


Yus, I jumped a paladin (already killed one solo, and thought why not?)

Got in BS, waited an hour for my thighcut to come round (slow 2h axe u see) and hit!

THEN infil PAs and rest of his group comes from the river... I wont try that again :p

Was a great intro night for my SB, Guttertrash. Had a lot of fun, soloing all the way, no groups and no other Sbs around to help meh.

Much more fun. Would like to continue this and wish to spill your blood at the earliest oppertunity.

Salute to those who fought 'fair' (wassat?) and to a couple of u albies that were good game :) Alpharmius(or similar) and another; Briton, called Curiosity, that bowed to me after I used BS+TC (who then promptley died) on him at MB.

Cu all in Thidranki!

Guttertrash, Kobold Shadowblade lv24

p.s what class are you Curiousity?


Understandable, killed plenty of tanks with my inf in bgs, the only reason though is because infs and sbs really care about the bgs where as tanks don't. The majority have full crafted/sc'd and many have buffbots too, Tanks on the other hand probably have 85% quality blue armour, no buffs etc

So nothing special about killing a tank, probably harder to kill a stealther


Yea got SC armour, its a BG only character.

Buffbot? My pc couldn't handle running two accounts.

So no, no bb here.

Killed some nightshades and couple infils.

Only way u kill another assasin class is if u get the jump on them.

Which is half the battle :)

Post was just a friendly hello, sorta, enjoying low level RvR.

BGs are just so much fun, much easier to get into as well.

Made Guttertrash for oneshotting casters, or PAing and running away while poison did its stuff. Dueling other assasins is a lost cause for me :p I get lucky sometimes..

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