Question from a newbie


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004

I am thinking on joining DaoC, I am an old time MMORPG gamer and have some experience. However I am getting worried cause some coments in this forums talks about low server population on EU servers. As an old gamer I allso know that the forums does not represent the mayority of the comunity (I refer to any forum) but still worries me. ¿Is there a real problem about server population? Whats the avg population?



FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Don't take the whine threads on these forums as the gospel. Although, Hib population is low on Excalibur server. Which realm were you going to play and which server?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Don't know yet, basically I play on GMT +1 and between 18:00 to 22:00 depending on the day and work.

I am now playing on USA server (Trial version) and i like the ALbion. But as I said i don't really know.

And i don't really take on whine post, thats why I prefer to ask :)

Thanks for the answer.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
The whines about the populus are more replated to us English speaking people wanting a third server, and therefore the ability to play all 3 realms.

Prydwen is a lil under populated, but that means it has a good currency flow, and less camping and more 1 on 1 fights.

Excals not too bad, but hib could use the boost tbh.

Also, we have a weeks free trial goin here, but u need an existing player to recommend you, so if u know someone, prod them :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
As a totally new player i`d say server population will be the least of your worries tbh.If you join Midgard (Excalibur server) though feel free to send me a message on any of the alts below and i`ll set you up with some items/cash to get you moving.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Only person I might know from SWG is an SWG avatar called Killuminati on Eclipse Server.... apart from that I don't anyone on DaoC... but looking forward to know some of you :)



[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
(waves hello)

Basicly the primetime population on the two primary English speaking servers is about 1800 for Excali and 1200/1400 Prydwen... those numbers are broken up (roughly) 25percent Hibernia 45percent Albion 30percent Midgard (and yes for the forum pedants out there those numbers are a generalisation)

Prime time runs from about 7pm Cet through about 1am Cet.

If you look on the DAOC Europe webby there is a page for volunteers on the various servers listed out by realm. These are all people who have agreed to be harrassed by the players on our behalf when the GMs can't be reached and I'm pretty sure that any of them would be able to get you pointed in the right direction with advice, contacts and general game knowledge. Additionally if you do a /who 100 and one of us GM lot are around we'll show up and feel free to babble to us as well.

Additionally, I know of a fair amount of people who are rolling alts at level 1 lately so finding people to group with shouldn't be to much a problem... combine it with the new grouping bonuses (it's easier to group with people of a higher level and be a viable part of the group) and some of the other leveling bonuses that are being added and you should be winging away up the levels fairly quickly.

Good luck!


Jan 21, 2004
tbh if you want grps at low lvls.. yer best bet is albion excalibur. i know albs are overpopulated, but its the best bet for lowbie chars.. ive seen lvl 7 xp grps happily bashing away at mobs truly enjoying their characters.. :) so even though hib and mids could use yer backup.. your best bet to meet lowbie chars are in alb excal.

if you decide to start. do a /tell Feitha and ill sort ya out with some gear/equip/some cash so you have something to start with :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Zenythe said:
If you look on the DAOC Europe webby there is a page for volunteers on the various servers listed out by realm. These are all people who have agreed to be harrassed by the players on our behalf when the GMs can't be reached and I'm pretty sure that any of them would be able to get you pointed in the right direction with advice, contacts and general game knowledge.
/em puts hand up!

If you decide to join Midgard on Excalibur, PM any of my guild members (see my sig) for an invite, its always nice to get new people in game, and this week alone we have taken on 3 fresh players who are happily exping like mad :)

Todays newbie is tomorrows RP whore :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Just want to say thanks to all of you for the help.



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Don't take the whines seriously, they mostly come from the CS community that's in the wrong game atm and haven't realised it yet! Nice to see new people come to the game, we also had 2 new ones in my guild that started last week. Good luck in whichever realm you decide to start. Play as you feel like it and just enjoy whatever you do, be that in hib, mid or alb (don't pick alb, don't pick alb :))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
I am going to hijack my own thread ;) to make another question: If i buy the game in Amazon UK, Do I get the DaoC European Version? or the American on?. May be an stupid questio, but I always say:"The most stupid question is the one you don't make".

Thanks a lot again :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 12, 2004
Styphon said:
I am going to hijack my own thread ;) to make another question: If i buy the game in Amazon UK, Do I get the DaoC European Version? or the American on?. May be an stupid questio, but I always say:"The most stupid question is the one you don't make".

Thanks a lot again :)

Think you can get both tbh, so make sure you order the correct one.
The publisher in EU is Wanadoo, so that's what it is supposed to say on the box.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Styphon said:
I am going to hijack my own thread ;) to make another question: If i buy the game in Amazon UK, Do I get the DaoC European Version? or the American on?. May be an stupid questio, but I always say:"The most stupid question is the one you don't make".

Thanks a lot again :)

you get the UK version, its actually quite hard to get the US version shipped over to the UK.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Dont buy through amazon. have the european version DAOC + SI + TOA for £17.99


Its temporarily out of stock at the moment but I ordered it and got it from them in no time last time I got a copy.

EDIT: Looks as tho amazon has finally lowered their price down to £19 (used to be £34) still at least you have more than one choice.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Since a gm admits the vast numbers of albs which is reflected in rvr n greatly inbalances the game n the desire of ppl 2 play all deffrent realms ( english speakin player wantin 3rd server) ,
goa should MAKE co-operative server or ppl can join all realms in the same server and do /level 50 + mls n then dont allow ppl goin rvr w a certain realm if that realm reaches more than the 33% of active rvr players at that time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
nOmoreCOAL said:
Since a gm admits the vast numbers of albs which is reflected in rvr n greatly inbalances the game n the desire of ppl 2 play all deffrent realms ( english speakin player wantin 3rd server) ,
goa should MAKE co-operative server or ppl can join all realms in the same server and do /level 50 + mls n then dont allow ppl goin rvr w a certain realm if that realm reaches more than the 33% of active rvr players at that time.
Drugs are bad mmkay?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
chretien said:
Drugs are bad mmkay?

yeah no need 2 search what realm u play...

in zerg u trust
u r prolly an armsman/pally carrin the trebs n makin the coffee
if there is a possibility u play against equal numbers makes u wet yer pants :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
nOmoreCOAL said:
yeah no need 2 search what realm u play...

in zerg u trust
u r prolly an armsman/pally carrin the trebs n makin the coffee
if there is a possibility u play against equal numbers makes u wet yer pants :flame:
I was pointing out that your post made no sense whatsoever.
Firstly, link the post where a GM says whatever you say he 'admits' about Albs.
Secondly, your 'solutions' are retarded. Co-op server? yeah that'll improve RvR...
/level 50 + free MLs? Will never happen. Why develop all that content then make it unnecessary? Why run a MMORPG at all? Convert all the servers to Quake 3 team deathmatch servers. Whee! You just solved the class balance problem as well there!
Don't allow people to go to RvR if there's more than 33% of the realm there? I wouldn't play on that server. If I want to play in the frontiers, why should I be stopped just because there's already some people out there? Do we have to have a rota to show who's allowed in the frontier on which days? If you're not on the list and can't get in, what do you do? Whine like a bitch on FH probably about the retarded server type.

Yes I'm a paladin, yes I like siege fights. I liked siege fights in OF too. Some of the best fights I've been in were against overwhelming numbers just cos I don't like solo or 8v8 doesn't mean I don't like a challenge. When you pay my subs you can tell me how to play. In the meantime learn to flame properly, that was just pathetic.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Whatever you do, don't go alb/excal, they have enough people.


Jan 21, 2004
Danya said:
Whatever you do, don't go alb/excal, they have enough people.
whats wrong with going there if its his first char? do you think he will enjoy to solo to 50 on hib pryd?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Hi all:
Again thanks but ls try not to convert this thread on a battle between players that want to do RvR or Cooperative.

Also I would choose the realm based on what I really want to play as a class :)

THanks again.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Styphon said:
Hi all:
Again thanks but ls try not to convert this thread on a battle between players that want to do RvR or Cooperative.

Also I would choose the realm based on what I really want to play as a class :)

THanks again.

If you wanna play Albion I suggest Prydwen. I know alot of great people there and the server is more balanced ergo RVR is more fun when you are getting close to 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 21, 2004
Still hijacking my own thread :)

Is it recomendable to buy the basic game + expansions (SI and ToA) or just Basic + SI?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
chretien said:
I was pointing out that your post made no sense whatsoever.
Firstly, link the post where a GM says whatever you say he 'admits' about Albs.
English Servers GM

erm this post was on the 1st page...

Zenythe said:
Basicly the primetime population on the two primary English speaking servers is about 1800 for Excali and 1200/1400 Prydwen... those numbers are broken up (roughly) 25percent Hibernia 45percent Albion 30percent Midgard (and yes for the forum pedants out there those numbers are a generalisation)

chretien said:
Secondly, your 'solutions' are retarded. Co-op server? yeah that'll improve RvR...
/level 50 + free MLs? Will never happen. Why develop all that content then make it unnecessary? Why run a MMORPG at all? Convert all the servers to Quake 3 team deathmatch servers. Whee! You just solved the class balance problem as well there!
Don't allow people to go to RvR if there's more than 33% of the realm there? I wouldn't play on that server. If I want to play in the frontiers, why should I be stopped just because there's already some people out there? Do we have to have a rota to show who's allowed in the frontier on which days? If you're not on the list and can't get in, what do you do? Whine like a bitch on FH probably about the retarded server type.

I didnt say ppl who wanted 2 play rvr should w8 4 others 2 leave nf or get in line. If there was a co-op server alb players would join hib/mid grps.
/level 50 + free mls 4 each char u have already done 2 the one u have made in another realm. for example u got 1 pala 50 lvl ml 10 + a 45 lvl inf u can join hibs n get a free 50 lvl ml 10 hero + a 45 lvl ns so when u cant join albs in rvr u can play hibs
U should check things in exca where albs at keep raids r 150-200 n mids hibs can gather only 50-120 but since u have the same poppulation ration ( mids r more though) u must be gimp players not havin yer relic or even df. Mids prime time raided beno but took only 3 tows n only 4 a few mins cause they were zerged by tripple force ( losin 1 keep albs thought it was a rr!!!)

chretien said:
Yes I'm a paladin, yes I like siege fights. I liked siege fights in OF too. Some of the best fights I've been in were against overwhelming numbers just cos I don't like solo or 8v8 doesn't mean I don't like a challenge.
What more than carrin a treb do u do in a siege? I think u dont even have a style in yer qbar...
Overwhelmin numbers against albs? These fights should be 1-2...
Is challenge 4 u firin treb far far away w a 700 armor 34% abs + large sheild + healin chant?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Alot of players take up 2 places on the server now days, so when you see the population, take about 40% off and you'll see the true amount playing at the time.

But all in all, DAoC is a very good game, only problem is theres many anti social players, being a new player only happens once, everything would be new and exciting etc.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
Styphon said:
Also I would choose the realm based on what I really want to play as a class :)

THanks again.

Styphon, the important thing for a 1st time player I think is too join a realm where there a more leveling oportunities (Albion) they have access to the best dungeon (darkness Falls) all of the time due too owning more keeps than other 2 realms. More xping charactors than other 2 realms (correct me if i'm wrong its just an assumption) so you are more likely to get help in groups.
The fact that Albs have more active rvr ppl also will help in battlegrounds as you level.

Now if you like the classes available in Albion then you are well sorted. Be careful what class you choose because since New Frontiers arrived some classes are rendered more or less useless in rvr. Just gather as much info as you can by reading such forums, and take a look at this site

this site give loads of info on everything about daoc. maps items classes etc.etc

good luck on your travels and dont take much notice of us whining too much.

maybe see you in hibby :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
nOmoreCOAL said:
erm this post was on the 1st page...

I didnt say ppl who wanted 2 play rvr should w8 4 others 2 leave nf or get in line. If there was a co-op server alb players would join hib/mid grps.
/level 50 + free mls 4 each char u have already done 2 the one u have made in another realm. for example u got 1 pala 50 lvl ml 10 + a 45 lvl inf u can join hibs n get a free 50 lvl ml 10 hero + a 45 lvl ns so when u cant join albs in rvr u can play hibs
U should check things in exca where albs at keep raids r 150-200 n mids hibs can gather only 50-120 but since u have the same poppulation ration ( mids r more though) u must be gimp players not havin yer relic or even df. Mids prime time raided beno but took only 3 tows n only 4 a few mins cause they were zerged by tripple force ( losin 1 keep albs thought it was a rr!!!)

What more than carrin a treb do u do in a siege? I think u dont even have a style in yer qbar...
Overwhelmin numbers against albs? These fights should be 1-2...
Is challenge 4 u firin treb far far away w a 700 armor 34% abs + large sheild + healin chant?
Riiight and you're a more skilled player cos you picked a different icon when you first started playing the game? Why don't you crawl into a nice dark hole and come back when you can string a coherent sentence together. It's painful trying to read your posts and working out what you are actually trying to say. Not typing with your nose would probably help too, ask the nurse to at least let you have one hand free.

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