
Isn't the main thing about having fun?
Sure it will be fustrating getting ganked alot but isnt that what happens all the time now in the frontiers


Originally posted by old.Revz
SotL won't be forming on the PvP server. Some members may well try it out but there won't be anything official from us on there.

From the looks of things the only English-speaking-server guild that will make any impact will be Nolby Pride so I wish them good luck and hope they can do us all proud. I think a lot of other people are kidding themselves that they will be able to compete with the much larger German and French populations if they haven't managed anything significant on these servers yet with virtually no competition.

sorry to burst you bubble but imo Ce and Avalanche will be a lot more successful on pvp servers. Np = 40-50 people 2many power lvlr's" who will get to 50 reasonably fast and just kill kil kill . on a pvp server there needs to be a lot more than just the kill kill kill attitude . Ce seems to be Extremely well planned for the pvp server and has roughly 150 members and a good Guild class balance . and a LOT of well known skillfull albs/hibs and mids . Np imo will kill a lot and make many enemys making them Kos to other larger guilds . and imo a guild thats makes TO many enemys wont be around as long as they think .

on Mid/Alb imo Cutting edge is the most respected guild . they do MANY things for ther realm . whereas all Np do is farm rp's . they never scout there frontier or goto enemy frontiers to cause mayhem "ok maybe once in a blue moon" all they do is far emain , but on a whole Ce is a lot more organised and long term goal orientated than np . i dont know exactly how many or who's joined avalanche but im sure Veeshan "there Gm" will also have her long term goals set . where afaik all np intend to do is lvl fast and kill tons of people :) sure its a pvp server and thats whats meant to happen but there are better ways of doing it .

plus Np are full of L33T Bigheads who think they are gods gift to Daoc :) very unlikable people "the new crop of np anyway" lot of the old ones were repsected . but not any more . new wave of np has a ego problem and has spoiled the Np name imo .


I am afraid to say this guys, but i have a slight feeling that you have to high expectations of the PvP server, if you would dare to look at the us result, not to many people played it. Most of those servers became "ordinary" after only a few weeks and the same old guys fought, just like on any normal server......So i would advice you to not get your hopes up, sure it`s fun, it is, the first week, but then people walk back to the way it was on other servers, and we have come equally far. Wont see me on there, thats for sure, been there for 2 weeks, and allready hate it enough. WHY??? cause i had same hopes as you, but the server will never turn out the way you want it to!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by -yoda-
sorry to burst you bubble but imo Ce and Avalanche will be a lot more successful on pvp servers. Np = 40-50 people 2many power lvlr's" who will get to 50 reasonably fast and just kill kil kill . on a pvp server there needs to be a lot more than just the kill kill kill attitude . Ce seems to be Extremely well planned for the pvp server and has roughly 150 members and a good Guild class balance . and a LOT of well known skillfull albs/hibs and mids . Np imo will kill a lot and make many enemys making them Kos to other larger guilds . and imo a guild thats makes TO many enemys wont be around as long as they think .

on Mid/Alb imo Cutting edge is the most respected guild . they do MANY things for ther realm . whereas all Np do is farm rp's . they never scout there frontier or goto enemy frontiers to cause mayhem "ok maybe once in a blue moon" all they do is far emain , but on a whole Ce is a lot more organised and long term goal orientated than np . i dont know exactly how many or who's joined avalanche but im sure Veeshan "there Gm" will also have her long term goals set . where afaik all np intend to do is lvl fast and kill tons of people :) sure its a pvp server and thats whats meant to happen but there are better ways of doing it .

plus Np are full of L33T Bigheads who think they are gods gift to Daoc :) very unlikable people "the new crop of np anyway" lot of the old ones were repsected . but not any more . new wave of np has a ego problem and has spoiled the Np name imo .

Alright so why are all these guilds waiting until the PvP server to act? Surely if they are great they would have made a name for themselves already. Actions speak louder than words and while I'm sure there are great plans I have yet to see any proof people can follow through with them.

Of course as I said this is my opinion. You think I'm wrong and I think you're wrong. Time will tell us who is right but only the people going out there and doing it will actually make a name for themselves.


A lot of people seem to be saying NP will fail because they are powergamers just after "kill kill kill". That is exactly what you need to be to succeed on PvP. I expect NP to be successful on PvP because that is what makes you successful there, not in spite of it. I have already seen Xanatea say he will play 18 hours a day on PvP the first few weeks, that sort of powergaming is what makes a guild powerful in PvP, not the ability to sit around and talk about what you will do.
People that can do, those that can't sit about and debate what they are going to do for hours without achieving anything.


Ive played uo ALONG time and been killed by some of the best PVP guilds. Let me teach you this...
1. Success comes in diff flavours and its not just about RP....
2The best PK GUILDS, DONT COME TO FORUMS TO BRAG ABOUT WHAT THEY DO OR HAVE DONE......They seach the web, they learn the game, they kill you in game, and dont say things like NOOB or I OWN JOO... The best pk guilds are run with men and mature children! NOT LITTLE KIDS THAT BRAG ON A FORUM... For you to comment on a realm, that from the start, if you was playig in sotl, you would no NOTHING ABOUT... :)


Originally posted by Dannyn
A lot of people seem to be saying NP will fail because they are powergamers just after "kill kill kill". That is exactly what you need to be to succeed on PvP.

Lol really show me one person that said that...
Cmon man thats almost the dumbest statement on here.


And of course you aren't slightly biased with a name like "noob_pride". Perhaps you should stop posting here because you are making yourself look stupid.


Originally posted by old.Revz

Alright so why are all these guilds waiting until the PvP server to act? Surely if they are great they would have made a name for themselves already. Actions speak louder than words and while I'm sure there are great plans I have yet to see any proof people can follow through with them.

Of course as I said this is my opinion. You think I'm wrong and I think you're wrong. Time will tell us who is right but only the people going out there and doing it will actually make a name for themselves.

Cuttind edge is very well known on Excal :) NP are so famous because they were the main guild when servers 1st started and were the 1st high lvl guild owning emain .Hence got a Big Reputation Fast .They dont have anywhere near as much repsect they usedto have fromother guilds across the Excal realms due to there loud mouths and big ego's .

as for becoming successful on pvp = p/l'ing then killing everything in site .i disagree well thought out pvp tactics will make a guild more successfull than a smaller Pk guild , i suposse nobody wil know either way utill the pvp server is up and running .

p.s bein sucessfull doesnt = Power lvl to 50 before everybody else Kill EVERY gray/green in sight then say u own the server . the successfull guilds imo wont show there true colors until the servers have been running for a while .IF p get lots ot 50 before most other people sure they will be feared cos they ar pk guild . but as soon as the larger more organised Anti-pK Guild find there feet Np imo will be a distant memory . mostof them will leave Pvp server when majority of enemys con yellow to them as they did on Excal . on excal LOADS of mids gotto lvl50 v fast many weeks before alb or hib and they raped everybody in emain every day and night . but as soon albs/hibs started dinging 50 those Uber gimped power gamers that rushed to 50 and farmed rps started to leave the game and quit . and imo it was mainly cown to they didnt wanna lose the rep they had cos they were gonan get beat a lot more often than they did when they were only people @ lvl50 for weeks .


Originally posted by old.Revz
And of course you aren't slightly biased with a name like "noob_pride". Perhaps you should stop posting here because you are making yourself look stupid.

Im proud to noob anything wrong with that?

I dont say things like ---->A lot of people seem to be saying NP will fail because they are powergamers just after "kill kill kill". That is exactly what you need to be to succeed on PvP.

I dont want to fight or flame you but show me one person that said np will fail because they power game??????? plz


Originally posted by old.Revz

Alright so why are all these guilds waiting until the PvP server to act? Surely if they are great they would have made a name for themselves already. Actions speak louder than words and while I'm sure there are great plans I have yet to see any proof people can follow through with them.

Of course as I said this is my opinion. You think I'm wrong and I think you're wrong. Time will tell us who is right but only the people going out there and doing it will actually make a name for themselves.

I dont want to be dragged into this kinda of chat really but this is how it goes with alot more on top!

Np has how many rp?
Ce has how many rp?
How long have both guilds be going?
What guilds had lvl 50 chars for how much longer and why?



np has the best name, np has the most rps, so np will be most successful in universe.

first, a guild is good, if it is well organised and its players are skilled and active. so every new guild, if it fullfil these preconditions, has the chance to become one of the most powerful guilds on the server.

np will be one of them, of course, but not due having an, what ever, image on exc.
afaik there's no german 'old' guild which plans to switch to pvp server. all german guilds are new, founded only for pvp.

we will see, if they all will fail, because they are new and have no image. i don't think so. but then, for example, avalanche will have its chance too.

so, perhaps np will have the most 50's after 2 weeks (if you believe germany and france have no powergamers), then they will rpk and gank all the time. but after a while there will be other guilds with many 50's, and they will love to start a guild war with np. and it will be many.




NP wont fail... its just a sad fact that a complete no-life tool will be playing 18 hours a day.....
No style....


Yes I think with all the new players german/french, and the fact all the guilds and players are alot more ready for the pvp than they was for the start of excal/pryd... Its open game for all... :)

Gl to all guilds!


Originally posted by noob_pride
Ive played uo ALONG time and been killed by some of the best PVP guilds. Let me teach you this...
1. Success comes in diff flavours and its not just about RP....
2The best PK GUILDS, DONT COME TO FORUMS TO BRAGS ABOUT WHAT THEY DO OR HAVE DONE......They seach the web, they learn the game, they kill you in game and dont say things like NOOB or I OWN JOO... The best pk guilds are run with men and mature children! NOT LITTLE KIDS THAT BRAG ON A FORUM... For you to comment on a realm that from the start if you was playig in sotl you would no NOTHING ABOUT... :)
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here... I think you're saying I'm in sotl therefore I know nothing about NP... Which is bull as I used to play excalibur and RvRed plenty there.

As for a np will fail etc post. Try this from yoda...
sorry to burst you bubble but imo Ce and Avalanche will be a lot more successful on pvp servers. Np = 40-50 people 2many power lvlr's" who will get to 50 reasonably fast and just kill kil kill
happy now?


Originally posted by Dannyn

I'm not entirely sure what you're saying here... I think you're saying I'm in sotl therefore I know nothing about NP... Which is bull as I used to play excalibur and RvRed plenty there.

As for a np will fail etc post. Try this from yoda...

happy now?

How long did you play excal? What lvl chars? What guild?

For yoda, what he was saying had some sence to it. What you said is wacky.. 99%?


woody ;x

i also played alot of UO
1997-2000 (when UO:R came i quit the day after, u know the trammel shit ;)

I was Xantim , Duracell Bunny and Made in Sweden on drachenfels

On europa i was gHoST LaDY (lol name, me and 3 friends made gHoST chars in the start of europa just to pk, and we were 1,2,3,4 on the bounty board :p), my main was named Xantim on europa aswell.

recognice any of the names?, had 1300 murders on Made In Sweden on DF, didnt play so much on europa


My Main was Catskills, also had a few silly chars on gl & euro


Danyan if you read my post properly :p i said Ce and Avalanche WILL be more successful than Np on pvp due to there long term goals and planning ahead . i didnt say they would fail .

Np will do well and prolly do better than a lot of new smaller or similer size guilds . my point was , its a FACT pk's power lvl . and then kill kill kill, then when the other guilds catch up to them in lvls so they same con a lot of pk guilds have colapsed and either changed servers or disbanded .

i aint saying this will happen to Np "would be fun to see though" but it DOES and will happen to many guilds who will goto pvp server strictly as a pk guild . the anti-pk guilds and neutral guilds will become stronger in time and crush the Pk's

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