. These things used to annoy me, but not any more. I've learnt, from experience and maturity, not to get too worked up about things anymore. If you are in a queue, or someone is taking too long at a cash machine, just wait, there is no rush. Look around you, appreciate the world around you and appreciate your existance within it. You will learn some day that the slower time passes the better, because all of us will lose it someday.

In the end of the day, complaining will not change them, and being annoyed by it sure won't either. People will not change, and what is annoying to you may not be annoying to someone else. You never know the circumstances that other people are in. If someone is struggling with putting their change in their purse (like a previous poster mentioned), it may be due to a neurological condition of some sort. Never judge people. Never believe that others are not as important as yourself and that you know them, because remember that you are just one person, with one opinion. The world is as it is. Yes, there are things that upset us, but it is a price to pay for the priviledge of just being.

Being at one with everything and not having a care in the world is an amazing, ethereal and fulfilling experience. Getting rid of these unecessary hates is a way to start achieving that. Good luck people =).

Are you drunk right now?


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
fucking self fucking service machines GRRR!!! when they work they are brilliant time saving devices...but usually after scanning every frigging item that grating annoying voice yells out 'please wait for assistance' the other day at asbos...I mean asda, the self service did this every time I scanned something, it was driving me nuts!! It'd of been quicker and less hassle to just get a person to do it all.

it just gives me supreme rage, I hate shopping, whether it's for clothing, food whatever I just hate it!! get in, get stuff, get out, eat donut and recover; that's my shopping strategy.

This happened to me the other day at morrisons....Every time I scanned an item and put it in the bag afterwards it decided to flash red and state it weighed the wrong amount thus needing constant staff member assistance. Took twice as long as just going to a till. (but if it does work it does save a lot of time)

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