Public TG raid from Thrusday the 20/11 and every Thrusday after that.

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TG raid Thrusday 20th, meet at Hagall 5:00pm GTM - 6:00pm CET
Arranged by Sofusi/Amakiri and Kadang/Julle


1st Round: Only lvl 48+ which atended on the raid or which PM'ed me before raid and nominated an alt 48+ instead. (rxample if you come as 48+ Savage on raid but want to nominate 1st round to your 48+ sb alt you need to inform me before we enter TG!)

2nd Round: You can random for all lvl 48+ alts. Which you inform to me before we enter TG.

3: You can vote for anything you might need, no matter class

When you win an item you are out of the raid.

If you atend in the raid and dont win anything, you will win +10 to next raid random.
(Example. /Random 100 = 54 +10 = 64)
If you win a item your RB will reset

Allways obay the raid leaders and follow the Rules!.
(we dont tolerate ppl coming to raid and go afk all the time, if so you will get kicked off the lo2)

If you cant stay all raid you get a +2 RB every hour you've been on the raid. (example you leave after 2 hours then you get +4 RB for next raid. Maximum RB per raid gained is +10 RB = counts for leaving after 5 hours.)

Every raid me and Julle will take a item... not one for each of us but 1 for both of us.

The cg will be open from 5:30 cet 4:30gmt owned by Kadang.


Might want to make the start later, or it pretty much rules everybody in the UK who has a job :).


if to few ppls come the first time we do this raid at Thursday 20/11
we will set the hours to 6gmt - 7cet. But for now on we will stick to the hours as i typed above


I'll be there every time annoying the mobs. :)


Originally posted by sofus
If you cant stay all raid you get a +5 RB every hour you've been on the raid. (example you leave after 2 hours then you get +10 RB for next raid)

If I stay to the end and don't win I get +10, while if I leave after 3 hours I get +15?

Originally posted by sofus
Every raid me and Julle will take a item... not one for each of us but 1 for both of us.

You plan to inform us about which items will be claimed before raid? or you just gonna pick out the sweetest drop after? If latter is true how about when nothing you really need drops? You still gonna take an item just for the sake of it?


Another new raidleader(s) appear on the scene, and again "Every raid i take an item for me"

This really sucks, why should ppl come if u are gonna pick and choose from the goodies every raid?


Iri, calm down hun =)

it's his raid, so his rules are applied as well :p

tell me if u like the rule that "every raid all the leftover items after round1 go to BC bank"... but it's BC raid and it has to be applied according BC rules.

Same here.

PS. If u dont like a raid leader and/or his rules then simple dont join. :)


ok first of all nott, ill let Amakiri respond on that.

and iri we allrdy talked about it ingame i have the same opinon as bouh, don't like it, dont come or complain.

do your raid as you like and we will do our raid as we like.


Well i have no problem with BC's raids, they are small closed raids and it seems like almost everyone on those raids gets an item they can use if it dropped something, if i havent liked ur rules i wouldnt have come on ur raids ^^

But theres a big difference, on BC raids the leftovers go to the bank, that means everyone that worked hard on raid has a chance to lotto on the item they want. With a system like this the raidleader takes whatever item he wants before the lotto even started, and im damn sure that if it havent dropped anything he really needs hell pick the most valuable/rare thing.

Im not going to come and argue and complain, but i do have the right to speak my mind here on BW dont i?

I been working really hard lately arranging raids for Midgard, nice raids where there is no items dissapering and u can be damn sure everything that dropped is lottoed to the hard working ppl on the raid.

It really makes me sad that ppl are so greedy, and thats suddenly impossible to make something nice for ppl without be absolutely sure u will gain lots of cash or good items on it.

Kadang also told me in game that Mids are idiots, that a TG-raid is 6-7 hours of wasted time and that i was strange for trying to arrange raids to have a good time and see so many ppl as possible happy with their new items.

But maybe im wrong, maybe its better if leader can pick and choose and if ppl think so i'll step back and let other guys hold raids like this...


Originally posted by Iri
But maybe im wrong, maybe its better if leader can pick and choose and if ppl think so i'll step back and let other guys hold raids like this...
Don't you dare! :D

Your public raids are the only ones I'll attend to, until someone else use the exact same lotto system.


bah, i'd keep the same award for myself if one day i call a public raid.
It costs a lot of efforts for the raid leader to manage "a crowd", so this has to be paid well.

that's my opinion.

Nevertheless, i pay my respect to any public raid leader independant whether they claimed some goodies for them on their raids or not. :)


Nice to twist the truth a little iri, i wrote you that some random idiot allmost everytime pulls some named mob when not soposed like last time when me and amakiri stood in for Akyma who wasnt there, some idiot pulled Agmundr and we all got wiped.

If some1 keeps doing that it is a waste of time going down their when people dont give the raid the full, and when people are afk 30 mins a time.

if all did that yes it would be a waste of time. But it aint, it is good that you feel that way and you dont need item or wont random(i dont know if you do) but we feel it is fair to take an item each raid. and if you simpel dont think it is fair then dont complain and keep doing your raids and we will do ours ok?

let's see how many will attend, if not many we will just stop hosting if none shows up. but i hope people do.

but anyway gl on your raids iri, can't see the need to flame eachother cause of different opinons, oh right thats right you don't flame.


I agree that raidleader should have first pick on something.. but what if he/she/they named 3 or 4 items they need.. and if any of them dropped they would get it? (or if more than one they take the one they needs the most).

Just a suggestion though, I don't know TG good enough to host raids myself..

Iri.. please dont stop holding raids.. You're excellent at it imo.


Originally posted by Julle
i wrote you that some random idiot allmost everytime pulls some named mob when not soposed like last time when me and amakiri stood in for Akyma who wasnt there, some idiot pulled Agmundr and we all got wiped.

the thing is that u can kick/ban any random participant from ur raid if u r wellknown and/or respectable raid leader otherwise a plenty of random participants can just ignore a random raid leader as they think they know clear enuf how to do the things and a leader prolly doesnt. If u kick too many ppl and/or kick a "valueable" class/person it may corrupt a whole raid.

to get some authority points is recommended to start with "very friendly raid rules" like Iri did otherwise u would be whined a lot and/or ur raid(s) may fail.

that's my opinion again.

and yes, Sofus is a wellknown person but he is new to mid once again.


I am all for raid organisers getting a freebie, hell they have to deal with alot of crap, but my peeve is that last night I worked my arse off for 4 hours killing mobs and listening to orders etc in a TG with no mobs, for what............... the chance to lotto for a weapon enamel!

And why? Because raid leaders took the nice Dragon-Shadow bow (which neither of them could use) and within minutes of raid finishing put it up for sale on here.

Maybe if raid leaders want a freebie item they should have a pick of whats left at the end of round 1, plus /random like the rest of us.

I think its a bit unfair that they can pick stuff thats not for their class but the rest of us can't :(

Here ends my 2p worth :)


Cerralin - lvl 48 Huntress - GM of Sarumans Hand

im sure u got paid with some exp as well.

The fact that u were allowed to the raid means that raid rules are kindly enuf to the ppl who are not lvl50 yet.

PS. Have u expected to got the bow for ur lvl48 hunteress?


Originally posted by Cerralin
And why? Because raid leaders took the nice Dragon-Shadow bow (which neither of them could use) and within minutes of raid finishing put it up for sale on here.

They claimed the bow theire now selling on bw? lol. ok, no need to answer my first post cause I'll put these two on my list of raidleaders to avoid.

And such experienced leaders they were, I'm still smiling from Amakiri's "MEZZ THE ADDS" spams :)

I'm not totally against leaders claiming items. If they provide good/fun raids for the realm week in week out i'm sure the whines will turn into "you deserve it", but this "leading raid just to have a better chance at getting what I want" attitude is unbeleivable selfish.

Doesn't anybody feel enjoyment over leading a succesful raid even when they don't get an item?
I've only lead/co-lead small raids but when they've run smooth and people go away happy I feel really good even if I lost out on lotto. If it all goes well its simply satisfying in itself.


Originally posted by bouh
PS. Have u expected to got the bow for ur lvl48 hunteress?
And why not? She'll be 50 before long, probably faster than she would before when she has a very nice weapon to use once she's 50. Quite a few raids have lvl48+ to lotto for items, and I'm fairly sure the raid she went to had this as well.

I don't mind if raid leaders pre-claim one item. That is, post in the same thread as the raid what item they want directly if it drops. If it doesn't drop, just join the lotto like everyone else.

Claiming an item when they know what has dropped is bad though, since perhaps that particular item was exactly what they've been wanting from the moment they signed up to the raid. Had the raid leader pre-claimed it in the original raid-thread, they could see this and pick another raid to go to.

Just my 2c.


Originally posted by bouh
PS. Have u expected to got the bow for ur lvl48 hunteress?

I didn't expect anything, but it would have been nice to atleast have had the chance! :(


Originally posted by Cerralin
I am all for raid organisers getting a freebie, hell they have to deal with alot of crap, but my peeve is that last night I worked my arse off for 4 hours killing mobs and listening to orders etc in a TG with no mobs, for what............... the chance to lotto for a weapon enamel!

And why? Because raid leaders took the nice Dragon-Shadow bow (which neither of them could use) and within minutes of raid finishing put it up for sale on here.

Maybe if raid leaders want a freebie item they should have a pick of whats left at the end of round 1, plus /random like the rest of us.

I think its a bit unfair that they can pick stuff thats not for their class but the rest of us can't :(

Here ends my 2p worth :)

Last night was diffrent cause me and Julle had no plan to do the raid as we thought Akyma would come do it... We will nominate some items and if more than 1 of the items we nominate drop we will only take 1 of them....


Originally posted by nott
They claimed the bow theire now selling on bw? lol. ok, no need to answer my first post cause I'll put these two on my list of raidleaders to avoid.

And such experienced leaders they were, I'm still smiling from Amakiri's "MEZZ THE ADDS" spams :)

I'm not totally against leaders claiming items. If they provide good/fun raids for the realm week in week out i'm sure the whines will turn into "you deserve it", but this "leading raid just to have a better chance at getting what I want" attitude is unbeleivable selfish.

Doesn't anybody feel enjoyment over leading a succesful raid even when they don't get an item?
I've only lead/co-lead small raids but when they've run smooth and people go away happy I feel really good even if I lost out on lotto. If it all goes well its simply satisfying in itself.

Ffs we took the bow cause we used several on hours down there guiding everyone through as standin raid leaders cause Akyma didnt show up... We wont just pick items and sell em afterwards though as i just said we willl nominate some items we could use and pick 1 of them if 1 of them drop...


Originally posted by nott
They claimed the bow theire now selling on bw? lol. ok, no need to answer my first post cause I'll put these two on my list of raidleaders to avoid.

And such experienced leaders they were, I'm still smiling from Amakiri's "MEZZ THE ADDS" spams :)

I'm not totally against leaders claiming items. If they provide good/fun raids for the realm week in week out i'm sure the whines will turn into "you deserve it", but this "leading raid just to have a better chance at getting what I want" attitude is unbeleivable selfish.

Doesn't anybody feel enjoyment over leading a succesful raid even when they don't get an item?
I've only lead/co-lead small raids but when they've run smooth and people go away happy I feel really good even if I lost out on lotto. If it all goes well its simply satisfying in itself.

In our own raids we will nominate few items that we can use for our alts etc... and if none of them drop we wont take anything but atend in lo2 as normal ppls does... if though 1 of the items drop we will take the item and then lo2 the rest of the items... In our own raids we wont pick items that we or our alts cant use and we wont nominate to many items so ppls will have chance to get some of the real good items aswell... (example i dont have any tankers that can use Agmund foe so i will never nominate that)


Re: Re: Public TG raid from Thrusday the 20/11 and every Thrusday after that.

Originally posted by nott
If I stay to the end and don't win I get +10, while if I leave after 3 hours I get +15?

You plan to inform us about which items will be claimed before raid? or you just gonna pick out the sweetest drop after? If latter is true how about when nothing you really need drops? You still gonna take an item just for the sake of it?

We will inform before raid and will as i said only take 1 item though we are 2 arrangers of the raid... you got a very good point in the RB thing you describe there in your tread matey... me and Julle kinda missed that part.... So every hour you are on raid and have to leave before lo2 you will get +2 RB each hour instead of +5 as i original said (example you have to leave raid after 4 hours then you get 8 RB to next raid)


We are just trying to make an event for the lot of Midgard if you dont like the rules dont atend on the raid. Though we are hoping that many will show up so we can get some of the big mobs knocked out.. If the UK ppls cant make it to the raid time we announced we will just set the time to a hour later as i said earlier but we hope that lots of mids will show up at our raids happy and in the mood of some good mob spanking :)


Originally posted by sofus
Every raid me and Julle will take a item... not one for each of us but 1 for both of us.


I say screw this kinda raids.

You know if _teh_ uber item drops, u wont get it. They will.

Greedy ppl :eek:


Re: Re: Public TG raid from Thrusday the 20/11 and every Thrusday after that.

Originally posted by nalistah

I say screw this kinda raids.

You know if _teh_ uber item drops, u wont get it. They will.

Greedy ppl :eek:

If you read all the posts here instead of whine we will nominate a few items and only take 1 of them which is useable to us or our alts only.... So we wont just take all the "uber" items as you say. Becides other Tg raid leaders takes an item aswell at there raids and as some other ppls posted here its only fair that the arrangers of the raid get some benefits


Originally posted by bouh
bah, i'd keep the same award for myself if one day i call a public raid.
It costs a lot of efforts for the raid leader to manage "a crowd", so this has to be paid well.

that's my opinion.

Nevertheless, i pay my respect to any public raid leader independant whether they claimed some goodies for them on their raids or not. :)

True...the raid does require alot of energy to get through, but in the end i don't think its that bad.
I don't care much about leaders taking an item too, but i just wanna share the items with the whole crowd. Also cause i wanna "test" my luck mostly on rolls ^^

My 2c :)


Well, in my opinion it's ok for a raidleader to get something for the efford. But it should be only stones, plus the chance of lotto a useable item with the rest of the crowd.

About the rules for round 2:

M8 - youre going to get a LOT of 48+ alt nominees before the raid that way. I suggest that you change the rule so that the alt ppl roll for should be logged at lottospot and recieve the item won.
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