Question for all u retired players...



safe xp = boring xp

Try exping in your 40s in Malmohus, I was so bored I deleted my character :/

This game needs some excitment when you exp, as it is so mind numbingly, repetitively boring. In fact, I still think its all a big practical joke dreamt up by Mythic. I sometimes imagine them sitting around in their gold plated offices, smoking cigars rolled on the thighs of Cuban nymphomaniacs, laughing at the huge unwashed mass of customers who have to kill 45 million mobs just so they can get lagged out in RvR when more than 100 unwashed players all go to the same place at the same time.

Anyway, I'm rambling......DF will rock.



Hahahhahhahahh! Add on pack hahahah end of year hahahhahaha *breathes* GOA hahhahahhahaa end of year hahahhaha /collapse

Seriously,you expect to get add on when US does? that will be a first lol. Expect to see it AFTER christmas im betting maybe even easter!!!. Once they translate it into french, to german ,to swedish , to Gaelic , to hungarian ,to greek ,to binary ,to C++ ,to blitz basic ,THEN to english with all its spelling mistakes and twists we MIGHT get to see add on before US/Mythic release Dark Age of Camelot 2 : The Translation Wars :rolleyes:

Theres no point in playing this anymore even for DF really. Servers are getting laggier even tho its in my back yard, english servers have to wait for the bloody thing to be translated into english longer and longer , people are in general ignorant and ill mannered with no concept of how to say please and thank you ; excuse i get a lot? = " i'm spanish/swedish/dutch/martian" BS you know enough to ask for earthen power/damage shield / rez etc but you dont know how to say thanks? ffs. It REALLY annoys me sorry , but just go to US herald site ,look up list of bugs fixed in pathces we have yet to get and you can exploit to yer hearts content,after all no CS ingame whos gonna bother and email CS is a joke really ; for example cabbys can get mass power regen by casting lowest lvl sim, eat sim ,get some power back, cast lowest lvl sim ,eat sim etc etc it will take you maybe 5 sims to get a full power bar from totally empty (cause you just use QC to get first sim as QC needs no power :p ) Not all bugs are good like that one tho and so people can/will/could/do exploit .A joke.

Anyway...i thought at first it was easier to lvl than say EQ but it aint.You cant even get effectively power lvled by a friend unless they have dmg add buffs etc. No equip to get that will help ala fungi in eq.

Boring is name of this game ...apart from the spell effects maybe :p And where apart from TFC/CS do folk die so much in an online game ?! Its amazing the death message spam that ya see every session lol. Come on you shouldnt die anywhere near as much as people do. Its a joke. ( go out from say PK and count how many graves you see in 5 mins then you'll see what i mean lol)

I cancelled both my accounts today after 3 months , sick of no ingame CS (WHAT A JOKE THAT IS! ) so few people , few groups , noob guilds , beggars ,beggars and more beggars, ignorant fucks ie rez buffs money .

Sorry for rant but i feel great now lol. The guy that posted that chaps post about game being full of n00bs was right ya know.All the n00bs gravitate here it seems.Good luck to you all lol

:puke: :sleeping:

ps yes i did play my chars until they were in their late 30's early 40's etc in expectation the game would improve.Its didnt.

It wont.


I play a bard.
So until 1.51 retired for RvR and semi-retired from xp-ing (its just too boring!)


Re: lol

Originally posted by old.Vengance
Hahahhahhahahh! Add on pack hahahah end of year hahahhahaha *breathes* GOA hahhahahhahaa end of year hahahhaha /collapse

Seriously,you expect to get add on when US does? that will be a first lol. Expect to see it AFTER christmas im betting maybe even easter!!!. Once they translate it into french, to german ,to swedish , to Gaelic , to hungarian ,to greek ,to binary ,to C++ ,to blitz basic ,THEN to english with all its spelling mistakes and twists we MIGHT get to see add on before US/Mythic release Dark Age of Camelot 2 : The Translation Wars :rolleyes:

Theres no point in playing this anymore even for DF really. Servers are getting laggier even tho its in my back yard, english servers have to wait for the bloody thing to be translated into english longer and longer , people are in general ignorant and ill mannered with no concept of how to say please and thank you ; excuse i get a lot? = " i'm spanish/swedish/dutch/martian" BS you know enough to ask for earthen power/damage shield / rez etc but you dont know how to say thanks? ffs. It REALLY annoys me sorry , but just go to US herald site ,look up list of bugs fixed in pathces we have yet to get and you can exploit to yer hearts content,after all no CS ingame whos gonna bother and email CS is a joke really ; for example cabbys can get mass power regen by casting lowest lvl sim, eat sim ,get some power back, cast lowest lvl sim ,eat sim etc etc it will take you maybe 5 sims to get a full power bar from totally empty (cause you just use QC to get first sim as QC needs no power :p ) Not all bugs are good like that one tho and so people can/will/could/do exploit .A joke.

Anyway...i thought at first it was easier to lvl than say EQ but it aint.You cant even get effectively power lvled by a friend unless they have dmg add buffs etc. No equip to get that will help ala fungi in eq.

Boring is name of this game ...apart from the spell effects maybe :p And where apart from TFC/CS do folk die so much in an online game ?! Its amazing the death message spam that ya see every session lol. Come on you shouldnt die anywhere near as much as people do. Its a joke. ( go out from say PK and count how many graves you see in 5 mins then you'll see what i mean lol)

I cancelled both my accounts today after 3 months , sick of no ingame CS (WHAT A JOKE THAT IS! ) so few people , few groups , noob guilds , beggars ,beggars and more beggars, ignorant fucks ie rez buffs money .

Sorry for rant but i feel great now lol. The guy that posted that chaps post about game being full of n00bs was right ya know.All the n00bs gravitate here it seems.Good luck to you all lol

:puke: :sleeping:

ps yes i did play my chars until they were in their late 30's early 40's etc in expectation the game would improve.Its didnt.

It wont.

kthnxbye :sleeping:


Guomg people are afraid of dieing thats why they stopped playing i guess...This game would suck if you didnt die...youmight aswell go Play...ummm..Sonic The Hedgehog...and again if people didnt die they would just camp the same spot agan and again and it would only be the same players hunting an area and noone else would get a chance to get higher lvl better gear etc etc.. so shove those flames against Goa they do i hell of a fine job..GOA KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK :clap:


Re: lol

Originally posted by old.Vengance
Hahahhahhahahh! Add on pack hahahah end of year hahahhahaha *breathes* GOA hahhahahhahaa end of year hahahhaha /collapse

Seriously,you expect to get add on when US does? that will be a first lol. Expect to see it AFTER christmas im betting maybe even easter!!!. Once they translate it into french, to german ,to swedish , to Gaelic , to hungarian ,to greek ,to binary ,to C++ ,to blitz basic ,THEN to english with all its spelling mistakes and twists we MIGHT get to see add on before US/Mythic release Dark Age of Camelot 2 : The Translation Wars :rolleyes:

Theres no point in playing this anymore even for DF really. Servers are getting laggier even tho its in my back yard, english servers have to wait for the bloody thing to be translated into english longer and longer , people are in general ignorant and ill mannered with no concept of how to say please and thank you ; excuse i get a lot? = " i'm spanish/swedish/dutch/martian" BS you know enough to ask for earthen power/damage shield / rez etc but you dont know how to say thanks? ffs. It REALLY annoys me sorry , but just go to US herald site ,look up list of bugs fixed in pathces we have yet to get and you can exploit to yer hearts content,after all no CS ingame whos gonna bother and email CS is a joke really ; for example cabbys can get mass power regen by casting lowest lvl sim, eat sim ,get some power back, cast lowest lvl sim ,eat sim etc etc it will take you maybe 5 sims to get a full power bar from totally empty (cause you just use QC to get first sim as QC needs no power :p ) Not all bugs are good like that one tho and so people can/will/could/do exploit .A joke.

Anyway...i thought at first it was easier to lvl than say EQ but it aint.You cant even get effectively power lvled by a friend unless they have dmg add buffs etc. No equip to get that will help ala fungi in eq.

Boring is name of this game ...apart from the spell effects maybe :p And where apart from TFC/CS do folk die so much in an online game ?! Its amazing the death message spam that ya see every session lol. Come on you shouldnt die anywhere near as much as people do. Its a joke. ( go out from say PK and count how many graves you see in 5 mins then you'll see what i mean lol)

I cancelled both my accounts today after 3 months , sick of no ingame CS (WHAT A JOKE THAT IS! ) so few people , few groups , noob guilds , beggars ,beggars and more beggars, ignorant fucks ie rez buffs money .

Sorry for rant but i feel great now lol. The guy that posted that chaps post about game being full of n00bs was right ya know.All the n00bs gravitate here it seems.Good luck to you all lol

:puke: :sleeping:

ps yes i did play my chars until they were in their late 30's early 40's etc in expectation the game would improve.Its didnt.

It wont.

Well what to he mentions noobs...heres another :clap:


This is the first Online RPG game I've played (apart from the Diablo games, which don't really count)..

But, IMO, this game is really good.
The last computer game I've played so much would be Unreal tournament (a completely different genre tho)..

For me, I really like the social aspect of the game, you can chat to people about lots of things while you're playing.

The interface is very easy to set up and very customizable.

There are loads of quests if you can be bothered, I haven't really bothered with this mind, too boring for me.

Soloing is also a bit boring for me. I can't do that for very long before I start yawning..

The big strength of this game is multiplayer.
I think it's great how the strengths and weakmesses of the dfferent classes can meld together and create a really strong party (when they cooporate and has a strong leader)..

IMO, many people who don't like this game have not explored the possibilites of it enough and are seeking instant gratification rather than experimenting with the game.

I've never played RvR, so I can't comment on whether that's any good or not, but I'll be playing that soon with my Cleric, so we'll see.

For me, joiniing a guild with one of my Alts opened up a whole new aspect to the game, focused much more on information and resource sharing and having more of a sense of community.

One thing I find a little crap is, visible effects on items and stuff,
I'd like to see items that actually physically show some sort of effect, such as glowing swords and stuff that can actively do things like throw lightining bolts and so on..

Also, being able to HIRE henchmen would be cool, so soloers can get some help without having to be a class that can summon or control pets.


One of the stengths that they try to push DAoC on is that you can solo easier than other MMO but its cack,you cant.

And the kthnxbye is what i mean by arrogant fucktards lol. You're all over and think your better and your opinion is right and only yours. You like the game and say so.I dont and say so.Why is my opinion wrong?

I didnt say i didnt want to have chars NOT die but to die ALL the time ?! Come on folks die constantly in this game !! its a joke! If your a caster youve had it ,if your a melee you'll last longer but youv had it.Fights dont last long enough to be worth anything ,they just happen.You live or you die.Pure luck. DoTs are a joke for groups yet some people have that as their main spec .

Pity you cant group up with gravestones eh.

Empty servers
Empty realms
Empty game
...leaves you hungry for more.....more of something else.

lol GOA do a good job lol .How long does it take them to translate from english to english? MONTHS! if im gonna lag out i might as well pay dallars ,then i can get groups since more people, less noobs since they seems to listen and learn (which most of euros dont ,they just hack slash AE AE AE AE AE WHERES MY RP's!? etc etc)

GOA suck big time.

Most commmon word used in conetion to DAoC? B O R I N G ! use search and youll see it is lol.

Night lamers :)


:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:


REgarding dying a lot in DAOC...

In my experience so far with soloing, it seems to come down to when to run.
I generally guage quite near the beginning of the combat when I should run. I normally know by the time I've lost 1/4 of my HP's whether I'm gonna beat the monster or not.
If I feel I'm not gonna make it, I run for a bit and 8 times out of 10 I lose the aggro...then I heal and come back and attack it again, it usually is down some hit points and I can usually beat it..

Regarding dying in group combat....
Well, it seems to come down to the ability of the players..
Last night I was playing and we hardly ever died, because we had great cooporation and we accepted 1 guy as the leader and 1 guy to pull and the healers had organised who they would heal etc...
But then there were other groups who didn't set up these parameters beforehand and they were dying all the time and they were calling for me frequently to rezz them..

I'm sorrry vengeance, if you don't like the game anymore..but I really believe it comes down to HOW you play rather than the game being sucky...
It seems to me a lot of forward planning would reduce the frequency of dying...


If u dont like it just dont play it simple.:p


Originally posted by old.Vengance
One of the stengths that they try to push DAoC on is that you can solo easier than other MMO but its cack,you cant.

Never heard that claim anywhere.

Originally posted by old.Vengance
You're all over and think your better and your opinion is right and only yours. You like the game and say so.I dont and say so.Why is my opinion wrong?

This is a board where people come to discuss the game, this generally takes the form of "xxxx SUCKS" "xxxx ROCKS" etc,etc. Don't get offended when people don't agree with you.

Originally posted by old.Vengance
I didnt say i didnt want to have chars NOT die but to die ALL the time ?!

I havn't played any other MMORPGs but I don't think people die too much. I don't, and if you do, then you aren't a very good player or are in a bad group. Sure, lots of lowbs die, but that because they are unskilled in their class or are using poor tactics. You don't get that many death msgs for high level players (unless you are in the frontiers)

Originally posted by old.Vengance
DoTs are a joke for groups yet some people have that as their main spec .

Tell that to my Mentalist mate on Hib/Prydwen. DoTs rock in groups if applied properly.

Originally posted by old.Vengance
Night lamers :)

Yeah, cya m8.


Not had many fights that last longer than 24 secs /shrug.

And no folks dont die as often in other MMO as they do in DAoC.

I'm not a bad player ,going by the other thread on these boards about how many lvls in oen sitting since i seem to have been able to beat a lot ie: i can get 5th in an hour unbuffed ,get 6 lvls in 2 hours with a skald lol and solo oranges untwinked etc with a thane.

Many more are leaving daoc just look at what is to come by looking at US servers/patches.You really lookin forward to some fo that nerfing etc thats to come? lol GL. Droves are leaving DAoC in states and here now too. Its dead in the water guys :(

This game tried but didnt quite make it,maybe the next that comes along will manage. :) If yer going to make a game that thrives/requires grouping to be a big part of it then you cant expect it to be played properly on empty servers.They could have made fewer servers and put resources into some sorta translation on the fly for those that MUST play in french/german.


You shouldn't compare this game to EQ at all . I don't know how long you played EQ but you need to spend ALOT more time there to level and the death penalty is huge compared to /release , run to healer, go again.

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