Prydwen Witch Hunt!


Generic Poster

The skies darken and the children weep. The elders have spoken and tales are told, tales, of the circle of Witches!

They curse the land of Prydwen, and commit deeds too horrid to recount. Their evil must be stopped, before all is lost!

How can you help? Simple; do you have a suspicious neighbour, relative, guildmate or even someone who looks out of place. All leads must be followed through, these witches are truly devious and may be working in your stable as we speak!

The trial, and possible execution of witches will take place in this temporary Law House. Do not take actions into your own hands! Any and all you suspect of Herecy, must be brought here to stand a fair trail, and possible execution.

No sir! we will not butcher innocents, and so, some rules must be followed:
- You must name the one you suspect of witchcraft(male or female)
- You will list crimes committted by the accussed, with sufficient detail
- You may produce witnesses, to aid the prosecution
- The accused must be one who frequents this area (ie, posts on this forum), as a rule, sentence will not be passed until the accussed has had a fair chance of defence.

If you find yourself on trial for treason, against all that is Holy, you have the right to:
- Reject the accusations with hard evidence. Straight denials will not suffice.
- Produce witnesses to aid your cause.

May God have mercy on your soul, our pack of Wild-Lurikeen will not.

So you have heard, bring forth the accused!!

Do not accuse those who are frail of mind. Should any come forth, this will be an old-fashioned trial and things can turn nasty, verbally and mentally.


<Waits for someone to nominate Lunar - Well have you seen her Avatar on here!>


/em hides his broomstick and pointy hat with fake nose (with real-wart(tm) attachment.

:):D ;)
(sorry if i broke the Roleplay mood.. if so it wasnt my intention :()

Generic Poster

I hear only whispers in here. To start a trial, you need to give details of the accused's sins, and the trial will begin when the witch..., I mean the accused, enters court.


Well... if you think I am going to post details of some of Lunar's sins on a public board you are sadly mistaken...

... the tabloids would pay me a damned fortune to serialise all that ;)

old.Gombur Glodson

Morgana turned me into a newt!

And Damini turned me into a carebear.

The Real Redi

are you going to see if the accused weigh the same as a duck? or really tiny pebbles? :D

[OOC: In Epping Upplands, Essex, It still states in the bylaws that if you suspect someone of being a witch, the parish can try them by dunking and if found guilty, burn them at the stake... equally, theres some rule about it being legal, inside the City of Londons boundaries, to shoot a welshman with a crossbow, but only with a cross bow and i think theres time restrictions <shrugs> ]


Bubble ! Bubble ! Bubble is most definately a witch, I have seen her in the dead of night bewitching Telamons in Lyonesse, naming them Terry and then running these accursed creatures to the poor Yarley family at the farm in cornwall.

Not only is she depraved enough to do this , she then has the audacity to ask any passersby to place a bet on who will win a fight between "Terry" and one of the poor Farmers, before releasing her "Terry" upon them.

Also when I came upon Bubble in the Cotswolds village, i immediately grab hold of her and dragged her to the Camelot bridge and threw her in the river, YES ! , she floated, need I say anymore.

Therefore I accuse Bubble of Witchcraft
Terrorising innocent farmer folk
Setting up illegal gambling
Floating in water ( a sure sign of a Witch)


Well have you seen her Avatar on here!

You mean this one, Vae, dear? ;)



See see! You can't deny that she looks like a witch! Burn her!

<Goes looking for a lvl 50 Fire wizard (Sarum or Ignea) to set light to her>



I seen this lad at the tanglers last week, his name goes by the name of Tali :p


Im sure he is a witch of some kind :>

I mean he did go from lvl 41 to 48 in like 5 days :p

Generic Poster

Excellent work Draigo! If Bubble <spits>, is found guilty, you shall be rewarded and possibly employed by the Duke himself!

I have read your report, which arrived early this morning. It bears your seal, so let there be no doubt:

Originally posted by Draigo
Bubble ! Bubble ! Bubble is most definately a witch, I have seen her in the dead of night bewitching Telamons in Lyonesse, naming them Terry and then running these accursed creatures to the Yarley family at the farm in cornwall.

Her clothes shimmered with darkness unknown, I could swear she was naked, and then clothed in an instant. The sight clouded my mind so I turned away and when I looked back, there she was! lying down among the rooters, rolling and squirming, in the mud and filth. The Telamon, accompanied by the Yarleys floated towards her. I say floated and it is the only way to describe it. They were mesmerised I suspect, I have heard of such tricks. For they were there in body, but their minds were elsewhere, unable to control, condemned only to watch the horror that unfolded.

What happend next made me freeze as I watched, my mind dumb, my eyes fixed, unable to turn away. Bubble forced a Yarley upon her, or maybe it was a rooter, my sight was blocked by the others surrounding her and believe me, there was an eerie blur around them also, it was like looking through the flames of a raging fire.

Bubble cursed and screamed, shrieks so sharp I later found blood in my ears. All at once her Telamon servant began to swing his sword, cutting and slicing through the Yarleys, as though they were made of butter. Bubble was showered with blood, flowing from the Yarleys, and squirting from their bodies as they fell beside her, I think... no, I know she was in ecstasy.

The ground around here was soaking in the blood, in the night sky, it looked black. A black patch upon the farm, where Bubble lay cackling and squirming. Her Telamon, standing guard beside her.

Not only is she depraved enough to do this , she then has the audacity to ask any passersby to clean the blood from her wounds. In the night, it did indeed look like she had had a terrible encounter with some savage beast. I could not see if she was clothed. The mixture of mud and blood, had dried and clotted to her skin.

The passers by, who at this time of year were travelling to the NorthWest of Lyonesse to see the strange night sky, there were many of them. Alas, they proved no match for Bubble's charm and the might of her Telamon. The peasants were slain, murdered in cold blood, among them were many children.

Also when I came upon Bubble in the Cotswolds village, i immediately grab hold of her and dragged her to the Camelot bridge and threw her in the river, YES ! , she floated, need I say anymore.

Therefore I accuse Bubble of Witchcraft
Terrorising innocent farmer folk
Setting up illegal gambling
Mass Murder
Floating in water ( a sure sign of a Witch)

A harrowing tale, and you are a brave man to come forth with this report. Many would return to their wives and hope it was but, a dream.

This court is now in session! Send out the guards and arrest this witch AT ONCE!


I raise people from the dead,
I cure peoples wounds with magic
I augment people using mystical powers
And i can stop small armies with a few sematic gestures.

Do I count as a witch?

Generic Poster

Heathen! You will need someone to bring the case to our attention on your behalf. Also, a case is already in progress and your crimes are laughable in comparrison. Worthy of execution, but mild.


I am no witch!

I may have a telamon called Terry but he is no pet!
he follows be freely
Ask him, its true!

As for draigo
how dare you grab me and throw me in a river! there i was walking to church (did i mention i visit every day without fail) and some Lout Yells "WITCH!" picks me up and throws be into camelot river!
Someone with a Pink hat is calling me a witch!
Can the court please question the Main Witness's Sanity please!


I have a witness!
The healer fleura(.....Yes fleura hahah)
she meny times has seen my Kind acts to the community (...those damm yarleys deserve what they get!! *Cough*)

Your Claims are unjust with no real proof! for all you know this was an Evil norsewoman dancing naked with her Pet telamon, prehaps you should hey off the Ale draigo (while you can still drink it!!)

i would like to see these people who stand with draigo(one at a time of course.....hahaha) i'm sure i can bend *OH* i mean change there mins about myself and my kind

(Note to self pointed hat order on ebay must be canceled)


Originally posted by The Real Redi

[OOC: In Epping Upplands, Essex, It still states in the bylaws that if you suspect someone of being a witch, the parish can try them by dunking and if found guilty, burn them at the stake... equally, theres some rule about it being legal, inside the City of Londons boundaries, to shoot a welshman with a crossbow, but only with a cross bow and i think theres time restrictions <shrugs> ] [/B]

In York there is an ancient bylaw that makes it legal for a man born in York to kill a Scotsman with a longbow from the city walls.


<points angrily at Wyleia>

The witch must die! Purge the witch!!

Now only to find SolarFlare and make him do my bidding..


Who said i need proof? its the middle-agges we're living in after all.
Long Live The Inquisition!

<Sword swinging in one hand, torch in other>

Roo Stercogburn

Bubble? BUBBLE?

You mean.. BeelzeBUBBLE?

(Sorry, Blackadder fan, couldn't resist)


Originally posted by old.louise
bubble and lunar arent witches:)


HA!!! There were three witches in MacBeth. Louise, by coming so rapidly to the defence of bubble and lunar, has shown her to be the third member of this coven.

Please, for the sake of justice, try Louise!

(Sorry Louise, please don't curse me or anything!! :D )


Originally posted by old.Skrad
HA!!! There were three witches in MacBeth. Louise, by coming so rapidly to the defence of bubble and lunar, has shown her to be the third member of this coven.
<bites Skrads head off>

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