Public Service Annoucement

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This game is about give n take at the end of the day

Balancing a shit load of ppl's play styles. Impossible to realistically contain in some dumb-ass CoC which as been corrupted by delusions of morality.


Re: kids man

Originally posted by ToKE
Much like the power levelling Necros we see - wheres the "sportsmanship" in powerleveling someone to 50 in a week?
I think that sucks, but i'm not going to dedicate a whole thread to flaming you, after all it's your game you play it how you wish; but then - the same goes for us

umm fyi if you had ever played a necro you wouldnt say that.
afaik NONE of the current level 50 necro's have been power leveled at all.

on a side note



i disagree

I was fortunate to be one of the first people to have SI registered, and from the start I was seeing lvl 10 necros in a group with a lvl 50 tank and a lvl 50 cleric... to me, thats powerlevelling

and fyi tilda i do have a necro and i think its one of the most boring classes i have ever played - send pet in.. do nothing.... heal pet.. do nothing... heal pet.. do nothing....


The name is Puffer!

And yes in a pm i called u a TWAT!!!!

If fact i said did u work hard to become such a twat :)

As i think... and i will say it agin... u r a twat :)

Just incase some1 missed it..... i called u a twat....

we were XPing in there, the grp does not run that much....

and we were unable to xp at all.... due to lack of mobs....

why coz u lot were on some "oh anit this funny" mission....

No it was not funny.... and Andrew acted in a way to get mobs
to spawn for us.... so what did u [see above]'s do....

Go round um all up again... by which time i was a bit pissed..

I have work very early on monday morn... and u were doing nuffin
but being [see above]'s

Next time u wanna be "funny" do it some place where it anit so
populated... jezz


PS How can that be kill stealing...

Kill Stealing means u take some1's kill... u were not killing a thing

Therefor we stole no kills....

so shusss! :p


Clone, can you show me someone being on a high horse in this thread except you?

Who is thinking they are better than the rest of the people on this board? Perhaps the ones trying to have fun on others expence, or perhaps the ones making fun of people not appreciating jokes which actually affect them?

What you guys have been saying about others actually fit quite nicely to yourselves. Wouldn't how you behave towards people show something about how you respect them? Them being people you don't know at all.

And about bullied kids and how people are in real life, wouldn't you know just as little about the ones on this messageboard as them about you?

Or are you saying that their descriptions of you are matching? :p


What a load of cobblers...

Right, to put this in perspective...

DAoC is an RPG....and that means you roleplay, which means alignment comes into the argument. This means that there is both good and evil. With good comes evil, like with darkness comes light.

We are the evil force on albion and we are there to be overthrown, much like Prince John and Guy of Gisbourne....but to be honest, our reign of power is going to rule supreme coz you lot are more interested in whinging and maoning on these forums. There are players out there who like what we do as it gives them something different to experience, not like you ppl who just want to lvl as many characters as you can to 50.

And for fuck sake, it is ALWAYS the same people who moan.

If you have a true gripe, just bear in mind that we are the darkness, the corrupt and spineless evil bastards of any remotely rp roleplaying game, so get over it, stop preaching and thwart Albion of evil.....



As I said before - you're only alive because you cannot be killed by fellow players. So take your RPG attitude and shove it... For ppl who don't care about BarrysWhine, you sure spend a lot of time in here...

'nuff said.



Fangrim, you never cease to amaze me...

You tell me to shove my RPG and shove it???

Fuck sake man(or boy, giving you benefit of the doubt here) the hole point IS IT IS AN RPG!!!

So it seems you are quiete obviously losing grip of this fact and there maybe YOU should, as you so eloquently put it, "shove it".


Re: What a load of cobblers...

Originally posted by [CT]Erroll
Right, to put this in perspective...

Hmm.. I think I see...

Ok, not quite so pissed at you guys. However I will never approve of mass griefing so stay within the boundaries of common courtesy and good manners...

On a side note, if you're the evil guys, then if I duel and kill you all will you f00k off? :p Being a paladin and follower of justice and all.

I just don't wholely like your attitudes - but I guess that goes with your territory :) You may want to stop slinging shit, then other people might play along as well.

Note - this is not a flame, actually, it's a cleverly disguised part agreement.


DAOC should be an COMPUTER RPG but it's not. It's very rare that anyone roleplays, that's the case with all MMORPG's (Unless RPG server). Live with it, it's a game and 95% of players in EU don't even know wtf RPG means. So stop using "Roleplaying" as an excuse for your griefing. You knew that people were gonna whine. Some newer players thought that it was funny, yes, because they don't take the exping so seriously. But those players who have one or more of lvl50's and those who have gone through the Witherwoodehell surely take it seriously, because they have went though it so many times and know how fucking boring it is.

Personally i don't care tho, I have NEVER been in Mithra. Boring lowbie dungeon anyways.

Oh and better not to say "stfu you don't know anything about RPG". You will just sound like someone who calls Diablo2 an RPG. I've played AD&D, D&D, Vampire, Runequest, Cyberpunk, Cthulhu and several many other PnP RPG's, ran couple campaigns and written 1 ruleset on my own. And you "true" roleplayers?

DAOC is my first MMORPG, And i had a vision at start. When i played more and more, i figured that DAOC wasn't even close of that newbie vision. *Shrug* I adapted to it

In that vision RvR was actually defending the realm's own homeborders, maybe 8v8 fights, not huge emain zergs. In that vision exping was, there were lots of events and variety. So, i was wrong.


Re: The name is Puffer!

Originally posted by mcdonalds
And yes in a pm i called u a TWAT!!!!

If fact i said did u work hard to become such a twat :)

As i think... and i will say it agin... u r a twat :)

Just incase some1 missed it..... i called u a twat....

we were XPing in there, the grp does not run that much....

and we were unable to xp at all.... due to lack of mobs....

why coz u lot were on some "oh anit this funny" mission....

No it was not funny.... and Andrew acted in a way to get mobs
to spawn for us.... so what did u [see above]'s do....

Go round um all up again... by which time i was a bit pissed..

I have work very early on monday morn... and u were doing nuffin
but being [see above]'s

Next time u wanna be "funny" do it some place where it anit so
populated... jezz

Couple of things.... firstly 'not so populated'? There was about 10 people in there not including us - 10 fucking people! Get a grip mate!

All the mobs outside of Mithra and also on the plains are equal to and above the levels of mobs in Mithra so there were PLENTY of places for you to level in your oh so presious group with your oh-so-precious 40 millionth character that you want to lvl to 50 to become.... how do you cocks say it?.... uber! (read - wanker!)

Also, hitting a mob ONCE constitutes being 'in combat' with it, therefor ALL the mobs there were quite clearly in combat with us = our mobs = kill stealing.

And lastly, nearly every fucking game you've got violates the CoC regarding trademarks - so don't give us ANY shit about that being a valid argument!

2 people on this whole post thought it was a laff and a break a from the norm. Are you all so anal that you don't think it was.

From now on we are gonna do more and more to give you all more chance to form a flame forums and cry and bitch all day long. Seems all you lot can do.



So what level exactly where you.. If the mobs couldn't even hit you (mobs = 10+, you = 50+) they are not YOUR mobs, it's griefing then (Except if it's quest mob for epic for example)

[CT] Clone


we got the quest to cleanse the tomb of mithra from lord George Mincer ..

i made a bub of xp and was given the holy bogbrush of somalia (wiff +3 , talk shit +3 and 10% to porcelin polishing)

not a bad bashing wep, and hopefully i can use it to rid the evil from keltoi ..very very very soon!


Originally posted by Vim
Oh and better not to say "stfu you don't know anything about RPG". You will just sound like someone who calls Diablo2 an RPG. I've played AD&D, D&D, Vampire, Runequest, Cyberpunk, Cthulhu and several many other PnP RPG's, ran couple campaigns and written 1 ruleset on my own. And you "true" roleplayers?

2 things...

Firstly, because others do not understand the principle of roleplay - is not a reason why we should stop. It is THEIR responsibility to discover what it means and enter into the spirit of things.

Secondly, we have played PnP RP for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS! D&D, AD&D, All the expansions, all the modules, even fucking warhammer and all the other table top shit - for about 25 years some of us - so don't even presume to know who we are and what experience we have. Also, don't try to compare the 2 - they are leagues apart - but roleplaying is roleplaying.

Just to put your point into perspective - if you were playing table top with a new character and he kept saying stupid things which were out of context and trying to do 14 backflips whilst kicking 50 people in the face would you just say 'Oh, he doesn't know what RPG means so just live with it' or would you try to at least educate him in the forms of RP?


Fucking retard.

THAT - is an example of a high horse rider! The only thing riding high with this pekker though are his trousers!


You totally miss my point
The point is that you use "roleplaying" as an example for griefing. Or then you are just stupid, because you knew that people would call you griefers. Anyways what you were doing was stupid, end of that discussion.

And of course you were trying to "educate" people to "roleplay" by this act of yours? :roll:

In PnP, yes i would, in Computer "RPG" on the other hand..


Re: What a load of cobblers...

Originally posted by [CT]Erroll
Right, to put this in perspective...

DAoC is an RPG....and that means you roleplay, which means alignment comes into the argument. This means that there is both good and evil. With good comes evil, like with darkness comes light.

We are the evil force on albion

If you are indeed roleplaying an evil guild - why chain kill the albion merchants in df saying you had to save the souls of albions' from the demon influence: surely it would be more in character to encourage the buying of these despicable weaps/armour by giving people seals or some such?

Originally posted by [CT]Clone

we got the quest to cleanse the tomb of mithra from lord George Mincer ..

i made a bub of xp and was given the holy bogbrush of somalia (wiff +3 , talk shit +3 and 10% to porcelin polishing)

not a bad bashing wep, and hopefully i can use it to rid the evil from keltoi ..very very very soon!

Now I'm confused - you are an evil force on albion that is going to rid evil from the dungeons?

Originally posted by [CT]Erroll

If you have a true gripe........... stop preaching and thwart Albion of evil.....

The entire incident is under investigation by GOA.


ok, this is in "Mod mode(tm)"

1) from whats been said and posted it dosnt sound to me that CT have done much wrong here, so what have they done-
- they have done a dungeon raid, ok so its different to others in that they dont kill the mob's and realy there is no purpose to being there, that seems fair enough to me.
- What seems to get peoples goat is the fact that they are unpopular.

Ok so mabey they did the whole thing to wind you (the people of BW) up. That would explain they even bothering to type this here. Most other guilds dont type on BW 6hours befor they do a barfog/legion/DM raid.
It seems to me that if it was a wind up to get on peoples nerves then they have suceeded, they have a nice flame thread running here and there all probably laughing about thinking what fools you (and I) am.

What can you ( and I) do to solve this problem, well stop replying, stop giving them the attention their after.

Yes I'll admit I get annoyed reading about their antic's and yes its pretty stupid going to a loobie dungeon and just keeping all the mobs static. But there _are_ other places to xp, and by the sounds of it they _were_ being moderatly helpful to the people who were there also.
But they do pay subscription, and you(nor I) have no more right then they do to decide what it right and what is wrong within the game.
I may be ignorant of the ingame mechanics but I also find it hard to believe that they can occupy and hold still all of the mobs in the entire dungeon, thus menaing that there are still mob's left for others to kill if they persist in wanting to kill here.
Although you may bear a personal dislike for the members of CT and their foolish/immature/[insert attitude here] attitudes, by replying to a thread you are only fueling their flames (no pun intended).

In conclusion (omg :( ), if you dont like what they do, dont give them the attention they seem to crave by even replying to their post. If you have a problem with their in game actions, ask them to stop, screen shot it ( you asking, their response and their actions) and report it to rightnow. Im sure if enough people report it then something will happen.
On this note, ill close this thread, please dont start others, just PM them or report it using rightnow.

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