Question for Cabalists



~wanders off in a little mist of sorcerer joyfulness~



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
One day I am going to get an iso sorc and let it do all the work for me. "FFS OMG MEZZ FFS!!!11!", I'll say, doing my Wildfire impression.


lol at the Wildfire impression :clap:
so lifelike its unreal ;)

but the iso sorcs are crap.


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Thanks for the answer. My ickle cabby is now a level 9 full Body spec gimpoid! Guess I should have done a bit of research before making him. Plenty of time to change though. Rah! Won't be long before I can become Hypocrisy Incarnate and ravage the tanglers by myself. :)

~wishes he had chosen Hypocrisy Incarnate as his character name~ :(


Body isnt that bad for PvM your almost as good nuker as an ice wizard, just make sure you respec at 20 or 40 to matter,



Bah, even matter cabbys pet can kill what ever lvl 50 character.

WITHOUT casting DMG spells to enemy..

28.6 dps does it all

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Guest that I have another sub-level 30 character, where in the name of unholy buggery do I get that Sceptre/Mace doodad that can be equipped by Casters? It looks SOOOO cool!

I do like Body spec but the main reason for making a cabbie was so that I could piss people off at the tanglers and level my sorc and wizard the lazy way. Not the best of intentions but, meh, whatcha gonna do in a rotten world? :)


From what i seen a sorc is the best allround mage class in albion.
Speed, mezz, pet, nukes, lifedrain, debuffs. Also very porpular in
xp groups later on, and easy to get a rvr group too.

Would chose that before a cabalist.

How best spec is, ask some sorcs who has experience.



Kinadold, shut up. You can't say crap like "I think Sorcerers are the best Albion mage class!" just because you skimmed through the char builder and thought "Oooh. Look what I can get with 3x spec points and 50 in all lines!".



breath apathy breath

also i would say that cabalists are pretty uber, but wizards and air theurgs rock too :) sorcerers would help apb 1 hell of a lot if half the people who made cabalists because they can solo tangers made sorcerers.

Since that patch anybody who PM's me saying "whats the best way to spec a cabalist" i say make a sorcerer there better :)



Cookie cutter goes...

46 matter for the best aoe dot & nearsight.
3 spirit for the reclaim mana spell
rest in body for reduced variance on your baseline lifetap, and for aoe disease (which arrives at spec 15).


I would seriously consider going full spirit until level 40 and then respeccing to work toward 46 matter, and secondary spec wherever you like (at level 40+ you'll know the class well enough to make up your own mind).

The reason being, with full sprirt buffs you basically get an even con tank, plus your pet healing power wouldn't be too far off a cleric.

This means constant orange soloing all the way up with zero downtime.

You will need to reduce your spirit spec at the 40 respec and go matter for RvR effectiveness. But since I dropped my body points for a few sprit points in the respec I've been wishing I had more spirit for PvE solo.

And you will be PvE soloing a lot.

I wouldn't reccomend grouping till at least past level 30, it simply isn't efficient (of course, don't let that stop you grouping with friends etc for the sake of fun, but do realise your xp gain rate will drop). And unfortunately, however you spec you won't bring too much to a PvE group bar your sunny disposition.

Either way, good luck.


Originally posted by Exinferis
thing is ciclya you need to learn where to use dot/aedot
or just nuke

sure a bodycab is better in open emain RvR but they cry when they come to a siege :)

matter cabalist is the ultimate siege class, aedot and nearsight those that try to do something nasty with you

hehe, I dont cry in a seige


neither did i when i was body spec.

my lvl 29 aoe dot wasnt as good as teh lvl 46 one but it was enough to clear doors and battlements :)


Matter Cabalists who are still xping should group with a cleric. Cleric buffs pet which makes it stronger than a full spirit Cabalist pet. And Cab puts on damage shield, sends it in a field of oranges, Cleric heals the pet, oranges fall dead, rest a little and do it again. If cleric is full enchance, pet gets stronger, heals get less.
Cleric full rejuv, heals get better, pet gets weaker.
Cleric some smite, heals and pet get worse, but cleric can aoe smite to help. All sorts of clerics rule together with a matter cabalist.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Why on earth are you going on about sorcerers and RvR now? Do you even PLAY a high lvl sorcerer in RvR?

A pet is another indispensable tool. Anyone not "letting" a sorcerer get a pet is a fuckwit and should just be ignored.

And Severing The Tether is a mentalist RA.


Yes, I played a lvl 50 sorc in RvR of a mate and we both agreed the pet sucked anyhow. His sorc was full mind first but when the grouppurge and insta-mezz came around in the patches he respecced his sorc.

And it's fine you correct my mistake on who's RA it is, but calling me 'a fuckwith which should just be ignored' coz of my opinion is kinda childish, don't you think?

And why did I start with about sorcs? They were mentioned in a previous posts about the fact it was a lvl 50 pet and I just carried a bit on about the fact that is not correct.

In my humble opinion it's just not wise to get bothered with bringing 'that pet in the other corner of the map' because RvR is fast and action-packed and you often don't have time to get your group first to the spot where the pet is and then back to the spot where the action is.

It's fine you disagree with me on this topic and I think it's great there are still full-mind specced sorcs around. And if the whole group agrees to get the pet I will go with the group as well, but I will say I don't think it's a good idea.

The only good pet is a castable pet in RvR, that's my opinion.

My 2 cents..

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
Matter Cabalists who are still xping should group with a cleric. Cleric buffs pet which makes it stronger than a full spirit Cabalist pet. And Cab puts on damage shield, sends it in a field of oranges, Cleric heals the pet, oranges fall dead, rest a little and do it again. If cleric is full enchance, pet gets stronger, heals get less.
Cleric full rejuv, heals get better, pet gets weaker.
Cleric some smite, heals and pet get worse, but cleric can aoe smite to help. All sorts of clerics rule together with a matter cabalist.

~cough~ I seem to recall doing something similar last night with a friar who taught me the ways of the cabby. Man, was I clueless last night or WHAT?! :D


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Yes, I played a lvl 50 sorc in RvR of a mate and we both agreed the pet sucked anyhow. His sorc was full mind first but when the grouppurge and insta-mezz came around in the patches he respecced his sorc.

So what you are saying is that YOU have not PLAYED a sorcerer to level 50 and into RvR fulltime. Thanks for clearing that up.

If he thinks his pet sucks, then he must suck even more. They are invaluable for interrupting a caster, keeping a bard busy, harrassing a healer, stomping on a stealther you see through or who misses his crit on you. Time spent dealing with the pet is time your group has to work with.

And it's fine you correct my mistake on who's RA it is, but calling me 'a fuckwith which should just be ignored' coz of my opinion is kinda childish, don't you think?

Not at all. I'd say childish was decrying something you have no real knowledge about, don't you think?

In my humble opinion it's just not wise to get bothered with bringing 'that pet in the other corner of the map' because RvR is fast and action-packed and you often don't have time to get your group first to the spot where the pet is and then back to the spot where the action is.

I completely disagree. RvR can be fast, but sorcerers who have played their char themselves to lvl 50 and to RR3 or so should be faster. They HAVE to be.

As for going to the other side of the map for a pet, who actually asked you to do this? Names, please. Dates and times. And how many times did this happen?

It's fine you disagree with me on this topic and I think it's great there are still full-mind specced sorcs around. And if the whole group agrees to get the pet I will go with the group as well, but I will say I don't think it's a good idea.

I think it's a little silly to go full mind-spec given the amount of tools you lose for, basically, one spell.

The only good pet is a castable pet in RvR, that's my opinion.

Given that you only have personal experience of using castable pets, it's easy to see how you came to that opinion.



Well a pet has some uses with my lvl 50 sorc, I find it attracts too much attention to me...
Stupid cheap ass no skill hibs will see pet trailing me, and press instant mezz... Gets really, really boring. Ofcourse, elite Apathy has a solution to each problem, like I should use my elite amnesia spells, etc...

Matter cabalists are nice, although everybody at tanglers will hate you, and expect you to lvl them at the same time. They also expect you to leave tanglers when more people come online, and you are never, ever allowed to xp during prime time. Cause you are too good at it, and so will take "their" xp.
Yes, most Albions are asses. Cause after they boot you from xp'ing at tanglers, they will go to BW forums to bitch about it also... Sign... useless twats all those people :p
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Well a pet has some uses with my lvl 50 sorc, I find it attracts too much attention to me...
Stupid cheap ass no skill hibs will see pet trailing me, and press instant mezz... Gets really, really boring. Ofcourse, elite Apathy has a solution to each problem, like I should use my elite amnesia spells, etc...

I think you give the Hibs too much credit; you're probably standing right in the open trying to QC cast your bright pink AoE mezz and then wonder why you have half the RPs I do.

~slaps thigh~

It's funny because it's true.

All I know is that my pet has saved my life more times than you can count. And that's not just because you can't count to more than 30.



Hmm, maybe I have 50% of your rp's cause I play several characters in rvr :p
I did not bother to look it up though, so do not know what your rp lvl is. All I know is I survived 2 weeks of no DaoC, with only minimal foam around the mouth :) Lets check back when I started rvr again :p
Regards, Glottis


Kinadold, shut up. You can't say crap like "I think Sorcerers are the best Albion mage class!" just because you skimmed through the char builder and thought "Oooh. Look what I can get with 3x spec points and 50 in all lines!".


Apathy - The Kylie Minogue of sorcerers.

Ive seen Veeshan play in the old days, and it did not look like
a gimped class at all. Yes RA's made sorc much weaker, but also
wizards, cabalist and theurghist is hurt by RA and resist.
A sorc gets CC and a good nuke if specced body, seems pretty ok


Funny thing at amg yesterday. My group was dead and i was waiting for them to come back to amg. So i linger there all by my own. And a SB got me from behind, I think he failed his perf but he somehow got me stunned or something, because I could cast. My sapphire started pounding on him and after the stun wore off I wasn't dead yet. I didn't look at his health, but I was almost dead. I did a quickcast lifedrain and the SB died!!!!
I was so amazed!!!!
Then his LA buddies streamed through amg and keeled me. But it was fun nonetheless :D


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Originally posted by Puppetmistress

So what you are saying is that YOU have not PLAYED a sorcerer to level 50 and into RvR fulltime. Thanks for clearing that up.

I don't think it's relevant to LEVEL (read: XP'ing) it to lvl 50 all by myself. And I promise you I did enough RvR with the sorc to know what a sorc can do and can't do.

If he thinks his pet sucks, then he must suck even more. They are invaluable for interrupting a caster, keeping a bard busy, harrassing a healer, stomping on a stealther you see through or who misses his crit on you. Time spent dealing with the pet is time your group has to work with.

IF there's time, that's fine with me. But most of the times there isn't time. If you group alot with the same guys (guildies, alliance ones) perhaps there is coz you get in the routine. But for casual, random grouping, most of the time there isn't.

Not at all. I'd say childish was decrying something you have no real knowledge about, don't you think?

I don't wanna go further into namecalling, but since you have no knowledge of my previous Daoc-history nor my personal interests in Daoc I think it's kinda premature to say I have no real knowledge about it.

I completely disagree. RvR can be fast, but sorcerers who have played their char themselves to lvl 50 and to RR3 or so should be faster. They HAVE to be.

Very true. I just hope the sorc is fast enough..

As for going to the other side of the map for a pet, who actually asked you to do this? Names, please. Dates and times. And how many times did this happen?

Don't remember name of sorc, but he was lvl 49 at the time being. It was in our own frontier. Happened to me twice actually. Not that often, but often enough to mention it :)

I think it's a little silly to go full mind-spec given the amount of tools you lose for, basically, one spell.

True, but we're talking about a sorc levelled about 1 year ago and there was no insta-shit in the game. The best mezzer in the game was the sorc and he wanted to be the best one (that is: His template was based on that).

Given that you only have personal experience of using castable pets, it's easy to see how you came to that opinion.

* [/B]

Yeah, it all rolls back on your mistake I don't have experience with sorcs.

So we disagree, fine with me. But drop the namecalling, it doesn't suit you.


I disagree. Playing around in RvR with a friend's sorcerer for a bit is not the same as leveling one, using and learning each spell as you gain it and playing nothing but the sorcerer in RvR. It does not give you the feel for the class or the same scope of understanding of the abilities it has.

So your opinion of sorcerer pets is invalidly based on your own very limited experience of sorcerer pets.

You're in no better position than the people who look at the char builder on Catacombs and sees the AoE mezz, the root, the nuke...and thinks "WOAH! UBER!!1", really.

There is always time to get a pet in RvR. There are pets on the way to AMG in Emain. There are pets WORTH going out of the way for in Odin's but failing that, pets on the way to HMG and pets just standing around all over the place. Your "No time to get pets!" argument is utterly moot because...there is time. It seems that you simply don't know how to use pets and don't think it's worth anyone else wasting 2s of your time to get one. After many pets could YOU spam in that time, eh?




Originally posted by Puppetmistress
True, but we're talking about a sorc levelled about 1 year ago and there was no insta-shit in the game. The best mezzer in the game was the sorc and he wanted to be the best one (that is: His template was based on that).

Actually Healer's have been the best mezzers always... Especially with the now-gone-thank-god chain-mezzing/stunning. Think they've always had their nice instas, which atleast on the mezz-side belong to sorcs, not bards (not AoE anyway) or Healers, IM(not so)HO.


hmmm i dunno but apathy i dont understand why you always go on about how many rps you have :/ every post is liek i played to rr3 i have yadda yadda rps ok so you are 19th rank sorc on excal .. but when any of the other 18 post on here they dont start shouting "i have 2x as many rp as you you suck you know nothing," its kinda unhelpfull tbh and does put yourself in a bad light just something maybe you should think about


I think you'll find that's the first time I've mentioned my own RPs, actually. Unless you care to show evidence of "always [going] on about"?

Glottis' "EVERYTHING SUCKS! THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO!" is traceable to the fact that he simply hasn't TRIED. When I was in The Brethren, all he did was moan constantly about his armsman. Now he's doing the same with his sorceress.

"I can't beat stealthers...I can't beat archers...I can't beat tanks...I can't do this...I can't do that...blah blah blah BLAH bleurgh."

Now shut up and pay attention! I could be about to teach you a lesson at aaaaany moment.


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