Question for Cabalists



I have made a Cabalist and i'm trying to decide what to specialise in, i was considering getting Spirit Animation to 50 spec points but lots of people advice against it, has anyone got this much spec in Spirit Animation and how strong are their pets? As strong as a melee char of the same level? Or weaker, by a bit, a lot? Please help me to decide how to share my points and how strong can the Spirit be max.?


Do NOT spec spirit, dear god no.
I'll explain. Firstly, the pet is at most lvl44 - its level is based on the player's level, and its 44 when you're 50. So it's blue con at best.
Further more the pet gets no resists, realm abilities or anything else like a normal fighter would.
Add to this the fact that the pet is buggy and tends to warp around like a mad thing, and you can forget about actually killing squat with it.

Basically body spec will improve your straight-up direct damage power, and matter will give you nearsight (a spell that reduces the range of other casters) and damage-over-time poison spells. Either path is good... you can spec full body for the final level of the life-stealing nuke, and still get a decent level of nearsight.
As for the pet... mostly you use your pet as a power reserve, via the 3spec spirit animation spell that converts the pet into power for you. Outside of PvE, do NOT expect the pet to be of any use whatsoever.


noooo dont spec spirit.

its very bad. your pet will never be as strong as a tank, a lvl 30 enhancement cleric can buff my pet better than me at lvl 50.

The 40% snare does nothing.

If i were you make a sorcerer they get cool yellow con pets.

If you realy must make a cabalist spec either body or matter.

Body is nukes.

Matter is DoT and nearsight.

for matter spec 46 matter, 28 body 6 spirit
for body spec 45 body 29 matter 6 spirit.

the 6 spirit is for Converte spirit, this turns your pet into power so u cast amber sim, cast reclaim spirit with a good spirit focus staff and you gain mana back.


but id much rather you made a sorcerer, even if cabalist is class of the week.


I specced my cabalist this way (in her early 30's now), matter spec:

- no need to train
- matter at lvl-1, rest to spirit
- respec to full matter at 20
- full matter for lvl24 aoe-dot in Thid
- agony without recycling pet for power
- get MCL asap
- matter at lvl-1 again
- spirit to 4
- rest to body
or alternatively
- matter at lvl-1
- rest spirit
and then respec spirit to 4 at 40.

Brings you to 28 body, 46 matter and 4 spirit at 50, with 0 points left over. It's the cookiecutter matter caba template.

Anyhow, about spirit spec and recycling - the more in spirit you have, the more recycling (Convert Spirit spell) will give power back. Use amber always, gives most power back.

From the little I've read, Spirit cabalist is the most boring spec... Pet does all the work, you might toss in the baseline DoT at times and some heals. The spec does have some good debuffs though and the snares (AoE) are actually very useful, assuming the group structure depends on mobs moving slowly (pre-pygmies AoEDoT groups for example - propably it works just as well with pygmies).

One of those lvl50 cabbies propably know quite a lot more than me though :)


ty all! you may have saved me from making a big mistake :)

I was told that the pet with all the pet buffs is very very good, and sounded simple and uncomplicated (like me :p) but i will think about the things you have suggested and hopefully make a good decision, thanks :)


ive read that a cabalist with 50 spirit took out a lvl 50 warrior
the pet that is


I'm a cookie cutter matter cab. And the pet is still usefull from time to time. I only use the base buffs on him and he kicks some caster ass if the don't root, snare, mezz or stun him. He is hard to kill for melee dudes, lots of HP. He can take 3 keep guards with easy and health to spare. But if one caster looks at him he's dead. Against hibs he is even dead before I'm insta mezzed... sort of atleast.
Also, hibs have group purge which also purges your pet, but we don't have that so when you purge yourself, the pet still stands there looking funny while you die.
Too bad I used my respec allready, because a full body cab with MoC is quite deadly in RvR.
2sec lifedrain with 90% health return and doing damage from 300-550 (depending resists) is quite well I think. Very deadly and you actualy kill stuff sometimes.
With AoE dot you more annoy people than kill them. Maybe some hurt caster in the back if you double dot them and pet them (and if they are mid, hib has 50% healers or something and dot's to slow allowing them to heal). Hib tanks don't even notice the dots, you double dot them they just walk around outliving it with more HP than I start with.


thing is ciclya you need to learn where to use dot/aedot
or just nuke

sure a bodycab is better in open emain RvR but they cry when they come to a siege :)

matter cabalist is the ultimate siege class, aedot and nearsight those that try to do something nasty with you


Originally posted by Exinferis
ive read that a cabalist with 50 spirit took out a lvl 50 warrior
the pet that is

the warrior was afk and sitting and took all his armour off... honestly you believe the VN boards?


cant wait to test it out on next testserver, still got my respecc =)

the pet is a tough mf when you get all the buffs on, including a 11dps damageadd


Nearsighting should give 1 rp atleast... My caba'd be close to R1L6 then, instead of close to R1L5 :p Was propably the spell I used most in Thid and on those couple trips to Emain :(


also i disagree about the dots just being annoying,
yesterday i double dotted ozirque and she died, simple as that, she was not healed and nobody else touched her.

Tanks are harder but then a dot that hist for 200 a tick x6 = 1200 dammage, if you double dot thats 2400 i dont know what tank hp's are but imo thats a lot of dammage.

also on VN boards you see stories about Gtss (Cabby TL) defending a relic on his own with aoe dot. it is quite honestly powerful enough to hold back a relic force.

read its a great cabalist site.



okey im confuddled tilda how/why did you respecc again?(3 time now 0_o)


i respecced because hibs have body resists, ie i would hit for
200 (- 230)
and i did it when i discovered i had another respec.


read my items buying thread there, i explain it better.

also what drosp the staff because one person tells me feeders, another tells me only the devourerers ?


gorgers/feeders/devourerers share the same droplist
i.e. I've had a gorged blade from a frenzy feeder and a frenzied axe from a gorger :)


Personally I prefer the 45 Body, 19 Matter (second nearsight, first ae dot) and 22 spirit for the body debuff. Combined with a 41 body / 34 mind sorc this could do some damage.


the avantage of a body cabalit over other nuking classes is that it has a very short cast time.
if i have to spend an extra 2 secs casting a debuff and its not even a good debuff i put my self at a big disadvantage.



better to team with a sorc and spec your caba 46matter...


A Hib tank with IP, moose form and 2000+ HP is only going to be able to get tickled by DoT's. Only crits do more than 200+ per tick. I'm seeing alot more DoT's ticking for under 100 damage lately.

About the pet. Only my basicly unbuffed pet chews through small tanks if they decide to try and kill it. Never underestimate a caba pet.


I have a debuff macro set up just for Tilda. :)



Originally posted by old.LandShark
better to team with a sorc and spec your caba 46matter...

:) well whadya know

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
I have a debuff macro set up just for Tilda. :)


i wub apathys debuffs,
makes by base dammage 175 a tick excluding crits :)
oh boy did we have fun yesterday :D



Originally posted by Tilda
i respecced because hibs have body resists, ie i would hit for
200 (- 230)

I normaly dot for 120 dmg and when I found some hibs I found out my dot did 65 dmg, so they can have alot of matter resist to


Originally posted by Tilda

also what drosp the staff because one person tells me feeders, another tells me only the devourerers ?

What, the Chewed Staff? I got it dropped off a gorger.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Can someone tell me what the difference is between Disease AoE (body) and the matter DoT?



Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Can someone tell me what the difference is between Disease AoE (body) and the matter DoT?


Disease is a mild str debuff (saw the number 7.5% somewhere), a mild snare (15%), prevents all natural healing and halves all magical healing with the exception of IP, but including FA and all instants. And most importantly: It does not break on damage. Although the snare is mild, it is enough to enable you to run from people and it doesn't ever break. Longish duration too.

DoT is just damage over time


Originally posted by Exinferis
ive read that a cabalist with 50 spirit took out a lvl 50 warrior
the pet that is

Sure. I melee'ed a troll (zerker) to death with my stick.

He was AFK..

Spirit is just not it.. The pet is lvl 44, so no really good tank, even with your 'uber-buffs'.

And sorcs can charm a lvl 50 pet, but the pet becomes a lvl 44 pet as well.... That is: He hits like a level 44 pet. And there is never time in RvR to give the sorc the pet he wants. Not without great risk, that is.

Sorc-pets in RvR is crap. Lemme tell you a story, for the sake in our own backyard:

Sorc wants an iso-wizz, coz he bolts through wall. Sorc is lvl 49 and the only wiz is orange con to him. No charm. I can't be bothered with killing the iso and wait for new spawn. Sorc wants an elly-windchaser. Against my advice group takes off to get a windchaser (and learn everyone our own frontier in the process, I guess???)

Sorc charms the windchaser, but in the process draws a bit of aggro of ellies. No problem: We have full group and kill them off. One groupmember is lagged or whatever and walks a bit too close to the epic-mob there. Group wipe-out.

And the worst part: XP death, tons of golds go to our little healers, the pet would be crap anyhow (internally level 44) and remember the nifty RA enchanters can get?

So, I rest my case: No pets for sorcs unless they know what they're doing, OR a small pet (lvl30) for the lifetap sorcs have. Which actually makes more sense to me :)


Why on earth are you going on about sorcerers and RvR now? Do you even PLAY a high lvl sorcerer in RvR?

A pet is another indispensable tool. Anyone not "letting" a sorcerer get a pet is a fuckwit and should just be ignored.

And Severing The Tether is a mentalist RA.



And the moral of the story is, don't let your sorcs get lvl50 nuking pets because someone might lag and pull mobs.
Um? :>


Ask sorcs what pet they prefer most. If they've come across those prophets or what ever they were, in Midgard, the answers propably them... They cast a stun and nuke. What more could you want from a pet? It's a f00king hibbiecaster as a pet!


Prophets are great.

Bloodletters are brilliant for pissing off your group because it's so big that anyone within clipping range can't target anything else. :D

Loghery men, grogans and gorbochends are okay (No choice in Emain, really.) but very basic. Log men and their qui/dex debuff...haha. That's the one debuff that Mythic gave sorcs ten different versions of in every specline.

Oddly enough, Alb frontier has the best pets and most of them are right next to the fucking HTK. Priestesses and Templars...ooh. Not to forget those isos of all sorts. Sexy. One day I am going to get an iso sorc and let it do all the work for me. "FFS OMG MEZZ FFS!!!11!", I'll say, doing my Wildfire impression.

Tonnes to charm in Alb frontier. I just wish it was a lot flatter and with less trees.


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