Question for the Tech Support Peeps Amoungst Us


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
In case someone from The Company reads these boards, I guess.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Summo said:
In case someone from The Company reads these boards, I guess.


I do, and you're fired! All of you!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Aye, I know what you mean Summo. At my work exp. company personal mobile numbers were treated like a virus and were to be contained at all costs. NEVER let yours out. EVER.

But you know that. :D


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, our company wanted us to include our work mobiles on all email signatures.

Fuck that.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
heh indeed. mine's been leaked and I'm being called like ffing all the ffing time :eek:
I've discovered another thing I hate: we are compelled by 'the man' to keep our online time/place planner thingy up to date. if we don't, we get shite thrown at us by management. however, no matter how many times you fill in I am not available, so don't bother phoning ffs into your day schedule people phone you anyway. not only that, but they want you to do things for them! how rude! I popped in friday, my day off clearly marked in the online planner, and during the hour or so I was in the office my desk phone rang no less than 9 times!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
TdC said:
I popped in friday, my day off clearly marked in the online planner, and during the hour or so I was in the office my desk phone rang no less than 9 times!!

yeah but if it´s "teh inept" do you think they bother checking your planner first?

they don´t where I work (company called Ambu A/S) good thing is we have an internal hotline, so if you really can´t be bothered all you gotta do is tell them to call 911, (hotline number :)) then it´s whoever is on guard´s duty <grin>


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
well, I call it 'panicy project manager syndrome'. ie the panic-stricken manager calls every single person in his/her mobile phone's memory in the hope that someone will be kind enough to help. it's the same thing with mail, they make mailing lists, let's name one "UNIX" for this example, and in there they put the email addys of all the nix boffins they've ever worked with. if a project they run hits a unix snag, they blanket email everyone in the list. it's a really shitty thing imo, they should use their heads and call the person who's been allocated to the project.
from the viewpoint of a PM I believe it's called 'getting results' :/


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Ahhh but if all us plebs got good at that stuff, you nerds would be out of a job <hides>

Besides, you have to do that stuff - we're too busy having sex with real life ladies and not watching Red Dwarf/Matrix/Japanes Anime. <hides more betterer>


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
I don't have a problem with fixing things for friends family as they generally don't take the piss too much and i normally get beer out of it. I don't like having to fix things that have been damaged willfully by people who should know better though. And even though all you tech support people moan, i wouldnt mind a tech support job. Seeing as im a student its unlikly to happen though :p


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
dont you just hate people that click every fucking ad with "you won !, click here for $$$, etc etc" and get infected with all the Ad shit in the world, then complain their pc is broken.

dont you just hate people that accept files from people they dont know, saying "but he wanted to send me a picture..."

dont you just hate it when people get prompted and they click OK without reading or checking the message.

dont you just hate it when you tell them not to reset the pc from the reset button, yet they do it each and everytime.

dont you just hate it when you explain to them why the problem has occured, and how to prevent it, and they call you back with the same fucking problem.

And oh, friends and their friends coming on to me to fix their pcs... I mean, wtf, this aint the RED HOLY FUCKING CROSS of broken computers.
Then I started charging them. Strangely enough that didnt discourage them, but made it worse. They now call no matter the hour, assuming that if "they pay, its ok". Fuck That.

Oh and yaruar, I'd rather just fix the damn thing than try and explain it to them. It's like trying to explain to a kid about sex, starting with the bees (a bit forced, but you get my drift).
If it's something I hate the most, it's having to explain. Drives me nuts.


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
i landed home quite late last night after doing some manual labour* to find a strange computer "dumped" on the kitchen counter with a power cord.

found out my cousin had driven half way across Northern ireland to deliver this computer to me, without explaining what the problem was to anyone... and expected me to magically fix it.

needless to say its sitting in the garage waiting to be picked up, he can fuck right off if he expects it to be done for free :eek:

and the pile of "homers" is slowly getting larger with each passing week, its as if they think we do fuck all except sit on a forum all day posting :eek6:

*helping pull down a funfair last night for 5+ hrs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
old.Osy said:
Strangely enough that didnt discourage them, but made it worse. They now call no matter the hour, assuming that if "they pay, its ok". Fuck That.

daytime hours 10am to 16pm (£10 pr hour begun)
afternoon 16pm to 19pm (£20 pr hour begun)
evening hours 19pm 23pm (£30 pr hour begun)
nightshift 23pm 10am (£40 pr hour begun)

you start charging them the minute they hang up on you and until the computer is fixed, I guarantee noone is gonna ask you again! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I expect to be able to pull a hot MILF sometime, thats what keeps me going to work with a smile on my face.
As for doing stuff after hours, weeeeell.... It should be forbidden. Unless it pays in beer or women that is.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, I just thought of another one that has been plauging me in one of my departments lately.

The PC were getting a little old. PIII 750s, 128MB, etc. Perfectly fine for the day to day word processing that is usually done. Then I get a call saying that all the machines had suddenly, "Slowed to a crawl"

Turns out one of them, over the course of a week, had installed the BBC ticker, webshots desktop thingy and that damn cat that walks around your screen!!!

Needless to say, on viewing the amazing things this computer could now do everyone wanted these essential tools. Funny that they were surprised when nothing else worked quite as slick as it used to.

The day I convince managment that normal users should be Users and not Power Users is the day I shall breath a sigh of relief and go on holuday :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
heh our users are local admins go figure :)

works kinda well actually, seeing as the policies for actually getting stuff down from the net are rather severe :)

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