Question for all u retired players...



why retire just before df and the added pack out end of the year?:p


I'm semi-retired and it's pretty obvious really. There are MUCH better games to play. :D


yeah there is but maybe u should retire after df :) coz it seems very good fun;)


Better question.... why are you still on these boards? :)



I been retired a month or three - and missing my wizzy and skald much...

But I been enjoying several of the new offline games.

Plus there is sunshine, beaches, parties, glorious summer.

But I shall be back when the long winter nights draw in and am already looking forward to a new start in a new realm.

So I keep in touch via this forum.


OK you can stay..

Now the rest of you! justify your existance!


Retired from DAoC Euro to go back to DAoC US Servers.

Better lag, less LD's and regular patching.

You're right though, DF is great fun. :)

Playing less though now it's summer, and there's parties and BBQ's etc..

Nala Lionne

Given up for now, will .. hmm .. MIGHT come back for DF, maybe for x-pack. Still like the people, and I hate not knowing whats going on. Theres my reasons Fingoniel.

and Matt - cos the game at the moment is boring for me, when df does come, it might not be. So why hang around waiting months being bored playing, when i can just cancel then resubscribe?


just got tired of the leveling treadmill. now I only come back to play my bg ready chars. when I'm really feeling weird I even try to level up my lowbies to get them into bgs.

I'm finding it harder and harder to justify spending £6 on this per month when I play it so little now. It's a shame as it's a good game but far too much emphasis on the slow/boring leveling.

still my hunter (inqy) was the bane of many wizards last night I suspect. 3 hours of rvr in thidranki and I somehow managed to stay alive. came very close to death a few times though :eek:


I know what df stands for but what actually is it? I thought it was something for the high level monkeys. Or am I wrong.

I don't care how good it is, it ain't worth wasting my life leveling to get to it. :/

old.Ayam Ganbatte

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
why retire just before df and the added pack out end of the year?:p

I'd retire to practice my DDR skills so I can pick up Korean girls.


Originally posted by inqy
I know what df stands for but what actually is it? I thought it was something for the high level monkeys. Or am I wrong.

I don't care how good it is, it ain't worth wasting my life leveling to get to it. :/
Its a dungeon that only the realm that owns the most keeps can enter. Its not only for high levels. Seen many guides from the us where they say that some DF-mobs are good to slaughter at quite low level. The real action is when one realm has many people down there exping, and then woha, an other realm takes a couple of keeps and rushes down to take part of the fun. Dungeon RvR sure sounds like fun :)

Brannor McThife

Dungeon RvR will rock. No 1500+ range spells. Hahahaha! Mezz this! <swings 2-H axe>


Dungeon warfaire will be so cool because if you see someone about to cast at you, you just duck behind a corner and they can't zap you. :D



DF is alot of fun. There are mobs in there that can be killed from teens. The models and layout are quite spectacular. It will be worth waiting for (even if i couldnt wait). If you can afford to play Euro and US servers, its brought a new lease of life to the game for me.


so it sounds like a dungeon version of the frontier lands, kind of. :/

ie you can be merrily xping away in a nice group and get ganked by higher group from another realm. cynical bar-stand I know. :)



From what I've read , only the realm with the highest number of keeps can be in DF at any one time , unless while you are in there another realm manages to get in front with number of keeps , then they can enter DF while the original realm had control , so that's where the RvR comes in , but once you leave you cannot re-enter unless you get in front in the keep stakes . Now I have'nt read much lately , I remember reading something along those lines a while ago , I am really not sure if that's changed .


Yeah thats correct Caelithar . The first few days on 1.49 will be carnage, as every realm is gonna be busting their nuts to get into DF.

In fact, it will be the most fun many of us have had for a while, I hope. For a start, the keep taking will be crazy, with (I guess) all 3 realms attacking each others keeps. The first realm that can get the majority needed to open DF will then surely all pile as many people as they can into DF. Once another realm has got some keeps back to open DF for them, it will be a mass slaughter for the first people from the new realm who enter DF....

I dunno, but if it works like this it will be MUCH fun....

I also expect to see alot of missing faces to reappear when 1.49 arrives in EU. Its not like 1.48 had anything for lvl50s anway :)


Heh , reckon there might be a few server crashes with the amount of people on keep raids , let's hope that gets sorted too :)


Actually just looked at the DF map. It is most unlikely that there will be much RvR in DF for all but the lvl50s as the 3 entrances to DF all take you through TONS of badass mobs until you reach the central section of the dungeon.

I guess a dedicated bunch of high lvls could gank there way to kill lowbs from other realms, but why do that when you could be farming seals for uber items ?

Still, it looks like great fun I must say.

Map, with merchants and mob lvls is here


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
why retire just before df and the added pack out end of the year?:p

Had a major computer crash (cost £300 to fix) started a new job 2 days after I fixed comp. Been really busy since then and haven't played for over 3 weeks. In truth I am so busy I am not sure if I will be back, plus the boredom factor of high level exp'ing after a long days work is really putting me off atm.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Dungeon RvR will rock. No 1500+ range spells. Hahahaha! Mezz this! <swings 2-H axe>


Dungeon warfaire will be so cool because if you see someone about to cast at you, you just duck behind a corner and they can't zap you. :D


it will be more like:
CC starts casting mez, whole hallway is standing full of ppl with ZZZzzzZZZzzz floating above there heads (new mez effect) and then the attacking army starts butchering 1 man at a time (this happend to me in mithra and nisse's on mordred, i was the guy in the grp that was mezzing :p . pretty funny when you see al those ppl looking at you tho.

and yes DF is a kewl place. lowest mobs are around lvl 24, highest 99 ;)


Originally posted by inqy
I know what df stands for but what actually is it? I thought it was something for the high level monkeys. Or am I wrong.

I don't care how good it is, it ain't worth wasting my life leveling to get to it. :/

Actually Df isnt only for high lvl players thers low lvl mobs there to, a place for everyone and at the same time have the chance to run into some albs or hibs to kill...Cant wait gonna be fun ;)


Never seen DF myself but from some movies and screenies from DF that place got to be friggin HUGE!

/em puts on his standard supporter equipment (bearhats and flags) and yells "GO DF, GO DF!" almost can't wait for 1.49 to come :)

btw: anyone know if mythic has published some screenies of SI yet?


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Actually just looked at the DF map. It is most unlikely that there will be much RvR in DF for all but the lvl50s as the 3 entrances to DF all take you through TONS of badass mobs until you reach the central section of the dungeon.

I guess a dedicated bunch of high lvls could gank there way to kill lowbs from other realms, but why do that when you could be farming seals for uber items ?

Still, it looks like great fun I must say.

Map, with merchants and mob lvls is here

What I've seen in the patch notes, I think you can enter DF from all three entrances. Take for example Hib, there are 3 entrances and I can use any of those three. If I step outside, I will appear sumwhere near Innis Carthaig, but if some low-life Avalonian uses the same exit, he gets around Camelot city. So you don't have to fight your way thru the whole dungeon to find the enemies. More likely, when the balance turns, you step in and the lowest peeps are right there, at the entrance.


sorry but I see nothing here for anyone below level 40 tbh. no point killing mobs with the risk of being ganked by another realm. there's plenty of stuff to kill in safe areas thanks very much. it's so obviously intended for high level players.

:m00: So sayeth the wise cow.

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