Quake2 Team DM leagues



Does anyone know how many UK based Q2 team DM leagues there are and where I can apply for them.




I did run one for a season nos, but I couldn't keep the interest together for a 2nd season, you find me the clans and I'll set it back up, got the servers and the webby after all.


I think Nos meant a league other than the UKCCL, since the UKCCL has been pissing Ta around.


I would start upa a mixed league as I have the skills and experience and also the servers, however getting the clans would be the problem, if I could get about 16 clans together willing to play in a mixed league, I would gladly run it.

So if anyone wants to stir up some interest, contact me and I'll see what I can do.


How have they been pissing u around Nos? U mentioned something on ICQ but didn't divulge...


Oh I dunno. I don't know of any other team dm leagues for Quake 2 :(

Then again, you could try the BWCtCL, if you don't mind the minor difference of having to babysit a chicken :)

[This message has been edited by [LP]Acid (edited 22 June 2000).]


Nos you could try the wireplay DML, now that it has gone open to anyone, might have to wait till next season, but hey, it's a change.


Thanks for the ideas ppl, much appreciated.



Well, MPZ are about to open up the servers to the public (no more dedicated dial up nessessary), and then, we are launching the MPZDML and MPZQPL.

I dunno if they have the sign up forms yet, but I can let ya know when they are up, and give you a URL to sign your clan to the league.

[FFS] clan leader
MPZ Q2 Club Captain

- "The new day is here, but I can't be arsed to get out of bed"



UKCCL messing people around? Surely not...

Nos, try wpdml mate (www.wpdml.co.uk). We joined it after we got screwed over by UKCCL. Waiting for new season to start. Dunno about the quality of the games/servers, but neither can be any worse than UKCCL can they. And hopefully the admins wont be NAZIs either...


Psycho, ive been in touch with several clans who are getting more and more pissed off with the UKCCL. They want to move to a different league but are unsure of what leagues are available to them. If you get another league up and running im sure i can put plenty of clans in touch with you. So long as there isnt going to be any dodgy rules like in UKCCL.


Yo Psycho m8ty - my clan has just entered the UKCCL for the first time and have noticed the admins being a bit NAZI-ish ( Stu :) ) - but I can t say that I have seen anything else about UKCCL that u guys are on about, but then that's prolly cuz I'm new to it all :) - aaanyway, If u were to start up a new Q2 DM league, my clan would gladly enter it m8ty - count FuNK in :)

If u have a webbie with info or anything about this, post a message with details d00d - it sounds like u would have a pretty good league on yer hands, with all these folk saying their clans wanna enter different leagues :)

Gluk on it d00de :)

[This message has been edited by [FuNK]Zub (edited 25 July 2000).]


Make it a free league and FED will be in.

I can already hear the sounds of rejoicing filtering over merry hilltops.

Seriously tho what is the point of making a mixed league when hpbs are the vast minority now?

my $0.02

.joe aka f.Mame


I used to run a q2dm league called the GICL (Global Internet Clan League, hosted by global obviously) which ran for three seasons and featured such clans as PK, HIV and EVIL.

Just as I was about to start season 4 I went offline for 9 months, rather unintentionally. Since returning a number of clans have asked me to restart the league, which I'm willing to do if I can get suitable hosting - I don't think the globalnet servers are maintained well enough to run a league on anymore.

The traditional format was 4 v 4 dm, 2 x 20min matches, each clan picked a map. The format could change somewhat depending on number of clans interested, number of servers availble etc, however a new season would definitely be ping free.

If your clan is interested in the league, or if you can provide the neccessary servers, mail me at phone@clara.co.uk


I run the BWCtCL but CtC's popularity is getting a bit thin on the ground. I think a q2dm league would be cool.

Maybe Psycho and Phone should get together and ask Barrys nicely about it?

I'd be willing to do a bit after this seasons over :)


Nazi admins. Thats bullshit. If any clan has a problem with an admin's decision then speak to tha admin in IRC of the head admin in charge that night.
If you are still not satisfied them email the runner of the league (sparky@ukccl.net for q2) or the big man himself, vincent@ukccl.net
As i UKCCL admin i accept that from time to time admins have to make decisions on dodgey matters, i have had to make such decisions themselves, but be fair. Its ok to be ona server and snipe an admin for a decision they made, but few of you have any experoance of what it is like to BE an admin, and have no idea of what its like :/


Horus, as I keep saying, I've admined loads, I've admined for the UKCCL as well. As far as I'm concerned a lot (not all) of UKCCL admins are useless, in our game vs cwf our joincode wasn't set right if I remember correctly so we had to wate time finding it out then telling our teamate.

The game started at about 3 mins past 20.00, fair enough games need to be on time, but I asked the admin for 5 more mins as we were a man down (this is acceptable by UKCCL rules as there is allowed to be a 10 min delay), the admin did not give it, we would have lost anyway, but it would have been a lot closer than it was.

UKCCL admins = generally shit with a couple of good ones in there.


everything psy says there is true



I used to run Quake 2 leagues that some of you might remember, the only reason they stopped, I could not get enough clans interested cos they were all bum sucking the UKCCL at the time, now the UKCCL has got considerably worse and there is enough support, I would be more than willing to run a BWQ2DM league, I have several people already lined up that would be willing to help me. I'm sure as well with BW's support a league could be run without a problem etc. Especially as it would get extra advertising and support than if it was an independant venture as my leagues were!


We are looking into doing a Q2DM League, but as Psycho states several times it takes a lot of both human and technical resources to do properly, and we do not currently have anyone involved/employed by BarrysWorld who is suitable to run such a league.

If somebody was to come to me and have the time to do a BWQ2DM League, i would support it with servers, webpage and other resources (such as prizes etc). I would urge anyone who considers this though to take into account the time it would take to do such a thing properly.

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