Molten Lava

I know a lot have been posted on the PvP-topic, but this is what I think...

First few days: the unemployed and school-going kids level like hell and start to kill all lower levels, first few will reach 50 in one week.
After one week: the normal players get fed up with being killed all the time and go back to the normal servers. People HAVE to join the biggest guilds or will be killed and wont have a chance to start their own guild.
Few weeks later: one giant guild owns the server all not joining them will be ganked

Example: look at Mordred: one guild (torcan) owns ALL relics...must be really fun to fight them

Andred: two guild have 3 relics both (wow this might be interesting :)

anyone got other ideas on the PvP-"fun"


We're europeans, not americans :)

We'll be different, surely we will!

Nah to be honest I don't really care all that much. I am joining PvP for the challange, ofcourse by picking a stealth class I will have somewhat of an "anti-gank" defence, but still.

I just hope people on the euro-PvP will prefer competition over supremecy, unlike them st00pid americans :D

Generic Poster

I'm counting on players from the three different euro-servers not to ally themselves. So long as it's English Vs German Vs French speakers... things will stay interesting. There will be at least three major sides and plenty of action...

On a side note, is Nolby Pride the only 'uber' guild from the English servers willing to form up on the PvP server?


no, Cutting Edge is going for it as well. and another one is forming in the Excal general forum


Originally posted by Generic Poster
I'm counting on players from the three different euro-servers not to ally themselves. So long as it's English Vs German Vs French speakers... things will stay interesting. There will be at least three major sides and plenty of action...
Slight contradiction here in your idelogy? :)
Nm... I sort of agree but you will have many strong guilds form an alliance or merge if they are already highly connected with each other on there home server, for example SotL and LoE?

Generic Poster

I'm not sure I understand you SFX, or maybe you misread my post ;)


The main worry is getting guilds that on their own contain 20% of the active population then ally themselves with another 40%, completely dominate everything for a week or two, get bored and leave.

I reckon it'll be fun if guilds don't get much bigger than the largest guilds are now, with say 50-75 active members. That way there's a lot more room for manouver, and gettign on one guilds KOS list doesn't mean you suddenly have 80% of the server trying to kick your arse everytime they see you.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
I'm not sure I understand you SFX, or maybe you misread my post ;)
You clearly say that you wish that people from the various euro-servers do not ally themselves, YET you say that as long as they do the English vs. German vs. French thing it will remain interesting? The two are quite similar... or what the hell do you mean by three euro-servers? If the french allied that would mean all their servers vs. all german servers vs. all english servers which your post suggest is the same thing.

Generic Poster

Ah yes, I meant that the German/French/English servers should stay at war with each other. That way you will never have an Uber alliance, as old.Lianuchta mentioned above.

Things will be even more interesting if these three alliances claim one realm each(e.g. English=Alb, German=Mid, French=Hib), so you will have a server similar to normal ones, except you will be able to raid another realm proper :)


Pvp = NO carebears, stay here in tram where you are safe. :)

Pvp offers soooo much more, there are so many reasons but ill give you my fav one.

1. Talk to everyone: I would say 75% irl fights start with words. Thats also the reason most people hate their own realm members and not their real enemy on the servers we play now.


Originally posted by noob_pride
Pvp = NO carebears, stay here in tram where you are safe. :)

Pvp offers soooo much more, there are so many reasons but ill give you my fav one.

1. Talk to everyone: I would say 75% irl fights start with words. Thats also the reason most people hate their own realm members and not their real enemy on the servers we play now.
Nice :)
Ultima Online indeed... great game when I used to play it although I still have an account which is 39 months old now.
That reason is quite a good one :D
Hehe.... sounds great.
"Hey stop killstealing!"
"You talking to me? YOU TALKING TO ME?"
"Hell yeah I am talking to you."
"Well, I say that you die now!"
Sounds very very fun :)


basically, if anyone says:

1. Sprechen sie deutsch?

2 .Parle vu Francis?

3. ASL?

I'll reply with
1. Ja
2. Nein
3. bah

Then they die


39 months old now.....

Very nice they just came out with 4 and 5 year vet rewards...

They should give out vet rewards on daoc :) or maybe they are and I didnt read it somewhere?


Originally posted by SilverHood
basically, if anyone says:

1. Sprechen sie deutsch?

2 .Parle vu Francis?

3. ASL?

I'll reply with
1. Ja
2. Nein
3. bah

Then they die

Doh heh


Im dreaming of a 1 year daoc vet reward...

A big gold chain necklace that you can see with uber stats?


What about a pimp hat with big platinum letters on top of it spelling "pwned!" ?



Originally posted by slapmesilly..
What about a pimp hat with big platinum letters on top of it spelling "pwned!" ?


lol pimp hats haha


ahh, were it two and a half years ago I'd make a proper Humberton Guard - and actually guard humberton ;)

No getting into tepoks without a pass :)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
ahh, were it two and a half years ago I'd make a proper Humberton Guard - and actually guard humberton ;)

No getting into tepoks without a pass :)

Lol no pass no tepoks..

*talks to 7 other players*
oki guys we have to kill the guard to get to the tepoks

Molten Lava

Flow of Population

How do you guys think the flow of population will be:

Only 3500 "seats" on the server
atm 40% of all euro-players = german
atm 40% of all euro-players = french
atm 20% of all euro-players = english/dutch/spanish etc etc

so I think the english players will be ganked bigtime.....
hell I'm Dutch and im not playing with german or french people ;)

Voulez-vous couchez avec moi, monsieur Chirac?
I mochte dich gern am arsch bumsen, Gretha!


Re: Flow of Population

Originally posted by Molten Lava
How do you guys think the flow of population will be:

Only 3500 "seats" on the server
atm 40% of all euro-players = german
atm 40% of all euro-players = french
atm 20% of all euro-players = english/dutch/spanish etc etc

so I think the english players will be ganked bigtime.....
hell I'm Dutch and im not playing with german or french people ;)

Voulez-vous couchez avec moi, monsieur Chirac?
I mochte dich gern am arsch bumsen, Gretha!

I think of it the same way, but then there are lots of elements that could change the outcome!



as i see, each server will send a strong guild and there are open guilds for all, about 1-3 for each country. it will be difficult to have an alliance with another guild because you're always be able to kill ppl of your ally. so, in the beginning, we have at least 15 guilds with 50 to 2xx members. some of them will fail, due low level of their members. the members of these guilds will leave pvp or join a bigger guild of their country, or an internation guild, if there is one.
at the end we'llhave at least 2 or 3 strong guilds per country, ehm, i hope so. ;)


i.a. "ich möchte dich gern in den arsch ficken" sounds better. :)


I am one of those who happen to have us accounts, and the PvP servers, and there is only one thing to say!!!!, They suck!!!!

sure it`s fun the first week or so, but after that, nothing is really out of the ordinary. so from what i have seen and played, most of the players goes back to the normal servers after 1-2 weeks, but play their alts on PvP, if the are REALLY boored someday


SotL won't be forming on the PvP server. Some members may well try it out but there won't be anything official from us on there.

From the looks of things the only English-speaking-server guild that will make any impact will be Nolby Pride so I wish them good luck and hope they can do us all proud. I think a lot of other people are kidding themselves that they will be able to compete with the much larger German and French populations if they haven't managed anything significant on these servers yet with virtually no competition.


@ revz:

what's about avalanche, cf and ce ? afaik they have plenty of members so far. don't think 50 powergamers will be enough to stand against german and french guilds.



Originally posted by etron
@ revz:

what's about avalanche, cf and ce ? afaik they have plenty of members so far. don't think 50 powergamers will be enough to stand against german and french guilds.

There will only be a language divide in as much as the guilds that will dominate are going to already exist on their native servers and have their members drawn from there. It won't be "us" versus the rest it will be guild v guild regardless of what language they speak. The only guild that has impressed me with any sort of ability that will be valuable on a PvP server is Nolby Pride.

I'm not too proud to say that one of the reasons SotL won't be on there is because it isn't the sort of guild that would do very well on a totally PvP server. I also think that a lot of people are kidding themselves that their guilds will be successful at hardcore PvP when 99% of them have shown none of the qualities that will be needed there.

Who knows, I might be wrong. We have had it pretty easy so far on our very underpopulated "ghetto" servers :)


Please also keep in mind that alot of french and german don't understand english, at least not well enough to play the entire game in english.

I don't mean to sound like a racist or anything, it's a simple fact that they aither don't understand the english or simply refuse to use it, thus won't be joining an english PvP server, but we'll see.

Personally I know what I'm in for with the PvP server, it's gonna be tough as hell and you can expect to be ganked, rpk'ed, put on KOS lists etc. all the time.

I hope enough Warders switch so we can get the guild going, if not I will join another of the smaller guilds.

One thing is for sure, I'm not joining to gang up with the biggest and most powerfull guilds and gank everyone else. That get's boring, and will probably remind me of being a middie after euro-release when we had items and owned alb and hib over and over till they got items and had a chance to fight back.

I'd rather be the underdog that has a fund and challanging day in DAoC PvP, than a part of a major force that just calls on allies if he/she can't hack it.

I bet 30% of those who join, leave within a week of release because they can't hack it. Another 20% will leave once they made their super alliances and get tired of pwning everyone. 10% will only be starting up a suppliment char to their main which is on a non PvP server. The last 40% will most likely stick around much longer, and try and get as much enjoyment from the PvP server as they can, regardless of their playstyle.

Oh and please, refrain from the whole carebear expression, had enough of that in AC :D


Originally posted by old.Revz

I'm not too proud to say that one of the reasons SotL won't be on there is because it isn't the sort of guild that would do very well on a totally PvP server. I also think that a lot of people are kidding themselves that their guilds will be successful at hardcore PvP when 99% of them have shown none of the qualities that will be needed there.

Who knows, I might be wrong. We have had it pretty easy so far on our very underpopulated "ghetto" servers :)

99% of them have shown none of the qualities that will be needed there? 99% isnt that a bit much? lol
I think your really wrong.. sry


The first week or so will be insanely busy - there are always people seeking that first to the top of the pile advantage over others - Im looking forward to finally exploring the far reaches of Hibernia as I know the other 2 realms pretty well by now :)

It should be interesting - theres a big advantage to stealth classes in this environment as they can kill players for xp - players are much easier to kill for a stealther than the ever prepared mobs they usually have to xp on so they should level relatively fast.

Plus of course avoiding all the random gankage :)

Tanks are up a creek tho !


Gideon 99%!!!!:eek6: I seen a lot of good albs who rvr well what makes come you up with such a number?Besdies pvp will be messed up as soon as a guild gets real strong others wont get off lv10 or so lol.

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