Question to ALL.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Okay, I've been reading FH for a while now and I've been reading flames upon flames about NF and ToA...

Now, for the question.

Am I the ONLY person who actually likes what ToA and NF brought to DAoC?
AND! - Am I the only one who won't quit to play WoW?


Awaiting replies... And Flames ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
Nah you won't be the only one who stays, not the only one who likes them either, i think the only reason im not too keen on NF is because im an Armsman, but then that isnt NFs fault, thats just armsmen being total pap.
As for sucks :)
But also, just because there are alot of people whining here, doesn't mean that this is alot of people who actually dislike it, i mean not everyone who plays DAoC comes to these forums eh? :)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Milne said:
mean not everyone who plays DAoC comes to these forums eh? :)

Hmm... Suppose not. But then, All I see is whine :/


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Funkybunny said:
i dont play daoc coz its fun anymore. its just.. something to do :p

Same o.o

Doesn't mean I didn't like ToA/NF though, gave me something new to look at/play with.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 9, 2004
I think a part of the answer to all the ToA/NF whines lie in the fact that these forums are frequently posted in and visited by the part of the DaoC population most focused on PvP, hence everything that means more PvE is by defenition a bad thing.

Also, in NF the 8vs8 fights are harder to come by, due to the fact RvR these days are more siege then roaming. The 8vs8 fight are what the hardcore-PvP community seemingly thrive on.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 6, 2004
I LOVE TOA!!! especially getting RA stones in PoC thanks to NF... TOA is nice to wander about in... nice cash.. nice RoG items that drop... much improved from SI... if it wernt for the lag id recommend anyone to join DAOC atm... shame really cos 4+ weeks of lag is killing this game for me, i hope OT sort something very soon. and no i wont be leaving for WoW.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Overdriven said:
Am I the ONLY person who actually likes what ToA and NF brought to DAoC? AND! - Am I the only one who won't quit to play WoW?

Nah I like ToA. Can't really say about NF as I left Excal a while ago and NF didn't have that impact on Camlann except for some over powered RA's.

One thing I don't like is that ML's is way to hard. 1-2fg (and rather good players) should be able to do all steps. Insane to require 4fg for some steps.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
people that are happy don't tend to post ;)

unless they're forum-addicts like me.

ToA was interesting - it had problems (added too much all at once so everyone is split up doing their own things) but it added a lot more to the end game.

NF is great - RvR is fun for a change :)

Catacombs rocks :) roll on february so I can roll my heretic over here too :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 4, 2004
i love DAoC, i cant see the point in changing 2 WoW atm, apparently their bringing a patch out 2-4 months after its relese, to improve game play, the PvE and PvP aspect of it, havent read nething, just heard it, so if i would try it out, i wouldnt even do it untill that patch came out


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
My problems never been with the game altho the imbalance in population makes RVR abit of a pain but u adjust to the situation.Its the lag,lds and unplayable zones that ruin it for me.TOA is still unplayable right now.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
TOA and NF... hmm.....
TOA just £$£" me off because i have spent all this time xp-ing a toon upto 50. then i have to pretty much spend the same amount of time trying to twink it out for it to go up against the others in rvr. also not to mention that unless ur willing to spend a whole load of time farming for rare scrolls which may or may not drop to activate the arty... or u could jsut buy them but the rare 1s being uber costly. so its just annoying for me. esp as im mostly skint and i dont really find constantly farming stuff very fun.
i wouldnt mind so much if it didnt take so long. i jsut dont find it fun. its more frustrating than anything else.
NF is really really really nice.... except that tanks are pretty much useless now, casters own them... stealtehrs own them... most dont stand a chance. there are some exceptions... but when u only have 1 lvl 50 which a few people i know do... mine bein a pally... when i do go rvr i mostly get my arse kicked by every1.. altho this may just be me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
Overdriven said:
Okay, I've been reading FH for a while now and I've been reading flames upon flames about NF and ToA...

Now, for the question.

Am I the ONLY person who actually likes what ToA and NF brought to DAoC?
AND! - Am I the only one who won't quit to play WoW?


Awaiting replies... And Flames ;)

One can only speak for himself (and her).

I am one of them who dislike ToA and NF, but i have never ever whined about it in public, only kept it for my self. I simply left the game (when NF was released) and stfu, been playing this game for nearly 3 years also make its harder to find that enthusiasm wich i use to have when i was new to the game.

I really hope WoW gives some of what daoc gave me when i first started to play it :)


Cavex ElSaviour

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
dunno much about thoa, i have it, been there a few times, but since im a casual player i dont really have time to get the ml's and artis and such.

I think NF is great for the casual player. I can go RvR without a probloem with my un sc'ed, un toa'ed lvl 42 cleric without a problem. getting a group is really no sweat during peak times. I think the hardcire players think ToA's crap because they have the ned/urge to get the best gear and setup. the time requiered for it can be frustrating imho, especially if the drop rate isnt 100% and the spawn time is long.

and oh, also what milne says, beeing an armsman is crap :p


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Overdriven said:
Okay, I've been reading FH for a while now and I've been reading flames upon flames about NF and ToA...

Now, for the question.

Am I the ONLY person who actually likes what ToA and NF brought to DAoC?
AND! - Am I the only one who won't quit to play WoW?


Awaiting replies... And Flames ;)

what can possible be good with toa?, the artifacts?, the thing about you getting better as char?

i dont understand the fun in this unless youre a 12 year old kid who think its fun to be overpowered, debuff nuke nuke nuke dead, what toa gave us what ALOT of pve, way to much PVE for having a rl, and either you got overpowered, or it didnt matter if you were toa:ed to the teeth or not, in exemple the arms.

SI was fine, you could get good items from TG / Galla or you could quest and SC only, and then have fun in RvR after 1-2 weeks of PvE after dinging 50.

if you got bored? np get a new lvl 50, pve for 1-2 weeks ready to hit rvr again, whats wrong with that?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Most people are quite blinkered to MMORPGs and look more for elements liek an FPS rather than team play. Thats just my opinion.

SI and TOA brought new content, more exploration and more fun for me. Part of what makes this game exciting to me is admiring the scenery, not just hack n slash. I loved seeing the dungeons, and every time I went to one, I saw something new.

TOA and NF intrduced variables into the game like never before. New bonus systems, better leveling, new things for everyone keeping the game fresh. But, designed to be "add-ons" rather than "must haves". RvR took new twists in general, and took away the standard "form group, go frontier, die, rel, repeat" syndrome we were all so used to. The idea on that was to make us work together better, but some just dont liek doing that.

Yes, I like all the expansions, and eagrely await whatever the future holds.


Loyal Freddie
Nov 2, 2004
I joined Daoc right after the release of ToA, so i tried the OF too. Here's my humble oppinion:
AND erhm nothing.

Agree with all the POSITIVE things said in this thread, nice too se someone bringing something POSITIVE to read on this forum. Like someone said earlier, people dont post "im so happy now" or "god NF and ToA really improved the game for me because...". People who whine tend to seek other whiners in order to be confirmed in their own desperation, thus all these flaming posts,
people who are happy dont. :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
I do like NF. Being a casual, PvE oriented player, NF made RvR a little more accessable than OF.

However, dispite being more attuned to PvE there were many aspects of ToA that I really didn't like. For example, I don't like that there are some "must have" artifacts (SoM for stealthers, ect) that are either permanently camped, or difficult to do with a small group. I don't like that MLs are as significant in RvR as they currently are (yes, I know some people attribute playing time with relative power, those that play more should have an advantage over those that play less. And I agree, to an extent, but lets be honest, it's more than that in many cases - a single, high RR, fully ToA'd character is often more powerful than a low RR un-ToA'd group!)

The only saving grace is that NF has made RvR more accessable to low RR/un-ToA'd characters, which eases the frustration somewhat.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I like the master levels. Not really a big fan of the camping of artifacts but apart form that im neutral on artifacts.

You can actually get surprisingly good equipment for a total of 2-4 plat off of CM's. Get some nice toa bonuses , attribute caps etc. To be honest with how NF is you are probably fine to compete in a set of gear like that. I have recently been running a level 45 menta (admitedly with buffs) and that is basically the gear I have and it is surprising how little you will get ganked if you are careful. You can make quite a few kills as well. Just annoying that 50's dont tend to rez you.

Overall I like TOA and NF.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
I like TOA for the extra pve options, NF seems cool but I havn't played it much.
What I don't like is the Mater levels, simply because as a casual player I dont have the rl time to invest in getting them (full-time work/house/kids). I've made 4 attempts to get ml1 and rl has gotten in the way each time. As a result I've basically opted out of TOA and am spending time pve-ing toons to level 50 the old-fashioned way.
Unfortuately the lack of mls means that there is a knock on effect in both pve and rvr, its difficult for my cleric to get into groups cos she's not ml5 and groups would rater have a fop cleric to a non-fop cleric (and yes I've been turned down for groups on that basis). So as a result I'm considering relegating my first (and favourite) character to buffbot status because the mls have rendered her redundant :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Funny how a lot of people view leveling from 1 to 50 as a grind to be got through as fast as possible, rather than a journey to be enjoyed along the way.

I really do wonder if these people are actually suited to playing an MMORPG, surely you'd be better off playing an FPS - instant action, no leveling anything, no zerging.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Arkian said:
Funny how a lot of people view leveling from 1 to 50 as a grind to be got through as fast as possible, rather than a journey to be enjoyed along the way.

I really do wonder if these people are actually suited to playing an MMORPG, surely you'd be better off playing an FPS - instant action, no leveling anything, no zerging.

Aye I've noticed that quite a lot, especially on FH but its getting more prevalent thoughout the game not with toons being pl'ed left right and centre. I do enjoy a bit of rvr but mostly go for pve and I do enjoy being a noob again in a different class or in a realm I've never played in before. For me it keeps the game alive and interesting rather than spending game time as a rather jaded multi-TOA/high RR level char with nothing else to do except more rvr ad infinitum.

But each to their own, I have no intention of flaming anyone for their choice of gameplay :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Arkian said:
Funny how a lot of people view leveling from 1 to 50 as a grind to be got through as fast as possible, rather than a journey to be enjoyed along the way.

I really do wonder if these people are actually suited to playing an MMORPG, surely you'd be better off playing an FPS - instant action, no leveling anything, no zerging.

PvE was fun the first time through it, learning the game mechanics, getting to know new people, exploring etc - but when grinding away at mobs the second or third time what is there to enjoy? Youve seen all, and done all. Some new tools on a new class makes it interesting for oh... 15 min? Then you have learned how they work if you understand the rest of the game mechanics. All i saw when "forced" to do pve on my third+ character was the number of mobs required to ding each level: then it was just mindless buttonmashing.

PvE that a bot-program could do for you is by definition bad PvE.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Overdriven said:
Am I the ONLY person who actually likes what ToA and NF brought to DAoC?
AND! - Am I the only one who won't quit to play WoW?

Warmed up top the time sink that is ToA, hated that crap at first but used to it now and I dont have any probs kitting out my chars. (ML'S Still bug me tho)

I also like NF and won't be looking at WoW


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Arkian said:
Funny how a lot of people view leveling from 1 to 50 as a grind to be got through as fast as possible, rather than a journey to be enjoyed along the way..

I sort of enjoyed it the first time, how many times do you expect people to enjoy?


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
If such a major part of the game actually stops becoming enjoyable then surely you either a) stick with the chars you have or b) find another game.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
ToA is actually quite good if you don't stress throught it and take your time instead of trying to get everything instantly.

NF on the other side is a pile of shit in my opinion. If you can't muster the numbers your realm will fall behind, and if you don't like zerging there really isn't an other option since you will run into greater numbers no matter how hard you try not to.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Overdriven said:
Am I the ONLY person who actually likes what ToA and NF brought to DAoC?
AND! - Am I the only one who won't quit to play WoW?

Nope I love TOA and NF. And I won't quit to play WoW ... I'll play WoW and already played it quite a lot in the different Beta's ... but I won't leave 3 years of fun in DAoC because WoW is the new kid on the block.

And don't worry loads and loads and loads of people love TOA and NF and DAoC in general .. but they are just not bothered with whining endlesly trying to convince others to see things like they do like the people that whine of FH are.

Heck, I even bet there is people that don't asume GOA just fucks up DAoC and makes it lag and runs it on crap servers ... but hey that's just boring isn't it?... it's much more fun to fight the system and say how much you hate stuff and still pay 16 euro's a month on 2 accounts :p


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Ketinna said:
i dont understand the fun in this unless youre a 12 year old kid who think its fun to be overpowered.

One: I'm not 12, almost 18.
Two: I have a BD [SI, SCd set - 1 arti] who I rarely use for RvR, since I'm one of those gimped people who like to play Seers + Stealth classes. [Apart from Archers]
Three: I actually liked ToA for the PvE [Yes, I do like PvE sometimes] - Whole new place to explore etc.
Four: NF is fun, alot better chance to solo.

Let me guess, you're on of the people who play an over powered class? Yet still play the game though you hate what all the expansions have brought with it?



Jan 12, 2004
I like toa/nf :)

and you only see whine threads, because noone ever make a "I love this thread" ppl would just whine/flame ppl that did that :D

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