question obout RvR damage



This has probably been said already however that never stopped me before ;)

is the damage in RvR supposed to be so crippling? I was amazed when i attacked a green con mid last night and killed it in 2 hits

2 HITS!!! I could never kill a green con mob in 2 hits so why can I kill a heavily armoured troll thane?

also i saw many lvl 40+ albs get nuked by mid`s and killed in 2 sometimes 1 hits...i didn`t see alb`s having as much luck with our nukes...

it was my first relic raid on monday and went back for more last night (crashes inc) have to say i was a bit disapointed when the server crashed teh second time while the backup team were trying to take the mile gate....when i logged back on i was killed straight away and had the pleasure of watching the whole albion force killed 1 by 1 as they logged on brilliant (not)


Yeah it sucks. Spend 20mins getting to the action and die in 10s. Wielders of 2h weapons of every1 description kill most people in 3 or so swipes. Nukers kill in seconds, archers can take you to 10% hp in a few arrows. It truly is silly, as you see you char taking lots of aggro from red/purp mobs before going down in PvE. But get demolished in RvR in seconds. It diminishes the whole RvR eperience imho, as everyone dies too quickly, and battles are way too short. It has been my biggest RvR dissapointment. I always prefered to play the more defensive chars, because thats where I get my kicks in PvE. But we really arent viable in RvR. The only way to be succesful in RvR is too deal as much dmg as you can, as quickly as you can. Period.


I know from my character that i can one bolt all greys, most greens (only some trolls (and prolly highlanders/dwarves) with a shield will survive), low HP blues (kobolds, Avalionians), some even con mages (if i crit). I also get one bolted by lvl50 Runies a lot (Melgar/Apsk etc), I think I'm a blue Elf to them.

It sucks, but you can deal the same dmg to other people, and with lvling post 40 so dreadfully dull you need to give people who do get it some kind of reward.


i personally try and look for red con or below them before the charge ...then when i do charge i haev a chance of hitting..

but it doesn`t work... it would be great if RvR was made more viable for lower levels...just being able to survive against any purple con within 10 levels of you for more than 2 hits would be a good start

i really don`t have the time to get to lvl 50 and am not interested in going to emain to gank grey hibs(what the hell`s the point ruining someones fun for a few realm points ?)

i`d just like to see 2 big armies being able to slug it out untill a victor emerges

i am not asking the earth just that a fully plated Paladin with armour facter of over 600 and 800 hit points should be able to survive more than 2 hits from an opponent 7 or 8 levels above you ala PvE


Isn't patch 1.48 the one that reduces the amount of damage dealt by players in RvR?

I'm sure they have said that battles are over too quickly and have changed that in 1.48. I know for a fact that it made the US Servers more fair.


Suposed to be a 35% damage reduction in next patch for all classes.

Tho there was a mass uproar when this went in as it made Archers and Runies gimped (apparently) and so they started making exceptional changes.

Saying that if a Purple Con Mob takes 3-4 hits to kill me (ie level 60 Drakulv Execs) why should a Yellow con even level Archer/Caster kill me in less than that?

Yup gotta agree, totally gimped.

Tho I have 2 hit yellow con tanks before using my 2H Hammer, and it was most enjoyable.

On a side note what is the melee/spell/arrow/Assasin damage caps in RvR?

Would be interested to find out


Originally posted by ldticp
i am not asking the earth just that a fully plated Paladin with armour facter of over 600 and 800 hit points should be able to survive more than 2 hits from an opponent 7 or 8 levels above you ala PvE

An af of over 600 at lvl 3x? how ?! at lvl 38 all my stuff cons yellow with one piece of orange plate and my af is only 420 something when i look at the info pannel. :(


I also found that weird, I'm a shield Hero and thus can fight purple cons for a quite a while before I need a heal.

Why then does a red con enemy player kill me in 3 hits sometimes?

Gah, I can't wait till patch.



i think they took the damage reduction thing out, as it apparently made melee classes even worse :/


well i have all red plate (to me) and I have armour buffs aswell..i`m a paladin remember ;)
aswell as having quite high parry and shield..i think i should at least last 3 or 4 hits against something not much higher than me


Guest I happy or sad now?

I have no idea. :D


Cant see how a Paladin gets 600af (even when buffed) at your level.

Red Plate or Yellow plate, your AF is capped at your level and the additional is from buffs.

So how much AF does Paladin buffs give?

Oh and 800hp is not a lot of hp, If I can hit Purple Mobs (at level 50) that wear effective chain armor - ala epic zone Drakulvs - for 200-250 damage, I am sure as hell gonna hit a Blue con Plate wearing Alb for cap damage (557 or summink)

If the caps were taken away I would prolly hit you for a shitload more.

look at it from my view - I hit Purple mobs for ~250 damage with my 2H hammer and hit Blue mobs for capped 55X damage so sure as hell wanna be hitting Blue con Plate albs for at least 55X.

I actually think Melee damage is justified in such an instance.
Its hard to nerf damage across the scale as it makes Assasins kinda useless as they rely on front loaded damage and poisons, redice this by 35% and they cant kill anything Yellow con in 2 hits let alone 1 hit.

And you cant exclude em as they are powerful enuff as it is.

Think thast key reason Mythic scrapped the damage reductions if they did.

God knows what Mythic have done atm, so many damn stealth nerfs being uncovered, how many more u think have slipped in unnoticed?


well, im a thane, and I can take down a yellow con armsman / paladin in 2-4 hits, depending on their state of armor.... anything not wearing plate/chain dies in 2 hits max (less when using insta dd and pbaoe)

armsmen are a bit tricky, but paladins die easily, thank god :)

Think it has something to do with 2 handed weapons hitting a lot harder than 1 handed weapons.... I do like 300-400 damage (upper end of 300 usually) to a yellow con pally, and only 250-350 to a yellow con mob, with average of about 300

Doesnt seem right..... then again, we all know trolls hit harder than the average middie :clap:


that would be fair enough if i attack a lvl 50 thane who uses a great big 2 handed hammer ..i expect to die really really fast 2 hits max including the cap you mention but i wouldn`t expect a pre lvl 42 to be able to hit for the same amount ..i would expect at least a fighting chance of surviving 5 seconds

what i`m talking about is for example on monday night i attacked a purple (to me) thane my friend told me he was blue to her lvl 43

he took off 8/10`s of my life in 1 hit ! yes 1 hit! the second hit was overkill

can i ask any thane`s reading this.. do you honestly at pre lvl 40 do 400 damage per hit? if so there is a very very serious mismatch of damage on the realms

any albion armsmen or paladins wish to comment on how much damage they do?

and as for my buffs they add roughly 180ish can`t rememeber the right amount ..but it`s close to that figure


Need to look at damage caps and modifiers for diff levels, its a whole load of maths involved, and seeing as I stopped Maths at GCSE I dont plan to even think about tryign to do some calculations, but no doubt its been done in IGN somewhere amongst the whiney posts


another point i can add was that i 2 hitted green con mids..they caused about 5% damage to me in return with 2 hits.

.i have a good weapon for my lvl 12.8dps 2.5speed but when i attacked a highish level caster (from behind) i barely scratched it (you hit for 8 hit for 8 are hit for 760 damage are dead...) i think he was about lvl 40-45 from what friends said he conned to them


so true

top damage so far was 782 with dual proc, dual crit and doublefrost on a bluecon infil but when i started whacking the redcon caster in his piyama armor i did 40 damage max per hit

so much for the melee > caster myth

yes imho melee characters (especially light tanks that give up defense and range for offence )should be able to take out redcon tanks when in melee range , and not debuffed


Bear in mind that us middies have all the strength relics (at the moment anyway!).

This does give us a significant advantage in RvR :cool:



Bah u flat cap wearing muppet, no hello for me eh Wij, pfft


I've seen u on here and hello'd u before. Zeb is a n00bie Penge Resident.

Bloody mardy southerners, pfft.


/edit: Zeb - I see you are browing the forum. I won't be on til later tonight. Got friends round for a little while.


I think my cap seems to be 434 dmg for my nuke.
I know my cap is x3 dmg for what the spell dmg actually is, for the nuke b4 last its 434, and i often hit lvl 50 guys for 434 every time.

Now I have the best nuke, with the cap being 549. I went off to RvR thinking I would do more, but find im still only doing 434 =(
Im not lvling anymore (48 SM atm), as I wont be doing any more dmg anyway (having 57 darkness helps hehe)

Any idea how much dmg my spirit pet does? its lvl 42 now, and i really have no idea.
I often dont see what dmg its doing as I leave it to attack 1 target while I attack another


Originally posted by SilverHood
well, im a thane, and I can take down a yellow con armsman / paladin in 2-4 hits, depending on their state of armor.... anything not wearing plate/chain dies in 2 hits max (less when using insta dd and pbaoe)

armsmen are a bit tricky, but paladins die easily, thank god :)

Think it has something to do with 2 handed weapons hitting a lot harder than 1 handed weapons.... I do like 300-400 damage (upper end of 300 usually) to a yellow con pally, and only 250-350 to a yellow con mob, with average of about 300

Doesnt seem right..... then again, we all know trolls hit harder than the average middie :clap:

Doubt a polearm armsman (like me) would have any problem taking you down in 2 hits (specielly thrusters).

300-400 damage every 6th second instead of 100 damage every 2nd second - same thing really but if you (we) miss one hit we suffer much more than the fast-hitters :p

I also hit for about 300-400 right now but at 50 I expect a much higher damagecap as I hear polearm armsmen have best damage output for melee (again I don't know) :confused:

I want to one-hit kill green-cons and I need to one-hit kill all magetypes. Using a very slow weapon is damgerous stuff so when I hit I expect to hit HARD. A mage has plenty of time to cast spells between my hits and with that bloody bladeturn it still takes me atleast 2 hits to get 'em down.


Arlone Hammerfist
Black Dragonarmy


2h first hit immediatly so even whit 2h and slower swing, do huge damage.
when you push attack button, swing, after that start timer countdown to next hit.
if someone, example me whit faster attack type luckily hit you,
hhm lets say 2x250 damage its 500,
but first 2h whip kick me whit 550 damage,
i do 500,
next swing 550->now 1100damage
i 500->1000
next swing 550->now 1650damage
i 500->1500

in this time start my faster weapons make greater damage or do i say we are line where most of us watch mother earth, but if my hp is under 1000, allready /release
all this is theoraticly, no real number but hope people see principle what i am driving behind :)
allways slower weapons swing immediatly, after this start countdown to next, so if 1:st hit make huge damage, its sayonara.

about those misses, dualwielder like me, we use 2 weapons, 50% more change to miss, but everybody miss, not only us :)


Midgards fear Thrust Polers and Spearos the most out of all Tanks and also them damn Thrust Assasins.

Its near impossible to get decent thrust resists in Mid, we struggle to even nulify the -15% from chain. Whereas you albs can cap you Crush damage adn get the extra absorb from plate.

Paladins can be a pain to kill, esp if u have to sprint to catch em, half end can go chasing, couple styles and if they aint dead u may be buggered as without styles and no to hit bonus we struggle to hit u and u got them damn Heals.

Gotta go max frontloaded vs a Paladin and hope they die, longer the battle goes on, less chance we have.


Well on the damage front with no power relics and 2 str relics on my excali char I can cap my sword damage on blue con scale wearers (that's a hit for 207, I hit green mobs for about 120)... it does seem a bit excessive. On the other hand if you reduce damage then you have to take things like debuff times, stun times, mez times etc. etc. into account. It would change the way battles work a lot.
Best hit? 2xdd plus sword plus crit plus proc on a yellow hit for about 600 I think and that at level 42. Minstrel is the damage dealing gimp of albion and we can take less hits than most other classes, yet people still say we're uber, well BAH!

Also mobs have generally a lot of HP and take less damage to make up for them being stupid. In RvR you're not going to be able to taunt a player off your healer or caster so them dying quicker is the solution mythic gave us.


Keep in mind that mobs usually have a lot more hp's than an enemy player -- even if they both con the same. :)


Originally posted by Kelmon
Keep in mind that mobs usually have a lot more hp's than an enemy player -- even if they both con the same. :)

Didn't I just say that? :p

Roo Stercogburn

Hmmm I think a lot of people want it both ways. They want longer battles in RvR (by being able to survive longer) rather than the short and furious battles you tend to get, but at the same time they don't want their characters nerfed, which lets face it, is the only real way you can do it without bumping up all the character abilities a across the board. Increasing hitpoints, armour and various resistances which would lead to a shedload of balance issues which would take many patches to sort out yet again. And if you think about it, increasing all character classes' abilities is a more subtle kind of nerf, since all it does is lessen the abilities of other characters to affect them.

Still hurts to have one of your carefully specced abilites scragged in an update though and I sympathise with anyone who's had this happen to them. The pbae mez nerf for SMs is fairly minor compared to the stuff hunters etc have had to put up with.


well as for long battles, they are quite rare..
but my 48 sm was jumped by a 50 cleric the other day.. we had a fight that lasted at least 30 secs - 1 minute (hard to tell in the heat of battle :D).
cos he has insta heals, and i have drain to heal me it kept going, we both also mezzed each other at one point each.

longer battles do happen, but I even taking 50% off all dmg in RvR would be much better. Stun would be less overpowered then too (9 secs is waaaaaaay too long, especially when u are a caster :()

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