Rant Punctures


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
A friend is doing coast-to-coast on his bike next weekend so I thought a few of us had better go for a nice little bike ride to help with his training - which had been virtually none existent.

So, yesterday we set off from my house in Nottingham, through town to join up with the river Trent. Then we followed this through to the beginning of the Trent-Mersey Canal, which goes all the way to scouseland, but more importantly to Burton Upon Trent - and the Marston's brewery (I fancied a pint of Pedigree at source).

70 miles round trip, nearly all off-road. Beautiful scenery and lovely wildlife to see. Smashing.

Not so. British Waterways had decided to trim the hawthorne bushes that line the canal - and spray the twigs all over what path there was. Queue seven punctures between the three of us :eek:

A mate and I both changed an inner tube each on the way out (both rears) - he also had a puncture in his front but we've got slimes on (inner tubes filled with green shit that stops the tyre deflating - works quite well tbfh). I had to replace them both on the return journey and both of the replacement tyres have punctures in them already.

This is more punctures than the 3 of us who went on the single ride yesterday have picked up on all of our rides since we took up this malarky reasonably seriously two and a bit years ago. :(

The up side was that we got to the brewery and it turned out there was a St George's beer festival on and they wanted a fiver entry from each of us. We grumbled and said we were going to go to a pub instead but as it was fairly late on the woman let all 3 of us in for a fiver - which included a beer token each (marvellous) and a token for a commemorative glass each (cool). We had a couple of pints (I dodged the Pedigree and went for Sneck-Lifter and Pedro) a big fuck-off pork and stuffing cob and then we headed off - me with a bag containing enough commemorative ale glasses to replenish my dwindling pint-glass stock - result! :)

Still, it would have been cheaper and less frustrating to just buy some pint glasses and stay at home wanking tho :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
You're riding with failtyres then. Hawthorne punctures on skinny slicks on a road bike, yes. On massive MTB tyres, no.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm presuming it's because the hawthorne cutting was done about a week ago and therefore the amount of fresh stuff (not stuff that'd been lying around for weeks decomposing and getting soft) mattered - and that we'd done 40 miles on the stuff as well...

But to be fair - I know nothing about tyres really. Got me some Schwalbe Smart Sam 2.25 white stripes, looks nice and bling on my Cube Acid ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Nice hybrid. m8 who went with me was on a hybrid - does 99% of what we're ever going to want to do and is a much easier ride on the road.

Come on then Tom - what should we be looking for in tyres?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Well you want something with a decent kevlar liner, which the Schwables don't appear to have. And most punctures happen on tyres that are past their best, ie, the rubber is worn and aged.

I've never bothered with slime, I hate the stuff. If I get a puncture, I'd rather know about it, than find out later that the tube is slowly deflating. It takes less than a minute to remove a tyre, another minute to put the new tube in, 30 seconds to push the tyre back on, and a minute to inflate it. Not a big deal tbh.

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