PvP server in testing on GORRE !



Since the patching to 1.52 yesterday went pretty good overall, we are starting our next project : Gorre will be switched to a test PvP server tonight !

To connect to the PvP server, you can log in as usual, and select Gorre. No need to use the regular "Gorre" procedure. This is, of course, if you are already playing on the English servers and using the English client.

Please note that the PvP server will follow very special rules, totally different than what you can find on regular servers, and you should check our FAQ about the PvP server in our knowledge database.

What you need to know when you are testing :

Gorre is a test server and we may have to shut it down without warning, wipe the character database or take similar drastic steps during the test period.
The server is in English and English is the official language of the server. When using public channels, please use English.
There is NO customer support on this test server.
The characters created on this server will be wiped once we open the real PvP server.
If you find any bugs, do not hesitate to report them to our Customer Service via RightNow, using [Test PvP server] as a header for your message.

You are all welcome to test this new type of server, thank you, and have fun !

aaahhh, happy days :cool:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

aahh :m00:

Madonion Slicer

So slow i posted this like 11mins ago ;) :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
All my prejudism confirmed in less than one minute after logging onto the PvP Gorre... so fucking sad...


Snort some pixie dust, poxy.peter.. and the world will look so much brighter. :D

... and you will HAVE to play on the pvp server...
I want to DUEL j00!!1 lol

old.Gombur Glodson

Sicko du hast nicht alle tassen im schrank.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Sicko, Du hast nicht alle Tassen im Schrank.

Took you awhile to figure that one out.:D

... I also corrected your bad grammar. HUR!

old.Gombur Glodson

Hey untill today I didnt even know that there was a german version of those.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Hey untill today I didnt even know that there was a german version of those.

What's the above in your native language (Danish, right?)?

Be stille, danske mand! HUR! ... and I know I spelled it wrong.:eek:

old.Gombur Glodson

Du er ikke det hurtigste dyr i skoven
Du er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Du er ikke det hurtigste dyr i skoven
Du er ikke den skarpeste kniv i skuffen

... *goes to find a Dane in-game*


Just had a whirl at the PvP server.
I found it fun.
Especially when I turned the safety off.

I killed some guy who complained profusely at me.
Well, he shouldn't have turned oof the safety if he didn't want to run the risk of being attacked..

A bit later someone attacked and killed me, we we making joke battle cries all the way through the combat.

It's gonna be fun when it goes live.


I've got 25 realm points at level 2, loving it ;)


how do you make it safe again? i cant figure it out. /safety on just says "safety flag is alrady turned off" weell no shit why do you think im trying to get it back on again. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
... and you will HAVE to play on the pvp server...
I want to DUEL j00!!1 lol

I do play...
I'm Pixie the Kobold Skald :D
Been having some gankfest-o-rama outside Prydwen Keep.

Current Hitlist:
- Brat
- Jussef

LOVE IT! :clap:


I created a char and realised every single person spoke german, so I thought id roll another with a provocative in the spirit of the kill-em-all-server. I think I tried every possible combination of the words "german" and <kill,kick,smack,own,nuke,chop,slay...you get the point> but they were all taken...lol. Its gonna be lots and lots of hate on the pvp server thats for sure.



Originally posted by n3wbie
how do you make it safe again? i cant figure it out. /safety on just says "safety flag is alrady turned off" weell no shit why do you think im trying to get it back on again. :rolleyes:

You can't
It's a one way thing...once it's off. It stays off...



got to lvl 3 and was ganking tons :D

geez how are ppl gonna get above lvl 10, i want my bloody chars copied over.


The server is in English and English is the official language of the server. When using public channels, please use English.



You know, after a while you start to realise just how many players are idiots, when you play PvP. Still, all the more idiots to kill...


hmm logged on

got to lvl 2

safety off

killed 5 blues xping, then a purple chanter who was nuking people

died twice

ganked another yellowcon


so much for PvP


Bah Sliverhood you cynic :p

I rolled a celt guardian, and levelled to 5 killing greens for cash. Now nicely tooled up with yellows cons rf armour and a hooooj 2h sword now.....RAR!

Mag Mel was a sight to behold after Gorre came up though. I felt like a giant, with 100s of wannabe manabombs wandering around. Was quite amusing seeing gangs of celts ganking chanters the second they turned safety off.

Wandered to TNN, got repeatedly ganked by a Celtic Fist roadblock outside Ardee then ported to Albion for a laugh. Had a few duels, then settled down kill tasking.

Once the initial gankfest subsides (by this I mean people realise there is no point in ganking people for 0 exp/rp) I can see it being great fun.

Soloing PvP, and proud of it.....

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Hrm...jury is still out on this one. I messed around for a while when there was only 2554 people online but it was so laggy that I just ended up getting pissed off and I quit. I came back at 1:00am (I have insomnia) and it was fairly quiet so I went around and blasted some Yellow players but soon lost interest when I kept getting ganked by the Knobheadly Pride Purple Con SWAT team who seemed to think that ganking grey cons was somehow worthwhile.

Perhaps when all the initial excitement dies down the server will be playable, and by playable I mean being able to hunt mobs in small groups or do kill tasks without being fucked over by some teeny bopper Quake rejects in a guild group who have nothing better to do.

Having said that, I did enjoy some of the battles I had with some of the people online as long as it was a duel. There is no fun in being a caster and getting ganked by 3/4+ people.

Oh well, heres hoping that most of the idiots in Excalibur migrate to PvP and let me hunt in peace! :D


PvP is exactly how I imagined it to be tbh.

The unskilled, underchallenged picking the best class, and chain killing grey cons.

Couldn't find the fun in it at all.

Will be glad when all the uber l33ts clear off the 'normal' servers although they will only be gone 6 weeks before they are back because the server is dead.


I spent some time on Gorre today and ran into Pixie and Velo, the smurfs, as well as Vindi as a zerker dwarf. LOL

It was actually exactly what I thought it would be like but it was a little fun. Okay so i'm not so exciting, I remade Kyra the Minstrel but hell, we can't have an english server without her, the place would just feel too empty. Was cool, we all started out at the same level all over again w/o twinking.

Might go exploring for a bit tomorrow or next, just have to see what my schedule is like. I will reroll her on the pvp server when it goes live, may not play her much, but I just think she's so cool, how could I not? :)

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